Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 199 Abandoned Corpse Pit

Chapter 199 Abandoned Corpse Pit

Seeing that Xiao Ran made this decision, the other two also picked up the shovel, waiting for further instructions from Xiao Ran.

The living corpses on the opposite platform couldn't wait any longer than they did, they jumped up with their elbows, and flew towards the platform where Xiao Ran and the others were.

Xiao Ran and the others couldn't help but feel their hearts tense. They never expected that these living corpses would take such a risk under the stimulation of their appetite.The two living corpses at the beginning were of poor quality, and they fell into the abyss when they flew to the middle.There were still two or three who were only a finger away from the platform under Xiao Ran's feet, but they still fell down by touching the edge of the platform.

Their attempt stimulated the living corpses behind. One of the relatively large-looking zombies squeezed away the other living corpses. They passed the edge of the platform where Xiao Ran was.

Xiao Ran lowered his head and saw that he was about to climb up, his head was already half deflated, and he wondered if he had been eaten a lot by the hatched worms in the living pill.Xiao Ran's heart skipped a beat, he swung his knife with his eyes closed, and slashed at the hands of the living corpse.

With a "crack" sound of the knife splitting the bone, the ten fingers of the living corpse were cut off, and it roared and fell into the bottomless abyss.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er also walked to Xiao Ran's side, as long as there were living corpses within reach, they would swing the shovels in their hands and smash them head-on, knocking those living corpses into the abyss.

Not long after, there was only a thin living corpse left on the opposite side, the voices were a little immature, it should be a teenager.

Xiao Ran walked to the edge of the platform, jumped up suddenly, and landed on the back of the living corpse. Before he could react, he turned around and cut off the head of the living corpse.

The living corpse shook twice, then fell down together with the head.

The roaring sound inside the iron gate was much weaker now, but more than one living corpse could still be heard inside.After thinking about it, Xiao Ran still called Liu Shengli and Xu Er to come over.Along the way, we can't always let them stay behind. When necessary, we still have to let them fight monsters and upgrade, at least practice tacit understanding and courage, just like just now.

The three returned to the seventh iron gate, and Liu Shengli and Xu Er kicked away the stumps on the ground with disgust on their faces.Xiao Ran took a photo of the ground and found that the degree of decay of the residual limbs varied, but there were traces of being bitten and gnawed.

When Liu Shengli and Xu Er saw the rotten meat with teeth marks, they couldn't help feeling sick again.

Xiao Ran led the two of them to the gate of the iron gate, endured bursts of pungent and pungent stench, and shone inside the room with a flashlight.Seeing the situation inside clearly, Xu Er and Liu Shengli couldn't bear it anymore, hid aside and vomited.

Inside the iron gate is a platform extending left and right, about two meters wide.Below the platform was a big pit about three meters deep. Apart from the black, white and white broken bones at the bottom of the pit, there were corpses of varying degrees of decay.

In the center of the pit, there were many living corpses entangled together, glued to each other over the years to form a huge meat ball, and the upper bodies of many living corpses protruded from the meat ball, being thrown back and forth as they rolled.

Presumably those living corpses that fell out of the iron gate just now were thrown to the edge of the iron gate by the inertia of the rolling of the meat ball.If one of them died, other living corpses would use his corpse as food.After so many years, a lot of stumps, broken arms and human bones have piled up at the door.

It seems that this room is a pothole specially used by Tianling Sanren to dump corpses.It's just that I don't know what growth and evolution function the living pill has, so that these living corpses are glued together to form a huge corpse ball.No wonder the living corpse that discovered them just now grew up with another one.

Xiao Ran rubbed his shoes on the ground in disgust, thinking that the shoes were scrapped, and the smell of corpses probably couldn't be removed.

Taking advantage of the corpse ball rolling to a closer place, he raised his flashlight and carefully illuminated the corpse ball.Judging from the broken gaps of several living corpses, there are many white and fat maggots as big as rabbits in the corpse ball, crawling and wriggling in it.

Xiao Ran was disgusted for a while, it seemed that the worms produced by these living pills, in order to ensure their own survival, drove these living corpses to stick to each other to form a huge granary and insect nest.

There are not many living corpses on the meat ball that are still alive, most of them are just rolling with inertia, making a "uh uh" sound from their mouths like they are dying.

Even though the door is closed, perhaps in another hundred or eighty years, these living corpses and parasitic insects will all die, but Xiao Ran still decided not to leave future troubles, so as not to blame himself for certain "what if" situations in the future.

He shined the flashlight on the ground, and found that there was a broken thin carpet on the stone steps of the platform, and the intact part was as big as a double quilt.

He called Liu Shengli and Xu Er to join hands, pulled out the carpet from the stone steps, extinguished the two oil lamps, and sprinkled the thick shark oil inside the blanket bit by bit.

The three of them walked carefully to the platform in the room, and while the meat ball was getting closer, they swung the oiled blanket up.The blanket instantly covered the meat ball like a big cup, and the nearby living corpses thought it was something fresh, and immediately stretched out their hands to grab it firmly.

Xiao Ran gave Xu Er a wink, and Xu Er took the opportunity to throw the torch that was about to burn out in his hand, and flew straight to the oiled blanket.

The flames soared in an instant, causing the living corpses to scream pitifully, and the maggots in the meat ball also let out a "squeak" sound, and burrowed deeper into the meat ball.After the blanket was caught in the fire, it stuck to the meat ball, and the viscous merman oil turned into a stream of fire, spreading around as the meat ball rolled, instantly turning the meat ball into a fireball exuding a burnt smell.

Seeing that the fire could not be extinguished, Xiao Ran felt relieved, and ordered Yin Yang Jing to recite a scripture to save the innocent villagers who were murdered by Tianling Sanren, and then turned around and left with the two of them.

Before going out, Xu Er and Liu Shengli ran along the platform to both sides, collecting all the torches stuck on the wall along the way, and finally each had four or five torches in their hands.They are really scared. In this dark underground, the absence of light will only increase the fear in a flat manner.

In order to ensure sufficient combustion, Xiao Ran just pulled out the key on the door and did not close the door again.The three jumped to the platform next to them, and saw thick smoke and fire coming out of the iron gate behind, and the screams of the living corpses could no longer be heard.

The three breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat disappointed in their hearts.Right now, there are still three doors that can find a way out.If these three doors still lead nowhere...

Xiao Ran shook his head, it's better not to make such worst plans yet.He led the two of them to light up the two oil lamps in front of the eighth door, and then lightly knocked on the iron door.

The empty voice echoed in the hall, and there was silence inside the door.The three of them immediately felt a lot more relaxed, at least there would be no more disgusting creatures in it.

Xiao Ran inserted the key in and turned it lightly.

After a few "clicks", a series of louder sounds came from behind the door one after another. It seemed that there were many traps behind the iron door, which was as tall as a person.

Feeling bad, Xiao Ran quickly pulled Liu Shengli and Xu Er, and jumped to the next platform.

(End of this chapter)

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