Chapter 194
It turned out that when he pressed the face of Empress Xia, the second stone carving from the right, for the first time, the sound of the heavy rubbing of the stones he heard turned out to be the sound of the sarcophagus lid being opened.

Xiao Ran stared nervously at the mouth of the coffin, but didn't see anything coming out of it.Just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the flashlight moved up by two points, and his heart was lifted instantly.

On the stone screen wall behind the sarcophagus, there are some wet traces extending all the way up.

The light range of the wolf-eye flashlight can reach 30 meters, but in this small space, the range of light is greatly reduced.Xiao Ran moved the flashlight upwards carefully, for fear of illuminating something that he could not accept.

There were still more than ten centimeters away from the screen wall, so he was cruel and moved the light above the screen wall.

There was nothing, only a pool of wet marks, as if something wet had once stayed on it.Xiao Ran was completely unwilling in his heart, but he still had to pluck up the courage to walk to the sarcophagus.

He looked into the sarcophagus, and his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. The cloth shell in the sarcophagus that he had peeled off before had been completely spread out, and all the liquid inside flowed out along the cracks in the bottom of the sarcophagus that had been corroded for a long time. go out.

The jars containing the pills in the coffin had a small round hole cut out on the side, and the jars were all empty.

Not only was the jar empty, but the strange corpse of the child had also disappeared from the cloth case inside the sarcophagus.

Xiao Ran couldn't lie to himself anymore, this thing was indeed a fraud, it ate up all the pills buried with him, and slipped out of the coffin while he was groping for the mechanism.

He didn't know whether he should call that child's corpse a zongzi, or even call it a "deceitful corpse".Because according to the records of Tianling Sanren, that thing is a so-called long-lived body that has been successfully tested, or it is more appropriate to say that it has awakened.

But where did this little monster go now?

Holding the flashlight, Xiao Ran carefully walked around the screen wall, but found nothing.He went back to the screen wall and circled the entire room, but still saw nothing.

Could it be that after eating the elixir, the thing ascended to immortality on the spot?

Just as Xiao Ran was wondering, he suddenly felt something drop from his shoulder.He turned his head and saw that it was a few drops of wet water.He felt numb all of a sudden, squatted down and rolled like a conditioned reflex, and then held up the flashlight to shine on the stone roof of the secret room.

This photo made him feel his scalp bursting, goosebumps all the way from his back to his scalp, and then down to his limbs, and his internal organs also swelled up.

That little half-human, half-worm monster was hanging upside down on the roof like a big fly. I don't know if it was because of the pills, but the skin all over his body was covered with red spots, and the two protruding eyeballs were just right. Stared at him lifelessly.The mouth that almost grew on the chin was a few inches longer than it was in the sarcophagus, like a protruding meat horn, with a circle of fine fangs inside, and a tongue as red as an earthworm constantly protruding from between the teeth .

When Xiao Ran's flashlight shone on its face, it was quickly crawling from the top of the stone to the top of Xiao Ran's head.The sudden strong light seemed to make its eyes uncomfortable. It made a strange cry like a mixture of a duck and a wild cat. With a "quack", it raised its hand to cover its unshielded eyeballs, and then fell from the top of the stone to the ground. on the ground.

Its cry also made Xiao Ran feel a strong discomfort, Xiao Ran quickly drew out the knife and took a few steps back, nervously staring at this human fly that was constantly flopping on the ground.

"Good man, that qi has become a little dangerous, please be careful!" Yin Yang Jing said.

The Soul Locking Lingzhu also said: "Bayan, I can't hear the voice of its soul...or I can't understand it. It is dead or alive, but its soul is very angry and very hungry..."

Hearing what they said, Xiao Ran felt a little relieved. It seemed that turning his back was a deal, so he might as well just fight with it.

But seeing that human fly kept rolling on the ground, and the thin semicircular wings behind him kept flapping, making a "buzzing" sound of flapping wings, he felt an incomparable nausea in his heart, and instantly felt a burst of nausea in his stomach. After surging, several mouthfuls of acidic water came up, and he spat on the ground with a few mouthfuls of "wow".

This strong breath attracted the human fly, it turned over, waved its immature wings, and flew towards Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran quickly dodged backwards, circled behind the screen wall, and then rolled and hid in the corner on the other side.I saw that the human fly had also got up and spit out some gravel from its mouth.A neat circular pit appeared on the ground that was sucked by its mouthparts before.

Xiao Ran couldn't help but feel a little terrified, if he was bitten by it, not only would he have to unscrew a piece of meat, but he might even have to suck out his internal organs.

The human fly hovered twice on the ground, and when it heard Xiao Ran's heavy breathing, it locked its position and flapped its wings to glide over again.

Seeing its movements like a headless fly, li xuan understood that it was the short-range flashlight just now that caused the blindness of this human fly.Such large and unobstructed eyeballs are originally designed to adapt to the dark environment. Perhaps this thing may not even be able to withstand ordinary light, let alone the glare of the wolf-eye flashlight.

In this way, Xiao Ran had enough opportunities to open the mechanism.Moreover, he always felt sympathetic to this baby-sized human fly. After all, he was also a victim of Tianling Sanren's crazy experiments. Xiao Ran didn't want to kill it directly. The best result would be to wait until he escaped by himself. Close the door and trap the poor little monster in the hole.

The moment the human fly flew over, Xiao Ran rolled away again, took the opportunity to run to the mural, and pressed the face of Empress Xia in the seventh stone carving from the right in order.

There was a "click" sound from the mechanism, and Xiao Ran suddenly heard a "buzzing" sound coming from behind, he quickly moved to the right hand direction, the human fly passed by, and the protruding mouthparts were firmly sucked on the seventh frame. On the body of Empress Xia in the mural.

Xiao Ran followed the light and saw that the round mouthparts of the human fly were nailed to the wall and twisted slightly. At the same time, a stone with the same shape as the mouthpart was spun down, and the gravel at the edge and behind fluttered fall.

He was terrified for a while, but at this moment, just in front of the sixth stone carving from the right, he seized the opportunity to press Xia Niangniang's face, and then rolled and hid behind the rosette.

Attracted by the sound of the mechanism, the human fly swooped down on the stone carving next to it, and gnawed down a roughly round stone with the same trick.

Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to take a photo, and suddenly felt a little flustered.Behind the unscrewed stone, gears and pipes of unknown material can be vaguely seen.If this continues, if these machine expansion structures are also destroyed by human flies, he really won't be able to get out.

Before the human fly could react, he picked up a broken piece of bamboo slip with two fingers, and flicked it towards the door of the secret room far away from the stone wall.

The bamboo slip hit the stone gate with a "snap", stirring up a burst of flying dust, and the human fly flew away after hearing the sound, flapping its wings and rushing towards the stone gate.

Taking advantage of the people flying away, Xiao Ran quickly ran to the first stone carving from the right, raised his hand and pressed down on Niangniang Xia's face.

The sound of "buzzing" came from the side almost at the same time. Unexpectedly, the human fly just stopped at the stone gate for a while, and then swooped towards Xiao Ran.

Seeing the human fly stretching out its mouthparts and flying towards his face, Xiao Ran took a sharp breath.

(End of this chapter)

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