Chapter 204
The stale stench made Liu Shengli and Xu Er back again and again, and Xiao Ran hurried to the stone gate.

Fortunately, all three of them were wearing gas masks, and they had taken the Red Candle Miaoxin Pills before, especially Xiao Ran had taken double doses, otherwise the corpse aura rushing towards them would definitely bring them down.

Xiao Ran looked inside the stone gate, and saw that there was a passage several meters long inside, and there was a stone gate at the other end of the passage, which should be the stone gate on the left wall of the torture room next door.

In the corridor, there are three skeletons wearing clothes. They are all wearing short clothes and long robes. On the front and back of the long robes, there are six-handed and four-legged human figures in the shape of ants.

It seems that these three people are working for Tianling Sanren, but it is not known whether they are followers of Tianling Sanren or ordinary people who were deceived or even threatened.

Fortunately, the corpses in the tunnel had already rotted into dusty bones, and the accumulated smell dissipated in a short while.Without the smell of burning eyes, Xiao Ran could see the situation inside more clearly.

Rusty daggers were stuck on the bodies of the three withered bones. The most dead bone was still holding the hand on the stone gate, and he also scratched a lot of shallow holes on the stone gate.

Perhaps before the Sanren of Tianling left, these three people were somehow trapped here and could not escape, and finally had to end their lives in despair.

It's just that no matter whether they are the handymen in this prison or the helpers in the torture room next door, if they want to escape through this passage, it must be because of something dangerous happened in the prison at that time.

After thinking over and over again, Xiao Ran decided to go in and take a look.As soon as his idea was expressed, it was rejected by Liu Shengli and Xu Er.They were worried that li xuan, like those three people, would be trapped to death inside.

Xiao Ran shouted: "You two hope that I will be better, can you? They are trapped inside and no one cares about them, don't I still have you here? If you are trapped, just pull this wrench for me and it will be all right? "

Without allowing the two of them to talk further, Xiao Ran ducked into the corridor.

As soon as he took two steps, he felt a "click" under his feet, followed by the sound of a machine amplifier turning, and the stone gate behind him fell instantly.

Just as the two people outside the door let out an "Hey", the light of the torch outside and the voice of the people were completely isolated by the stone gate, and Xiao Ran was sealed in the corridor.

He was startled at first, but the flashlight in his hand was still bright, which made him calm down quickly.After all, no matter how bad it is, there are still two helpers outside, and even if you use your stupid strength to smash it, you can break the stone door open.

Thinking about it this way, he bowed his waist unhurriedly and walked to the stone gate on the other side, carefully looking at the sealed stone gate.

These three servants—let’s call them that—must have entered this passageway to try to survive after entering the torture chamber.It stands to reason that the gate to the torture room should be able to be opened automatically through the original design of the machine expansion. You can't expect the experimental products transported from the prison to the torture room to operate by yourself to open the door of the torture room, right?And there is no switch to control it on the side of the punishment room.

Thinking about it this way, there must be something wrong with the stone gate, which trapped the three people to death.

He kept tapping the wall near the stone gate with his fingers, and found that there were hollow sounds, indicating that the mechanism was hidden between the walls.

He leaned on the wall and listened carefully while searching. Sure enough, he heard a slight "click" sound behind a brick, as if the key was stuck when opening the door.

He carefully cleaned the cracks between the bricks with the tip of the knife, and then stretched out two fingers to pinch, and the entire stone brick was pulled out like a building block.

As the bricks were pulled from the wall, a breeze blew through the new hole.He took a careful look with the flashlight, and found a thick iron cone embedded in the two meshing gears, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the tools in the torture chamber.

Xiao Ran pointed the handle of the knife at the iron cone and knocked it hard.The iron cone flew out in response, and the gears that had been stuck for hundreds of years shook twice, and then began to rotate normally again.

With a heavy rubbing sound, the stone gate slowly rose, and the accumulated dust of hundreds of years also leaked through the crack of the gate.The desperate hand of the servant who was close to the stone gate also slid down slowly the moment the stone gate opened, and half of his palm fell on the side of the execution room.

After waiting for so long, although it was not possible to talk about seeing the sun again, the exit was finally opened.Regardless of whether they were accomplices or being coerced, Xiao Ran felt a bit of compassion, and carried three sets of skeletons and placed them on the gentle slope one by one, watching them slide all the way down the slope.

Xiao Ran got out and looked carefully at the place where the iron cone was inserted.At this time, Tie Zhu was lying on the ground, and there was only a small hole in the wall, no wonder Xiao Ran didn't see the trickiness here when he was in the torture chamber.

What happened hundreds of years ago is untestable, so he can only guess that the Sanren of Tianling knew that he was going to leave, so when the three servants entered the corridor, they deliberately nailed this iron cone on the gear of the door opener for the purpose of It's just to kill people, and I don't want to bring these oil bottles.

No wonder Xia Qiusheng started to say that Tianling Sanren is a lunatic in the second half of his notes. Judging from the actions he saw along the way, he is either a lunatic or a lunatic.It's a pity that Xia Qiusheng only saw through Tianling Sanren, but he didn't see through the so-called misguided path of cultivating immortals and alchemy, and finally made himself into neither human nor ghost.

Xiao Ran slid down the gentle slope, specially taking photos of the incinerator.It was very quiet there at the moment, and I don't know if the tufted-horned glazed dragon went out to look for food again.

He was curious whether these three withered bones would appreciate his rescue after hundreds of years, so he asked Suohun Dinglingzhu, "Suozi, did these three thank me?"

"Bayan, they don't have souls. Come here with you. I found that those whose brains have been penetrated by that strange insect no longer have souls."

Brain drilled?Xiao Ran took a photo with a flashlight, only to find that there was a small hole in the skulls of the three skeletons, the size of which was comparable to the diameter of the mouthparts of the brain-drilling fly known as the scorpion.

It seems that these three servants were also parasitized by that kind of brain-drilling fly before they were alive.

He thought about it carefully. From the first encounter with a parasitic lynx in the cemetery outside Futou Village, to the mother and child before, and the brainless living corpses in the corpse pit, it seems that once any human or animal is infected by a brainfly After successfully parasitizing, the brain-drilling fly will gradually devour the host's brain and replace the host's brain to direct it to act. Through this symbiotic method, the host can live as long as possible and always serve itself.

Thinking of seeing the eyes of the brain-drilling fly twice, he suddenly felt that this kind of pigeon-sized bug might not be as low-energy as ordinary people understand, and it might be a creature with strong adaptability and even high intelligence.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that this brain-drilling fly was even more disgusting, and Tianling Sanren was even more crazy and stupid.He thought he was using living pills to pursue longevity, but in fact, he became the so-called longevity, or the servant of these brain-drilling flies.

Xiao Ran looked at the dead bones on the ground with mixed feelings, turned around and walked outside the iron gate, and walked all the way back to the prison gate.

With a flashlight on, he went straight to the right wall in the middle, trying to join Liu Shengli and Xu Er.But when he arrived near Shimen, he saw Liu Shengli and Xu Er trapped in an iron cage.

The stone door behind them was open, and they didn't go in. Instead, when the iron cage rose slightly, they pulled down the handle again to keep the iron cage on the ground.

Seeing him approaching, Liu Shengli shouted in panic, "Manager! Be careful, there's... something in here!"

(End of this chapter)

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