Chapter 180
Hearing footsteps and shouts behind him, Xiao Ran quickly squatted down and rolled to the side.At the same time, Xia Qiusheng had already approached the shelf, swung his heavy and thick arm and slapped it on the shelf.

After hundreds of years, the wooden shelf has already decayed, and it is barely supported by the gold-clad iron sheets and copper nails at the corners and joints.With this slap, half of the shelf was shattered, wood chips, pottery pieces, and some dried medicines flew around, and the shelf that was originally embedded in the wall swayed and fell to one corner.

Xiao Ran rolled a few times before standing still, curled up at the foot of the stone bed and looked at Liu Shengli and Xu Er.The torches in their hands had already been extinguished, no wonder Xia Qiusheng ran towards him again.

Xiao Ran pointed to the wooden door and shouted: "There is still a torch outside! Go get it!"

Now there is no extra light source in this alchemy room, it is completely pitch black, before Xia Qiusheng turned his head, Xiao Ran flashed the flashlight to show the direction of the two of them, and then quickly extinguished the flashlight.

He heard Liu Shengli and Xu Er smeared to find the torch, and their feet were tinkling.He felt that there was no movement nearby, and wondered if Xia Qiusheng was still near that shelf.If he continues to destroy that wall, I'm afraid even the mechanism will be smashed.

Xiao Ran took a few steps back, carefully turned on the flashlight to take a photo, and found that Xia Qiusheng was not in front of the shelf.Xiao Ran's heart tightened, did he recover his hearing and went after the other two?

He hurriedly moved the flashlight to the door of the alchemy room, but just turned around for a few minutes, that face like a rotting corpse appeared in front of him.Xia Qiusheng did not know when he wandered to the side of the stone bed, and happened to have a face-to-face meeting with Xiao Ran.

Xia Qiusheng let out a hoarse roar, and stretched out his two big hands to hit Xiao Ran's head with two peaks.If this slap is closed, Xiao Ran's head will explode like a watermelon, with red and white flesh splashing everywhere.

In the nick of time, Xiao Ran couldn't dodge, so he had to lie down quickly.Xia Qiusheng's two golden palms clapped together, making a muffled "boom", which made Xiao Ran's head hurt and his ears buzzed.

As it turns out, sometimes lying down is a good option, only to cause some headaches afterwards.

Not only did Xiao Ran have a headache, Xia Qiusheng himself seemed to be a little numb from the violent blow, his body also trembled slightly, and he froze in place for a while.

Xiao Ran quickly rolled around and left Xia Qiusheng's attack range.At this time, Liu Shengli and Xu Er finally rushed in from the door holding another lit torch.

Xiao Ran ran to the shattered shelf and turned off the flashlight.There was still a slight aftershock on Xia Qiusheng's body, he slowly turned his head to look at the two people holding the torches, he stood up awkwardly, and walked slowly over like a drunk.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Xiao Ran hurriedly greeted the two of them: "Comrades! Persistence is victory!"

He turned his head and turned on the flashlight, and hurried to find the stone button on the wall.Fortunately, Xia Qiusheng's slap just now was just a sweep, instead of punching the wall.The nine stone buttons are still there, but one or two buttons are blocked by the skew of the shelf, and it takes some work to remove the shelf.

Xiao Ran had no choice but to hold up the crooked shelf with one hand and press the button with the other.

"Holding the crown and taking the shoes... sweeping the shoulders left and right..."

Xiao Ran pressed the four stone buttons in the order of nine, one, four, and two, and the stone buttons were embedded into the wall with a "click".According to the mechanism in Xia Niang Temple before, as long as it is stuck, it means that the operation is correct.

The next step is to step on both feet, that is, the eight and six stone buttons must be pressed together.

At this time, Xiao Ran was holding on to the wooden frame, and he could only press these buttons with one hand, and it was really difficult to press two at the same time.And this wooden frame is made of unknown wood and accessories, it is very heavy, and even he has used [-]% of his strength at this time.

He raised one leg, put the tip of his toe on the stone button representing six, and then pressed eight with his free hand.It's a pity that the hands and feet were used at the same time, and after all, there was some uneven force. One of the stone buttons was fast for less than a second, and there was a "click" sound on the wall, and the stone buttons that had been pressed all popped out.

"His grandma's!"

Xiao Ran cursed, had no choice but to press the [-] stone buttons again, and then looked at Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were relaying the torch.

The two of them were already familiar with cooperating at this time, but Xia Qiusheng, who was being teased, looked a little pitiful, swaying his heavy body and running around, smashing the Dan room into chaos.

"You two threw away the torch! Come and help!" Xiao Ran shouted.

At this time, the torch was in Liu Shengli's hands, and he suddenly heard Li Ran's shout, so he threw the torch at Li Xiaoran foolishly, maybe he understood what Xiao Ran said as "throw the torch over".

Xiao Ran saw the torch flying towards him, and Xia Qiusheng was also turning around clumsily.


Xiao Ran opened his mouth to scold, but Xu Er suddenly stepped in front of him, raised his slingshot and shot a projectile.

The projectile hit the tail end of the torch impartially. The blow was so fast that the torch changed its trajectory and flew towards the door of the alchemy room while spinning.

Xia Qiusheng held his head up, watched the torch fly outside the wooden door, roared and chased after it, the hard and wide golden body smashed the entire door frame into pieces.

"Xu Er! Well done! I will reward you later! Liu Shengli, you kid, get the hell out of here too!"

Liu Shengli ran over timidly when he heard the words, while Xu Er picked up an unopened gourd-shaped alchemy from the ground and shook it. There was a rattling sound inside, and he quickly tied the gourd around his waist.

"Xu Er! This thing is really inedible!" Xiao Ran quickly persuaded.

Xu Er laughed and ran over, helped Xiao Ran hold the heavy wooden frame, and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Gang, if you don't let me eat it, I will definitely not eat it. Besides, that beggar made himself like that. It's fake medicine, but it's strong enough to be used as a marble."

It was only then that Xiao Ran understood Xu Er's intentions. Some metal objects were added to these elixirs when they were refined, and they were all air-dried after so many years. The effect of being a slingshot is indeed no less than that of an iron bullet.

Liu Shengli also ran over to help Xiao Ran carry the airs, but was stopped by Xiao Ran.He said to the two: "Look down, there are three buttons, don't worry about the middle one, and the left and right two, you both press it at the same time! Be sure to press it at the same time."

Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly squatted down, took the flashlight handed over by Xiao Ran and carefully took a photo, seeing the two buttons clearly.

At this moment, Xia Qiusheng had already stepped on the torch, and seeing the flashlight on the shelf, he roared and squeezed in from the door again, stumbling towards the three of them.

The ground trembled, and Xu Er and Liu Shengli shouted: "Get ready! Three! Two! One!"

When the two stone buttons were pressed at the same time, a series of clicking sounds came out from the wall. This sound made Xiao Ran feel extremely at ease. This must be the trigger of the mechanism.

A large amount of debris fell from the wall, Xiao Ran felt the wooden frame on which it was supporting shake, and quickly pulled the two of them away.The wall with the wooden frame was slowly moving aside, and a small hole half a person's height slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.A gust of wind blows out of the hole, and it seems that there is air behind the hole.

Xia Qiusheng also got closer, Xiao Ran took the flashlight from Liu Shengli, and shouted: "You two go in first, I will lure him away!"

With the flashlight on, he jumped lightly and hid near the altar platform. Xia Qiusheng changed his position following the moving light and chased after him.

At this time, there was an unharmonious voice from the wall, Liu Shengli shouted to Xiao Ran: "Manager! This shelf! It's stuck!"

(End of this chapter)

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