Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 200 Punishment Room

Chapter 200 Punishment Room
After a series of mechanism sounds, the eighth iron door bounced open with a "bang".

The oil lamp by the crack of the door flickered and jumped a few times, marking the exchange of air inside and outside the door, and a foul air visible to the naked eye gushed out from the iron door.

The oil lamp flicked, but did not go out, indicating that the air inside the iron door was at least not lacking in oxygen.But the thin smoke-like gas still caused Xiao Ran and the three of them to murmur in their hearts.

Seeing that there was no movement inside the door for a long time, the three of them returned to the iron door and simply opened the door wide to disperse any gas that might be harmful to people inside.

The air inside and outside the door was like pushing hands back and forth. After a while, the mist-like stale air became thinner and thinner until it finally disappeared.

Xiao Ran asked Xu Er to light a torch and stretch it out to the door. When he saw the flame swaying back and forth with the breeze, but it didn't weaken at all, he knew it was time.

He took a picture at the door with a flashlight, and saw that inside the iron gate, there were two gates from top to bottom. The outer one had a grid, and the inside of the gate could be seen, and the inner one was a sealed gate about two inches thick. iron gate.

No wonder when the key was turned just now, there were constant noises inside the door. It turned out that three doors were to be opened in succession.

With so many layers of protection in this room, could it be the treasure pavilion of Sanren in Tianling?Xiao Ran couldn't help feeling excited, but when he listened intently, there was no sound.

He took a picture with the flashlight, and found that the left side of the three doors was almost close to the wall. After entering the door, there was a downward staircase with about ten steps.Looking at this room as a whole, it is on the right side of the door.

It was the first time to see such a layout in this hall, and the doors of other rooms were basically in the middle of the room.

The air inside the door is still turbid, with a little dust floating in the air, and there seems to be a burning smell.Xiao Ran asked the two to still wait outside the door, and went down to have a look first.

This time, Xiao Ran felt a little excited, because there was air flowing out of the door, which meant that there must be a passage leading to other places.

He walked down the stairs carefully, and found that the space of this room was much larger than every other room he had seen before, with a floor height of nearly ten meters and an area of ​​about 300 square meters.

In the middle of the room is a stone platform like a big bed, with locks for fixing the limbs at the four corners.There are three grooves on the left, middle and right running through the stone bed, and there is also a circular depression slightly smaller than a human head at the position of the head, and a small hole in the center leads all the way to the bottom of the stone bed.

Xiao Ran looked down along the channel of the small hole and the groove on the bed, and found that there was also a dent below the ground on the ground at the end of these grooves and the small hole, extending all the way to the stone cave below the door of the room.

This stone bed is an operating bed, or an anatomy bed.These dents and small holes are convenient for cleaning the blood and other things of the experimental target.

Judging from the experimental notes of Tianling Sanren, he should not only give medicine to the experimental subjects and then observe them, maybe he also performed evil deeds such as corpses or even vivisections, such as the pregnant woman who ate live pills.

Xiao Ran couldn't help admiring this Tianling Loose Cultivator, who has gone nowhere, and can continue to deepen Xiao Ran's obsession to destroy him through the things he left behind.

Xiao Ran flashed his flashlight and continued to look. Sure enough, beside the stone bed, he found a table with a height of half a person. It was filled with various daggers, iron hooks, stone hammers, iron cones, scissors, etc., as well as pottery bowls. Plates and utensils are all available, which should be the tools used by Tianling Sanren at that time.

The tools looked less like surgical tools and more like instruments of torture.

At the foot of the stone platform, there are several broken buckets that are tilted to and fro.Xiao Ran accidentally touched it, startling a swarm of mice, and ran towards the corner of the dark place with squeaky noises.

He walked further into the room, and saw two half-person-high iron cages in the corner, the door was open, and there was nothing inside.There is also a large wooden frame next to the cage, which is at an angle of about thirty degrees to the ground, and the four corners also have locks for solid limbs.

On the ground below the wooden frame, a sunken stone groove goes all the way forward, merges with the stone groove on the ground beside the stone bed, and together leads to the small hole under the door.

If you guessed right, this is a bloodletting stand, on which the experimental target can be fixed head down, and then bleed.

From the entrance to the wall at the other end, Xiao Ran didn't find the exit leading to the outside, so he had to go back and lock his target on the left and right walls.

Walking to the middle, he found that in the middle of the left wall, there was a gentle slope extending from the ground to the wall, and the height was about the same as the stairs at the iron gate.The middle of the gentle slope is slightly concave, about one meter wide.Next to the gentle slope, there is also a wooden frame for storing weapons standing against the wall, but on the wooden frame is a tool like a harness, and a cloth bag is placed on one end of a strong long stick.

Xiao Ran shined his flashlight on the top of the wall, at the end of the gentle slope.There is a small door half a person high.

Is there an exit there?Xiao Ran quickly climbed up the groove, and squatted in front of the small door to check.But this small door is also a small gate from top to bottom, and there is no keyhole or mechanism to open it.Xiao Ran knocked on the small door with the handle of the knife, feeling that with the tools in his hand, it was far from being able to break open the door.

At this time, there was a sound of tinkling, clanging, clanging, and he shone a flashlight over it. He saw a small bucket on the ground lying on the ground shaking. A gust of air rolled towards the door.

Judging from the direction of this airflow, the air vent should be directly opposite.

Xiao Ran raised his hand and saw a wider gentle slope on the opposite side, also extending from the ground all the way to the right wall.At the end of the gentle slope, there is also a half-person-high hole, but the gate there is half closed, and air mixed with dust keeps blowing out of it.

Xiao Ran was overjoyed, could it be a vent there?And judging from the degree of blowing, there is no blockage at all, which should be enough for them to crawl out.

Xiao Ran jumped down from the side of the stone gate and went straight to the gentle slope on the other side.Under the gentle slope of the wall on the right, he saw two dilapidated wheelbarrows lying on the ground, and one of the wheels had rotted and fallen off.

He wondered why the cart was placed at the vent?Could it be that before Tianling Sanren left, he took a lot of valuable treasures and needed to be carted up?
Before he had time to think about it, he rushed to the end of the gentle slope in a few steps and lifted the stone gate with both hands.

A gust of hot air mixed with dust rushed over, and he quickly tilted his head away.After the ashes cleared, he looked into the gate, and saw behind the gate was an obliquely downward passage, the ground at the end was piled up with dead bones, and there were still fires flickering outside the cave.

A bad premonition rose in his heart. At this moment, a burning fireball rolled past the hole, and the half-burned face on the fireball happened to appear in his field of vision.

A wave of nausea and disappointment surged up in Xiao Ran's heart at the same time, and turned into the same physiological reaction: retching.

He quickly closed the stone door, and the hot air mixed with the scorching smell suddenly decreased a lot.He secretly ridiculed in his heart, he should have thought that the right side of this torture room-like operating room was the corpse pit behind the seventh door they had opened before.

No wonder there is only a small platform at the entrance of the abandoned corpse pit. It turns out that the real passage for abandoned corpses is here.The test items used by Tianling Sanren, whether dead or alive, would be pushed on a gentle slope with a cart, and thrown into the corpse pit next door along the passage behind the stone gate.

Xiao Ran was immediately discouraged, it seemed that there was no way out of this room.

There was a faint clacking sound from the ground that suddenly fell down. He raised his flashlight to shine a light on it, and saw a slight wind blowing from the ground next to him, raising a puff of gray smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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