Chapter 183 Herring Bomb
No matter what is behind him, he can only climb up along this narrow passage at this time.While Xiao Ran looked back vigilantly, he wanted to prevent the two people walking in front from encountering any danger first.

Fortunately, after a few bends on this slippery steep slope, the passage ahead began to open up, and a row of steps made of natural stone slabs extended upwards, and there seemed to be a faint light in the distance.

"Manager! There's a light ahead!"

Liu Shengli shouted back to Xiao Ran excitedly, overpowering the sound of water flowing in the groove in the middle of the stone steps.The three couldn't help speeding up their pace and quickly climbed up.

Climbing all the way to the top of the end of the stone steps, an arch about one meter high appeared in front of my eyes, and a faint light shone through the door.On the flat floors on both sides of the door, there are several wooden barrels.

The three got into the door, but what they saw made them dumbfounded.

Tens of meters away, a small lake was lying there peacefully, and the overflowing water flowed towards the stone gate along a groove.A light shines from the top of more than 200 meters high and sprinkles in the center of the lake.

The three of them hurried to the edge of the lake, looking up at the hole with neat edges above their heads.Comparing the compass with the distance calculated just now, Xiao Ran guessed that this place should be the mouth of a well in the abandoned village.

For some reason, this well happened to be drilled above the underground lake, and the lower edge of the neatly repaired well wall was more than 100 meters away from them. Unless someone threw a rope down from above, it was impossible for them to go up from here.

Depressed, Liu Shengli sat down by the small lake, picked up a stone and threw it into the lake, causing water to splash everywhere.

"Why are you venting your anger on it? Let's just find another way."

As Xiao Ran spoke, he also found a flat stone on the ground and sat down.Ever since Danfang was chased by Xia Qiusheng, he hasn't had time to rest yet.At this time, there is sunshine by the lake and the sound of gurgling water, which makes people relax.

The strangest thing is that not only is the lakeside not cold, but there is a hint of mild water vapor spreading over the surface, which is warmer than when it is on the ground.

Xiao Ran has heard that this flat city is located in an earthquake zone, and there are many dormant volcanoes underground.The water source of this lake may be next to a place with a higher temperature, so the temperature of the water gushing from the spring below is relatively mild.

Xiao Ran looked at the lake, the lake was turbid and green, and had not been used by people all year round. I don't know how many parasites have been raised in it now, maybe there are some small water snakes or salamanders and other small animals making nests here.

Fortunately, Liu Shengli had plenty of supplies in his backpack, so they found another relatively dry place to sit on the ground and eat something to replenish their strength.

Xiao Ran looked at the several cans that Liu Shengli took out, and felt that they were very novel, and they were all new to him.After asking, I found out that the second uncle bought these from acquaintances when he and his second uncle went to Xijiang last time.

These cans are written in Cyrillic characters, and it looks like they were smuggled from Maozi in the north.Judging from the labels, these canned foods are indeed complete, including beef, mutton, yellow peaches, sausages, and even a box of canned fish.

Liu Shengli opened two boxes of canned food, Xu Er came up to smell it, frowned and said that it didn't taste good, and it smelled like milk, like the smell in a cowshed in summer.

He took a large piece of air-dried beef, picked it up with bread, and squatted aside to eat it, his mouth still babbling.

Liu Shengli squinted at him: "Look at your virtue, the manager even said that he would take you to Zhaojing, wouldn't this look embarrassing for him? Besides, it doesn't smell like milk in this can, it's called cheese, do you understand?" I understand you."

Hearing what he said, Xu Er not only didn't hold back, but also deliberately moved closer to him, looked at him with a smile on his face, and babbled louder.

Seeing that the two of them relaxed a little, Xiao Ran didn't say anything, and took the time to stuff it into his mouth.

After all, Xu Er was young, so he quickly finished eating the bread and jerky in his hand, took a few gulps from the water bottle, and took a slingshot to play by the lake.

Xiao Ran saw that he was playful, and said: "Xu Er, be careful that there is a snake inside, it will come out and bite your little bird, you haven't married a wife yet."

Xu Er was stunned when he heard this, then blushed and laughed, but he hit the slingshot even more vigorously.

Liu Shengli also ate a lot, and after drinking a few sips of water, he hiccupped and rested by the lake.Xiao Ran saw that there was an unopened can of fish, picked it up and smelled it, and an imperceptible ammonia smell came out from the crack of the can.

He couldn't help retching, and Yajiu Kuo also said, "What the hell is this? It stinks to death! It smells worse than stinky tofu. There must be shit in it!"

Xiao Ran ignored him, and asked Liu Shengli: "Is this thing broken? Why does it smell like a toilet?"

Liu Shengli waved his hand and said, "Second uncle said, what is this canned gray fish? He said it tastes like this, and it tastes like soybean juice when you get used to it. He also said that you will like what he likes."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran guessed what it was: "It's not a gray fish, is it? It's a herring, right?"

"That's right, that's right! It's a herring!" Liu Shengli said.

Xiao Ran suddenly became interested. He had only heard of canned herring before, but had never tasted it himself.Now that we met today, we have to see everything.

He picked up a can knife and pried open the can, and a strong stench instantly wafted through the entire underground space, as if a big latrine fell from the sky and hit the three of them on their heads.

Xu Er, who was splashing water, ran to the side holding his nose, and asked Liu Shengli, "You guys just eat this cheese? I don't dare to go to Zhaojing, why does it smell like cake..."

Liu Shengli held his nose and wanted to explain, but he retched as soon as he opened his mouth, and his eye circles were also red.

Xiao Ran felt that he really had no luck to enjoy it, maybe the bean juice was his limit.He looked around, but there was nowhere to deal with it, so he threw the can and the herring into the lake with a wave of his hand, causing a cloud of grayish-white splashes.

But when he threw it accidentally, he spilled some canned soup on his hands, and a few drops floated on Liu Shengli's hair.He hurriedly picked up the kettle and flushed his hands with the clean water in it.

With a sound of "Plop", a splash suddenly splashed on the surface of the water, and the muddy water splashed onto Liu Shengli's neck.Liu Shengli turned his head and looked at Xu Er angrily, and said, "Have you played enough? Can't you stop for a while?"

Xu Er's eyes widened, he raised his finger and pointed to the lake and said, "'s not me, there's...something in there..."

Liu Shengli looked down and saw that Xu Er was indeed empty-handed, and the slingshot was also inserted in his waist at this time.

There was another series of "plop plop" sounds in the lake behind him at this time, as if something under the water kept hitting the surface of the water.Xiao Ran took a photo with his flashlight, and vaguely saw wide mouths scrambling to devour the herrings on the water surface, and bright red slender things popped out of the water from time to time.

He hurried to pull Liu Shengli, but it was too late, a thin red object as thick as a well rope jumped out of the water, stuck to Liu Shengli's neckline, and dragged him into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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