Chapter 181

Hearing this, Xiao Ran had no choice but to wait quietly for Xia Qiusheng to turn off the flashlight the moment he pounced, and then ran to the moving stone wall following the sound.

He turned on the flashlight again and saw Xia Qiusheng was still writhing beside the collapsed stone stove, so he hurriedly checked the condition of the stone wall.

It turned out that according to the original design of the mechanism, when the stone wall moved, the heavy wooden frame would also move into the groove of the same size next to it.But now Xia Qiusheng slapped the frame down, and the wooden frame got stuck on the edge of the groove and couldn't move.

The sound of the wheels slipping kept coming from the wall, and if this continued, the mechanism itself might be damaged.Xiao Ran hurriedly directed the two of them, and together with him, he carried the wooden frame, and let the wooden frame re-enter the grooved track.

The mechanism started to operate again, and the half-person-high passage was finally fully exposed.Xiao Ran shined a flashlight on the inside, and when he saw the hole, he suddenly realized that there was a stone step made of natural stone slabs spreading all the way down, and the sound of dripping water came from the entrance of the hole.

Xia Qiusheng had already got up from the stone stove at this time, and his bulky body slowly turned towards Xiao Ran and the others.Xiao Ran quickly directed Xu Er and Liu Shengli to get into the hole, only to hear Liu Shengli shout: "Manager, it's very spacious inside! Why is there a handle..."

He heard the "click" sound of moving the handle from inside, and before he could stop it, the wall and the wooden frame began to move back along the original route.

Just as Xiao Ran was about to get into the hole, he suddenly felt a gust of wind behind him, he quickly dodged, and then half of the copper tripod smashed against the wall next to him.

After such a toss, the small hole was somewhat covered by the wall.After the hole, Liu Shengli and Xu Er were tossing around in a hurry, blaming each other from time to time.

Xiao Ran didn't care too much, took off his backpack and threw it into the hole first, then slid over there, and slid towards the hole that had covered a third of it.

Seeing that half of his body was going in and his waist was about to be caught, Xia Qiusheng also ran over with heavy steps.Xiao Ran suddenly had an instinct, he relaxed his body and shook his joints "click" off, his whole body was like a loach, burrowing into the gradually narrowing gap.

Just as his head passed through the cave, he quickly tightened his joints again, and his arms were like rubber bands that were stretched and then relaxed, and instantly bounced into the cave.He felt his fingertips almost brushing against the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, and his nails were lightly pinched by the closed wall.

Lie on the stone steps, Xiao Ran wiped the cold sweat off his head, screaming in his heart that it was dangerous, and he was almost caught in the entrance of the cave just a fingernail away.

"Shrinking the bones, you have to thank me for washing your blood and washing out your skills..." Yi Jiuxiu said quietly.

He heard the heavy landing of the wooden frame again behind the hole, and it might be impossible to open the stone wall trap from inside this time.Xia Qiusheng outside the cave roared angrily and unwillingly, knocking on the wooden frame continuously, making a sound like chopping wood.

Xiao Ran looked at the flashlight again, and saw that the natural stone steps twisted and twisted all the way down, and the bottom could not be seen for a while, and a row of torches were inserted on the stone walls on both sides.

Liu Shengli asked timidly from the side: "Manager, are you okay? I was not careful just now..."

Xiao Ran said with a sullen face: "Twice, Liu'er! Why can't you see me? Hope I die, don't you?"

Liu Shengli scratched his head and kept apologizing, while Xu Er changed the subject aside: "Xiao Gang, what are we going to do next? Go down or go back?"

Xiao Ran said: "Going back is definitely not going back, we can only go down now. The mantra left by Xia Qiusheng outside the door said that opening this mechanism will lead to another hole. I wonder if there is wind in the bottom There is still the sound of water blowing, maybe there is another way out, let's go down and have a look first."

Several people packed their luggage again, took two torches from the wall to light them, and walked down the stone steps.

This stone step is very deep and long. Although it is not steep, it keeps bending and turning along the way. If you don't deliberately remember the direction and distance, you really don't know where you are.

Holding the compass, Xiao Ran estimated the approximate distance and direction in his mind, and found that they were approaching the center of the abandoned village.But there were more than 300 steps along the way, and the repeated scenes in the dark made the other two feel a little bit drummed.

"Xiao Gang, if we walk this way, we won't go to the underworld, right? My grandfather told me some stories about Liaozhai before. It seems that people go all the way underground when they die..."

At this time, there happened to be a screaming sound from animals or the wind, so frightened that Liu Shengli sat on the stone steps with his legs limp, and asked Xiao Ran in a crying voice, "Manager...there is a hell..."

Seeing that the two of them were scaring themselves, Xiao Ran would hold him back if they went on like this, so he said: "I don't know if there is a hell or not, I have to die first to find out. But I know that as long as there is air and water, that person will be alive Hope. Now we have no other way but to move forward. I know a little about physiognomy, and you both look like you are in your seventies and eighties. You will definitely not die here, hurry up and follow me!"

As he spoke, he kicked Liu Shengli's ass, and then Liu Shengli began to moan, and continued to walk down with him.

After walking about 100 more steps, a hidden iron gate finally appeared at the end of the stone steps.Xiao Ran held up the torch to take a picture, and saw that the iron gate was still covered with the six-handed and four-legged statue of Xia Niangniang. It seemed that this was still a part of the underground chamber of Xia Niang Temple.

He let Liu Shengli and Xu Er get out of the way, stood in front of the door with a knife in his hand, and opened the door suddenly.

There was a rattling rattling sound, and a dozen huge black fur mice ran aside with red eyes, sticking out their noses vigilantly to smell the scents of these strangers.

Behind the iron gate is a decagonal hall, with an iron gate on each side wall, and nine huge pillars at the junction of each side, supporting the stone roof above.These pillars are also natural logs, and several of them have decayed to varying degrees.

In the center of the main hall is a hollow space with the same decagonal shape, with four or five steps on each side.

In the center of the open space is a huge copper square box. From a distance, there are many strange carvings all over the box.On the lid of the box, there is also a statue with a very familiar shape.

The area of ​​this hall is very large, hundreds of square meters.The wolf-eye flashlight is frequently used on this route, and the power is also a little out of order. Every time it is turned on, the light will weaken.But even if the battery is changed, every detail of the hall cannot be seen.

Xiao Ran heard the gurgling sound more clearly, it should be behind the adjacent iron gate not far away.

He took out a torch from the wall next to the iron gate and lit it, and told the other two to be careful not to touch anything, and to be careful about their feet, and then the three of them entered the iron gate one by one, slipped forward and touched it.

Before walking a few steps, Liu Shengli, who was at the back, suddenly shouted: "Dead man!"

His voice echoed in the empty hall, and then that shrill scream came from a corner, scaring the torches from the three of them to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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