Chapter 184 Devil Toad
Liu Shengli was stuck to his back collar by something like a long red rope, and he was dragged into the lake with all his strength, and he fell back on the ground in an instant.

He realized that something was dragging him into the lake, and he screamed in fright, kicking his hands and legs, struggling to grab everything he could.

Xu Er on the side also reacted, picked up the slingshot and shot a few stone bullets into the water at the end of the long red rope.Seeing that the slingshot was not working well, he looked around, picked up a few relatively large stones and threw them into the water.

Liu Shengli was holding on to the ground with both hands, and was struggling to sit up when two long red ropes jumped out of the water and stuck to his back.This time the force of the drag was even greater, and he was about to slide towards the lake.

In a panic, he scratched in the broken sand by the lake, and found a smooth and white thing like a jar, and swung it back vigorously, trying to knock off the red life ropes behind him.

Just when his head was only a few centimeters away from the lake, Xiao Ran swung the Guanshan knife and jumped to the edge of the lake, raised the knife with his hand and slashed down fiercely, the three red ropes snapped with a "ba ba ba" sound, and retracted with a strong elastic force. into the water.

The surface of the lake is still boiling, and the wide mouths can still be seen scrambling to devour the water.Xiao Ran pulled Liu Shengli back quickly, and looked at the remnants still hanging on his back with a flashlight.

As Xiao Ran expected, those were the tips of three long tongues, and there were dense black barbs on the tongues, as fine as bristles, which were firmly hooked on Liu Shengli's clothes, and thick black and red blood was flowing down the wound. .

The three tongue tips instantly became stiff because they were disconnected.Xiao Ran squeezed it with his hands, and felt that besides the barbs, there was a layer of viscous liquid on it.If he hadn't had a sharp weapon in his hand, I'm afraid there would really be no way to rescue Liu Shengli so easily.

Xu Er also came over, looked at the things in Liu Shengli's hand, and exclaimed: "Brother Liu, you have become more courageous, are you not afraid of dead bones?"

Panting and trembling slightly, Liu Shengli raised his hand to look at the "jar" he touched anxiously just now. It turned out to be a smooth and fleshless human skull, and his two fingers were inserted into the eye sockets of the skull.

Liu Shengli's face instantly turned pale, approaching the white skull in his hand.He quickly shook off the skull, wiped his hands on his body, and asked Xu Er to tear off the tongue behind him.

Xiao Ran took two steps forward, stretched out his feet and pulled the gravel and coarse sand on the ground, more bones were exposed from below, some of the bones were tied with hemp rope or even iron chains.

He carefully raised his flashlight to look around Zhaohu Lake, only to find that there were still many broken bones mixed in the coarse sand, but he hadn't found them just now.

On the other side of the lake, there is another stone tablet. From a distance, there are many words written on it, but the content of the words is not clear.

Seeing this, he finally understood that this is a sacrificial well specially used for sacrifices. It is estimated that the villagers of the abandoned village discovered something terrible underground a long time ago, so they often perform live sacrifices to the creatures in the well.But there are more bones of animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens on the ground. I don't know how the unlucky egg that Liu Shengli dug up by accident fell into this well and was buried here again.

In any case, this place cannot stay for a long time, Xiao Ran hurriedly pulled the two of them back and walked towards the small door at the entrance.

Just two steps away, there was a "crash" behind them, and then a huge black shadow passed over their heads, bringing out a large amount of smelly and warm lake water, and poured it on the heads of the three of them like rain.

A huge black shadow fell between the three of them and Shimen, blocking the three of them from retreating.Immediately afterwards, a series of intertwined sounds of "哗啦" and "噗通" came from the lake, and big black shadows fell from the sky and fell around the three of them. the fishy smell...

And a touch of canned herring soup!
Xiao Ran shined a flashlight on the surrounding black shadows that popped up from the lake, and the three of them instantly felt goosebumps popping up all over their bodies.

These creatures that popped out of the lake were giant toads about one meter long and more than half a meter high when squatting.

These giant toads have wide mouths and belly, thick and powerful limbs, and the yellow-green slimy skin is covered with red stripes.On their backs, there are three protrusions extending from the top of the head and the eyes to the back, covered with sharp bone spurs.On the skin between these three bony spurs, there are warty protrusions one by one, with large pieces of white toad venom embedded in them.

These toads, which were as big as calves, surrounded the three of them, staring at the three strange "sacrifices" greedily with their yellow-green eyes.

A toad closest to the three of them suddenly popped out its long tongue and passed by Liu Shengli, so frightened that Liu Shengli jumped and hid behind Xiao Ran.But the target of this giant toad was not him, but the canned food left by the three people behind him.

The red tongue flew into the giant toad's mouth with the canned box wrapped around it, and Xiao Ran noticed that its mouth was full of sharp and dense teeth.The hard canned box was chewed a few times in its mouth, and it made a "cracking" sound, and it turned into a flat iron sheet full of holes, and slid from its mouth to the ground.

"Manager, what is this..."

Thinking in his mind, Xiao Ran thought of an animal fossil he saw when his father was working, which was very similar to the animal in front of him, and said to the two of them: "This is a prehistoric devil toad, a ferocious carnivore Many small or young large dinosaurs are within the scope of their diet. It is estimated that this underground well leads to a relatively special geological layer. In addition, the mountains around Pingcheng are in a seismic zone, and there has been no such thing since ancient times. development, these animals have survived since prehistoric times."

Xu Er swallowed his saliva and said in the local language, "Does this kind of big scabies eat people?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, as long as it is a meat-eating animal, there is no reason to refuse the meat that is delivered to your door. And didn't Liu'er dig out a dead human skull just now? Maybe they have eaten people before, let's compare Those cattle, sheep, and large lizards must be tender and juicy to them. They may already know the taste. Besides, we cut off the tongues of three of them just now. I guess the beam is knotted , if you want to go out, you have to fight..."

I wanted to find a way out here, but I couldn't find a way out and provoked these prehistoric beasts.Thinking of going back the same way and encountering the "ghost" who blows the lamp out of nowhere, Liu Shengli suddenly cried out, "Fight it, fight it! Isn't it just a bunch of toads? Even if I get caught by a ghost, I don't want to be a toad." Shit!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his engineering shovel, tremblingly walked to Xiao Ran's side, and waited for Xiao Ran's order to fight to the death.

His sudden wailing made the toads around him jump back and forth, probably because they haven't eaten such fresh food for a long time, and they all looked extremely excited.

Before Xiao Ran could issue an order, several giant toads in front had already snapped out their tongues and flew straight towards the faces of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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