Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 185 The Battle on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 185 The Battle on the Tip of the Tongue
Several long tongues flew towards him, but Xiao Ran didn't have time to resist them one by one, so he instinctively raised the knife and drew a knife flower in front of him, Guan Shan knife made a circle, cut off the three tongues that flew to him and Liu Shengli, and continued to "snap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap". "The sound sounded, like a tight rubber band being cut.

There was also a tongue that was running towards Xu Er and it was too late to cut it off, Xiao Ran yelled in his heart that it was bad, but unexpectedly Xu Er just took a step back, and that tongue retracted again.

It was only then that Xiao Ran noticed that the long tongue that attacked Xu Er was not like the three that flew towards them just now. It did not have a spindle-shaped tip at the front end, but it was missing a section.Presumably the owner of this severed tongue was one of the giant toads that huddled in the water and attacked Liu Shengli.

Xiao Ran heaved a sigh of relief, and said to the two of them: "The tricks are all bright, and next time you may not be so lucky!"

As soon as the words fell, several long tongues attacked them again. This time, the three of them jumped back in unison. The flying long tongues did not stick to anyone, but rolled back the three severed tongues on the ground.

The chewing sound of "crack bang bang" sounded, and the three giant toads that had rolled back their tongues chewed and swallowed the tongues of the same kind. They were really cold-blooded beasts.

After the first wave of probing attacks, several giant toads beside them also flew their tongues towards them, and several of them were cut off by Xiao Ran again.The shovel in Xu's second hand was stuck by a tongue. While he was tug-of-war with the giant toad, Liu Shengli swung the engineering shovel and slammed it several times, forcing the giant toad to retract its tongue.

At this moment, Xiao Ran noticed that every time they retreated, the surrounding giant toads also crawled forward a few steps, and the encirclement instantly shrank by a few points.

It seemed that these beasts did not dare to move forward rashly, but planned to force them into the water.

Unable to retreat anymore, Xiao Ran looked at the bones by the lake behind him, gritted his teeth, and swung his knife at the nearest giant toad.

The giant toad suddenly lowered his head when the knife approached him.Guan Shan's knife struck the giant toad's bone spur, drawing a burst of sparks.Before Xiao Ran had time to close the knife, the giant toad raised its head again, and bit the knife with its sharp teeth and wide mouth. At the same time, its back bulged, and the ulcer-like cavity sprayed out a white viscous liquid.

Xiao Ran quickly dodged to dodge, at this time the giant toad next to him suddenly opened his mouth to him, grinning with sharp teeth and biting towards him.

Xiao Ran raised his leg and kicked the giant toad's chin. At the same time, with a "snap" sound behind him, a tin can also flew into the giant toad's mouth.

The giant toad took a few steps back in pain, chewed the canned food in its mouth a few times with its sharp teeth, then hastily raised its thick front paws, and kept pulling them out.

Xiao Ran hastened to do the same thing, and kicked the giant toad's chin with the knife again.The giant toad was loosened by his kick, and li xuan quickly jumped back, almost in the next second, several bright red long tongues flew towards the place where he was standing before.

Turning his head, he saw Xu Er saying to Liu Shengli: "Brother Liu, try again!"

Liu Shengli nodded, and threw a tin can into the air. Xu Er picked up a slingshot and shot a marble, and the can flew straight into the giant toad's open mouth.

The giant toad, like its companion just now, chewed the tin can a few times, then raised its claws and pulled it out, as if it didn't like the smell inside it very much.

"Look! I'm right!" Xu Er shouted.

Xiao Ran looked at the two suspiciously, Xu Er pointed to the giant toads and said: "Look, Xiao Gang, that scabies toad, the canned food it ate first, is still wiping its mouth now! I saw it like this, so I looked for it again. Tried two, they didn't like the box."

Xiao Ran looked at the three toads that had eaten the canned food, as expected, they were all jumping around in place while wiping their mouths.He recalled the few cans he had eaten just now. Except for the canned herring that was thrown into the water and the canned fruit that hadn’t been thrown out yet, the other three canned meats had in common that they were full of spiciness.

Sweet, sour, bitter and salty are all taste sensations, but spicy is actually a pain sensation. It seems that these beasts can't stand the chili in the can.

At this time, dozens of ferocious and huge prehistoric devil toads surrounded the surrounding area. These beasts were not only numerous and powerful, but also quick in response, and they were extremely powerful in both long-distance and close combat.They didn't have firearms in their hands, and it was really difficult to break out of the encirclement with him alone and a knife. It seemed that they could only outwit them as much as possible now.

"Liu'er! Is there chili in the bag? Anything with chili is fine too!"

Xiao Ran and Xu Er were covering Liu Shengli behind them. Those giant toads' tongues kept flying, but after the trial just now, they were much smarter, and they were retracted with just a touch. The main purpose was to push and harass, and it was difficult for Xiao Ran to be like just now Chop off the tongue with ease.

Watching the giant toad keep approaching, Liu Shengli frantically flipped through his bag, only to find a bottle of pepper in the end.

"Manager! Is this okay!" Liu Shengli asked while holding a pepper bottle.

Xiao Ran took the bottle, gritted his teeth and said, "It's better than nothing, try it!"

He jumped in front of the giant toads in front of him, uncorked the cork and swung it out in a circular arc, a large puff of spicy powder scattered in the air.

Xiao Ran was so choked that he sneezed several times, and at the same time quickly backed away.The toads in front of them seemed to be fried, and kept making noises like cows. Some even jumped over the heads of the three of them and jumped back into the lake.

It's done!Xiao Ran jumped to the side again, and waved the pepper powder at the other toads. The spicy powder flew into their nostrils, making the toads that had sucked the most pepper powder roll on the spot, looking extremely painful.

There was another continuous "plop" sound in the lake behind him, and several giant toads jumped back into the lake.But now the pepper powder in Xiao Ran's hand has been scattered, and there are still seven or eight giant toads blocking the stone gate at the entrance, and it is impossible to break through smoothly.

He retreated to the side of the other two and asked Liu Shengli, "Is there anything spicy?"

"No more... But the manager, there is still a can of canned herring, can we use this to lure them away?" Liu Shengli said.

Xiao Ran looked back, and suddenly thought of a good idea, took the can and said to Liu Shengli: "Smart! Go back and give you a raise!"

Xiao Ran sliced ​​open an edge of the can with a knife, and the strong ammonia stench filled the warm air.The dozens of giant toads that were still alive and kicking seemed to be activated in an instant, aiming at the position of Xiao Ran and the three of them in unison, and the sound of excited cows kept ringing out.

Xiao Ran said to Xu Er: "Aim at the can, and if I tell you to hit it, hit it!"

After that, he threw the can towards the giant toads on the side, and the stinky parabola flew across the air, attracting the giant toads that had already jumped into the lake to show their heads.


With Xiao Ran's order, Xu Er's slingshot shot out quickly, hitting the edge of the can.The canned herring circled in the air in an instant, the minced meat and canned soup sprayed out along the mouth cut open by Xiao Ran, and a stinky rain sprayed down on the heads of those giant toads.

"Oh! It's a waste! The ones at the door haven't passed yet!" Liu Shengli shouted.

Xiao Ran picked up the bag on the ground and stuffed it to him, saying: "Pack up your things and get ready to watch a good show!"

A giant toad popped out its long tongue first, rolled the half-empty can into its mouth, and chewed it "creakingly".It didn't notice at all that those of the same kind surrounding it were staring at it and the seven or eight giant toads beside it that were sprinkled with canned soup like it.

(End of this chapter)

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