Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 205 Giant Vine Cannibalism

Chapter 205 Giant Vine Cannibalism

"Something? What?"

Xiao Ran flashed a flashlight to look around, and saw that there was silence all around, as if there was nothing else there.

There is still half of the space in this prison that has not been explored. Could it be that there is some hidden danger dormant in the depths of the prison, and they woke it up?

I took a picture inside with a flashlight, and there are at least 30 cells that have not been checked.

"Manager...we just saw a long neck with many heads..."

As soon as Liu Shengli finished speaking, Xiao Ran felt a "cracking" sound behind him.Liu Shengli and Xu Er looked behind him, their eyes widened suddenly, and they scrambled into the corridor while shouting in horror.As a result, just as the two of them entered, someone touched the switch on the ground, and the stone gate closed instantly, and at the same time, the iron cage slowly rose upwards.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran had already ruled out the faults in the corridor in advance, even if these two useless woods got in, they didn't have to worry about being trapped in it.

Seeing that the two of them had entered a safe zone, Xiao Ran bent over and rolled on the ground, then quickly turned around and drew a knife to block his chest, and pointed his flashlight in the direction behind him.

Following the crackling sound, Xiao Ran saw a thick rattan hanging down from the roof.On the cane, there are many heads of different shapes connected to it, and the neck has been tightly glued to the cane, it really looks like a long neck with many heads growing out.

There are animals, animals, and birds in these heads. When the flashlight shines on them, the eyes on the heads will close slightly, as if they are still alive.The only difference from normal human heads is that the faces of these heads are green in dead white, as if the red blood has been replaced by the green juice of the rattan.

The rattan seemed to be affected by the head growing on it, and felt that the strong light made it uncomfortable, so it was lifted slowly, and then swung towards Xiao Ran.

A human head growing on it was flying towards Li Ran, the moment it approached, the head's canthus was split open, waiting for the already cloudy and white eyes, it bit Li Ran's face with its long mouth.

Xiao Ran swung the Guanshan knife around in front of him, and at the same time bounced sideways, the head fell to the ground in an instant, and the joint with the rattan was like a real person being beheaded, gushing out green juice.

The rattan seemed to have pain-sensing nerves as rich as human beings, and it shivered and shrank back to the roof.The eyes of the head that fell to the ground were half-opened, and the mouth opened and closed a few times reluctantly, and then there was no movement.Those green juices flowed out from the incision on the neck, the green under the skin of the human head faded, and turned back to a blood-sucking pale.

Xiao Ran looked at the ceiling, only to find that rattans of different thicknesses had almost occupied the entire roof of the prison.There was no such scene when they first stepped into this prison.Skulls, large and small, hung from the canes, and looked like strings of green lanterns when illuminated by the flashlight.

The blinding effect of the wolf-eye flashlight is still effective at such a close range. The heads on the vines opened their mouths and twisted restlessly, and the vines trembled slightly like octopus tentacles along the way.There are a few heads with fairly complete necks, and they can even groan in pain.

The star-shaped leaves on the vines also slowly turned at this time, one after another blocked the head, blocking the strong light from the flashlight.

Looking at the heads twisting with the vines on the roof, Xiao Ran felt unspeakably disgusted in his heart.But he feels that this thing should not be the creation of Tianling Sanren, especially the star-shaped leaf, which makes him feel very familiar.

He searched hard for the memories in his mind, no matter which life he was in, he must have seen this kind of thing in a book.


A burst of crying suddenly came from behind, Xiao Ran turned around abruptly, and immediately jumped back in fright.

A female head with disheveled hair and a white and green face was hanging where he was standing before, twisting her facial features and eyebrows, simulating the sound and expression of crying, but no matter how she looked at this face, he felt intrusive and weird.

But after watching it for a long time, he suddenly felt a sense of sympathy in his heart, feeling that the head might still be saved, maybe the whole person was really trapped in the thick vines behind his neck, waiting for his help... …

"Old Xiao! Why are you so dazed? Be careful behind you!"

Xiao Ran was suddenly reprimanded by Ya Jiu Kuo, and his head was covered with cold sweat.At this moment, looking at the woman's head in front of her, she couldn't see the slightest bit of misery and grievance, it was completely a dead face, being manipulated by the vine beyond recognition.

He didn't even have time to turn his head, he swung his knife backwards first, then turned around and chopped off the head of the woman in front of him.

The vines twitched and retreated towards the ceiling, only then did Xiao Ran squat down and look back, only to see a giant five-petal flower slowly retracting.This flower grows on the tip of a vine as thick as a human being. The five open petals are bright red in color and densely covered with spikes, like a giant mouth full of teeth.At the stamen in the center of the giant flower is a deep red hole, leading to the center of the vine, and a translucent liquid is dripping from the part cut open by Xiao Ran's knife point.

Xiao Ran suddenly thought that this thing should be a mutant distant relative of Mimic Wisteria.Mimic vines can lure some small birds and reptiles through the caterpillars and even butterfly-like protrusions growing on the vines, and then use their mouth-like flower mouths to swallow these targets that fall into the trap.

The thing in front of me should be the giant vine cannibal, which can control the head of the food by devouring corpses or even living things, and then further lure more similar targets to become its food.

This kind of giant vine cannibalism, he had seen in an expedition note on his father's bookshelf before, and this kind of plant can occasionally be produced in many ruins and ancient tombs with many corpses, but no one has studied the specific mutation conditions. .

This trip was really eye-opening. I don’t know if it’s because Tianling Sanren conducted too many weird experiments in this underground hall, which caused the ordinary mimic vines that originally grew nearby to mutate.It seems that the three withered bones who died in the corridor may also be avoiding this giant vine cannibalism.

The past is over, Xiao Ran temporarily repelled the cannibal radish at this time, but the cannibal radish has already further narrowed its encirclement, and even the road leading to the iron gate has been blocked by some vines.

Although the human heads on the vines have certain light-sensitive characteristics, they are all mimic attacks, and it is far from enough that because of these things, the cannibal vines will be forced back by Xiao Ran's strong flashlight.

But if the man-eating vine gave up the mimicry attack and directly encouraged a vine to rush over from all directions, Xiao Ranke would be completely surrounded.

Xiao Ran was vigilantly looking for a breakthrough, but the man-eating vine seemed to understand his thoughts, and really stretched out two vines with smaller flower openings at the tip to bite from two directions at the same time.

Xiao Ran hurriedly dodged sideways, dodging the attack of the two vines, but before he got up, two more vines dragged several lynx heads and bit him towards him.

Xiao Ran looked to both sides, and saw that there happened to be a cell with an open door on the right, so he rolled and got into the cell.

(End of this chapter)

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