Chapter 193 Around
Looking at the liquid seeping out of the coffin, Xiao Ran's tension suddenly increased.He tried his best to calm down. He peeled off the cloth cover on the outside of the child's corpse, maybe the inside lost its balance and fell over.

In any case, getting out as soon as possible is the kingly way.

He took a few deep breaths, trying not to listen to the drizzling sound of liquid, but instead concentrated on thinking about anything that might be connected to these murals.

If the murals of Empress Xia are characterized by fineness, then the same fineness is...

The rosette in the secret room, the carefully crafted sarcophagus, and the books and bamboo slips scattered all over the place circled in Xiao Ran's mind.His thoughts returned to the scene when he first entered the secret room, and a picture flashed through his mind instantly.


He hurriedly walked around to the other end of the screen wall and carefully examined the stone carvings on the screen wall.From the top to the bottom of the screen wall, there is an overlapping sun and moon, an auspicious cloud, the Big Dipper, the Southern Dipper, a crane, a sika deer, and a turtle.

Is there any numerical relationship between these things and the order of the murals of Empress Xia?

He carefully observed the content on these screen walls, trying to find some connections.But at this time, a muffled sound of "gululu" came from the other side of the screen wall.

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, then quickly drew his knife and rushed to the other side of the screen wall, and saw that the liquid no longer leaked out from under the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus was quiet.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, maybe the liquid in the coffin shook and knocked over the bottles and jars containing the pills.He didn't know whether these inner hints were deceiving himself.

He returned to the screen wall and observed it carefully, trying to find out what was related to the numbers inside.

Needless to say, Beidou Nandou is seven and six.The overlapping sun and moon are considered two for the time being; is that auspicious cloud one?But there is only one crane, sika deer and turtle left.

He continued to look for characteristics in these three animals, and the only thing that seemed to be related to the number was the legs.The crane stands on a stone with one leg, while the sika deer holds its head high and its short tail upwards, but one of its front hooves is raised when it steps on the ground.As for the spirit turtle, it was lying on the edge of the pool, looking up at the sky with its head held high. In addition to stepping on the ground with all four feet, its pointed tail, which was as long as its legs, also drooped on the ground.

Perhaps the numbers represented by cranes, sika deer, and tortoises are one, three, and five, respectively?But what about that cloud?
He carefully looked at the shape of the cloud, and found that the cloud was composed of four cloud petals.Can it be explained that the number represented by clouds is four?
Xiao Ran closed his eyes and shook his head, forced himself to clear his head, and looked at the stone carvings on the screen wall again, and immediately became more determined in his previous thoughts.

All the stone carving patterns on the screen wall, from top to bottom, are two, four, seven, six, one, three, five.Judging from Xia Qiusheng's description, as well as the simple and messy text symbols in Tianling Sanren's experimental records, this Tianling Sanren is not only crazy, but also seems to be a little bit out of order for unknown reasons.

Since he would leave a hint for himself to open the door, it must not be too complicated.If it's not intuitive enough, I'm afraid I'll cheat myself.

Xiao Ran made up his mind, still believed in his own judgment, and followed this sequence to crack Empress Xia's mechanisms.

He silently recited the sequence of numbers, and when he saw the portraits on the wall, he was overjoyed.Just now, he hit by mistake and happened to press the head of the second mural from the left, as long as he continues to press down in order, there is no need to worry about any mechanism at all.

He flicked left and right, and pressed the heads of four, seven, six, one, three, and five murals in the order he just wrote down.

After pressing the head of the last stone mural, a series of "pop" sounds suddenly came from the real wall, and along with the dust rising from the wall, those faces popped out again.

Xiao Ran hurriedly jumped behind the rosette, looked nervously at the murals, and kept scanning the top of his head and the wall.Time passed by, the secret room did not change, the door did not open, but no deadly mechanism was triggered.

It seems that this secret room is really too small, even Tianling Sanren is not willing to risk his life.If the door opening mechanism is pressed wrongly, it is just returning to the original position, and it will not lead to the consequences of death on the spot.

But where is the problem?Could it be that I misunderstood the paintings on the wall?Or does it have nothing to do with that Zhaobi at all?
Xiao Ran felt a headache, and if he stayed here any longer, Liu Shengli and Xu Er would jump off the cliff in a hurry.

He walked to the airy gap in the stone wall and took a few deep breaths.The slightly icy air rushed into his lungs, which also calmed him down a bit.

At present, there is at least one good news, that is, pressing the wrong mechanism will not trigger other things. Even if you try it more than 5000 times in the most stupid way, you will always be able to open the mechanism once.

As long as he didn't starve to death before then, or die of thirst.

Xiao Ran looked at the torn books scattered around the lotus seat, picked up one and flipped through it, thinking that maybe there was a formula for opening the door hidden in one of them, just like the last page of Xia Qiusheng's notes.

After flipping through two or three books in a row, but didn't find anything, Xiao Ran couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Old Xiao, you have been tossing around for a long time, don't you realize where your problem is?"

Hearing what Yan Jiukuo said, Xiao Ran was puzzled and said: "What do you know? Tell me quickly, don't play charades with me."

Yi Jiukuo said: "I just saw it too, but I don't want to tell you yet, so as to save you from feeling stupid enough to talk to me. Go ahead and read a few more books."

Puzzled, Xiao Ran picked up a book, opened it and flipped through it twice, and said, "That's it? Just flip it like this? Just..."

A thought flashed through his mind, he raised his hand and slapped it on the forehead, he really made a very stupid mistake.

This broken place was built in the Yuan Dynasty, not to mention other dynasties. In the Yuan Dynasty, the right first went to the left and then the left.When I was in Xianiang Temple, the murals of turning the mechanism started from the right. I just managed to find the sequence to turn on the mechanism. When I saw the face in the second painting on the left being pressed down, I preconceived that I had pressed it correctly.

It seems that the order of organs should start from the second from the right.

He threw down the book excitedly, took over the artifacts on his body and started laughing at the same time, it was just the difference between laughing and snickering.

Although they were not human, Xiao Ran still blushed with embarrassment, cleared his throat and said, "I'm just stunned for a moment, don't laugh! Be careful I leave you here!"

He hurried to the second mural on the right, and pressed down on Empress Xia's face.

This time, there was no slight "click" sound like before, but some heavy stone friction sound.Xiao Ran sighed in his heart, this is in the right order, the voice is really different from before, it sounds thick!
But when he pressed the face of the fourth mural from the right in order, it turned into a slight "click".

He wondered for a moment, did he press the wrong button again?

"Good man! It's not right to be angry! Take a good look around you!" Yin Yang Jing said.

Hearing what he said, the first thing Xiao Ran thought of was the sarcophagus.He quickly turned around and took a look at it, only to find that the lid of the sarcophagus had been opened a hole.

(End of this chapter)

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