Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 198 The Walking Dead

Chapter 198 The Walking Dead
Although the three of them were wearing gas masks, their eyes watered and their brains buzzed because of the sulfur and ammonia stench produced by the rotting flesh inside the iron gate.

Xiao Ran heard a low roar coming from the room, and knew that there was probably something inside, so he quickly turned off the flashlight first, and only relied on the two oil lamps at the door for illumination.

When the door was first opened, the stumps just fell out of the door by themselves, and then there were rotting heads and bodies pouring out of it.

It's not gushing out, it's being thrown out or pushed out little by little by the things inside.

The roar was near the door, but the owner of the sound could not come out for a long time.Xiao Ran couldn't wait any longer, so he planned to rush to the door one step ahead with the knife in his hand, and cut him down before talking.

But as soon as he took a step, before his body leaned out from the iron gate, a humanoid figure fell out of the iron gate with an unknown roar.

Half, to be exact.

It was obviously a human who became a living corpse after being fed a living pill.His body was pushed out by the force from the door, and he rolled a few times on the steps of the platform. Using the oil lamp, Xiao Ran found that the body of the living corpse was broken by the waist, with uneven wounds, dragging the intestines and viscera on the platform crawling.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er had never seen this battle before, and they were already suffocated by the stench, but now they suddenly saw half of the people crawling all over the ground, and they couldn't help retching.

The living corpse originally crawled aimlessly on the platform, making "uh uh" sounds from its mouth.Hearing the sound coming from behind the iron gate, he turned his head abruptly, looking in the direction of the three of them with dead eyes.But his vision didn't seem to be useful, he twitched his nose and kept sniffing, and then slowly crawled over with his arms propped up.

Xiao Ran couldn't say well, so he turned his head and glared at the two of them.Liu Shengli and Xu Er knew that they had caused trouble, so they both raised their hands and covered their mouths vigorously, but retching still made their eyes red and teary.

It seemed that he could only be chopped with a knife, and Xiao Ran was about to move out, when a gust of wind blew from below the edge of the platform, flipping some gravel and jumping wildly, making a "cracking" sound.

The living corpse turned its head abruptly, and quickly crawled towards the edge of the platform, but accidentally used too much force, and fell headlong from the edge of the platform.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief for a short while. Hearing the continuous sound from inside the iron gate, Xiao Ran quickly retreated carefully to the door.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and more half-lived corpses fell out of the iron gate one after another. After a while, there were at least eleven or two half-dead corpses crawling around dragging their internal organs on the platform.

Perhaps the number is enough, this shock is enough to counteract the physiological reaction brought by fear and senses, Liu Shengli and Xu Er just stared at the scene of living corpses crawling in front of them with wide eyes at this time, and stopped making other sounds. Also stabilized.

Xiao Ran thought of a good way. Using both his eyes and his movements, he instructed Xu Er to shoot at the edge of the platform with a slingshot, and use the sound to attract the living corpses to jump off the cliff by themselves.

Xu Er understood, imitating Xiao Ran's usual appearance, stretched out a thumb, then took out the slingshot and projectiles, aiming at the farthest edge of the platform.

This method really worked. After a few slingshots were shot, two or three living corpses rushed down the cliff like headless chickens like the first one.

But after these two or three, these stupid-looking living corpses seemed to understand that there was nothing on the edge of the platform, so they ignored the "pop" sound from the slingshot, but crawled around on the platform roaring, looking for new ones. The goal.

"Xiao Gang, what should I do if it doesn't work anymore?" Xu Er asked.

Xiao Ran frowned, and he couldn't think of any other way, but if these things were not dealt with, it would be a disaster after all, and it would be a bad idea to fight face to face.

Besides, he always wanted to know if there was a way out behind this iron gate, and the three of them were unwilling to give up a quarter of their hopes because of these things.

While frowning, there were two more "bang bang" in front of the iron gate, and two living corpses fell out of the iron gate together, and one of them happened to face Xiao Ran and the three of them.

The three of Xiao Ran were stunned for a moment, the living corpse sniffled, and immediately let out a roar full of excitement and bloodthirsty.The living corpse who fell out of the door with him also quickly turned around, aimed at Xiao Ran's side, and tried to crawl over with his arms stretched.

But when he climbed, he threw back the discoverer who was closer to li xuan, and the result was that the two living corpses held back each other, and neither of them could come over for a while.

Then with the faint light of the oil lamp, li xuan realized that these two were only half living corpses, but they were connected together at the flanks.

Both Liu Shengli and Xu Er were stunned by the scene in front of them, standing by the wall in a daze, not knowing what to do.Other living corpses in the distance were struggling to crawl towards the three of them, and the roaring sound from the iron gate was also one after another, as if they were all attracted by the discoverer.

Xiao Ran looked at the platform next to him, and urged the two of them: "Don't be dazed, jump to the side!"

Only then did Liu Shengli and Xu Er come to their senses, dragging their trembling legs, they ran towards the platform next to them.

Xu Er took the lead in jumping over, but almost lost one foot, because he was excited enough, he quickly squatted down to maintain his balance.Liu Shengli was not so lucky. I don't know if it was because his legs were shaking too much. When he jumped forward, he only stepped on one side, his arms were spinning like a windmill, and he was about to fall backward into the abyss.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xu Er grabbed Liu Shengli's backpack strap, but there was nothing around him to hold on to, and Liu Shengli's backpack was relatively heavy, Xu Er also slipped forward on the soles of his feet, and the distance between the two fell together was only a short distance away. A matter of a second or two.

"hold onto!"

At the critical moment, Xiao Ran mustered all his strength and slammed into Liu Shengli's back.The three of them fell all over the platform immediately, but at least they avoided the danger of dying without a place to bury them.

The three of them got up from the ground panting heavily, all of them were full of joy for the rest of their life after the catastrophe.The living corpses at the other end crawled over one after another, and the four or five in front did not stop the car, and fell off the edge in an instant.

The remaining living corpses gathered around the edge, you squeezed me and you squeezed you, they all stretched out their hands and screamed at Xiao Ran and the three of them.At this moment, there was no need to hide, so Xiao Ran simply turned on the flashlight and shone on the group of living corpses on the other side.

These living corpses include men, women and children, obviously carrying the word "living", and they do not look haggard like the zongzi in the tomb. They even scratched their bodies when they crawled on the ground, leaving a lot of oozing Fresh wounds of blood.

But judging from their behavior and movements, these living corpses are really more like "corpse", with only the desire for fresh meat left on their faces.Living in this situation for hundreds of years is really a walking dead.

Perhaps this is the reason why Tianling Sanren treated the mother differently. She was fed a living pill, and she neither died nor completely lost her human emotions and consciousness. She was considered a half-successful experimental product.

"Xiao Gang, what should I do..."

Xu Er asked tremblingly, and Liu Shengli also nodded.Xiao Ran became cruel, gritted his teeth and said, "They are no longer considered human beings, let's give them a ride!"

(End of this chapter)

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