Chapter 209
Xiao Ran was so smoked that his eyes shed tears, and then streams of flames kept coming in from the gaps in the vines in front of him.Under the scorching heat wave, Xiao Ran felt a burst of suffocation, and his skin was scorched hot.

The nerves of those heads were connected to the vines, and when they felt the fire outside, they all uttered strange screams in pain. Even the most dull bird heads, their eyelids were trembling constantly, and they made sharp screams.

Although Liu Shengli and Xu Er were cowardly, it was the normal reaction of ordinary people after all, and the previous escape was only out of trust in Xiao Ran's strength.The two thought that he was killed by this vine, and they used their last courage and wisdom to come back to avenge him, which is considered a commendable loyalty.

Looking at the flames and black smoke in front of him, Xiao Ran guessed that the two worried people must have used the shark oil in the oil lamp to light the fire again, so the fire spread extremely fast, and even the sap in the vines was burnt out quickly, causing billowing fires. Thick smoke spread in the room, and if it was burned like this, it would have choked to death.

But when these vines were burned by the fire, they moved more slowly. Instead, the flames quickly surrounded Xiao Ran, and they were about to ignite the vines behind him.If you are really surrounded by a ring of fire, you don't need to consider whether you will be burned to death or choked to death, and you will directly suffocate to death due to lack of oxygen.

"...It's too hot! Brother Liu, why are we making trouble!"

"What's the fuss, run away!"

Hearing the conversation between the two outside, Xiao Ran hurriedly yelled a few times, wanting them to know that he was still alive.But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was choked by the smoke and coughed.

"...Xu Er, did you hear the cough?"

"...It seems... I heard..."

Yes, they heard it!Xiao Ran hurriedly looked to the left and right, trying to find something to attract their attention.But at this moment, a series of coughing sounded beside him.

Xiao Ran raised his head in surprise, only to see those heads covered in thick smoke also turned their faces and coughed.Xiao Ran was so angry that he scolded his mother, he died with only one head left, the work was quite complete, and he still knew how to cough.

Sure enough, Liu Shengli and Xu Er outside also began to mutter: "It seems that those dead heads are coughing, let's go first!"

Xiao Ran touched his body, took out the copper key that could open the door from his pocket, and threw it towards the source of the voices of the two people outside.

Fortunately, those vines did not completely block the roof, and there was still a gap between the vine wall and the roof.The copper key flew out in a parabola, and within two seconds there was a scream outside.

"Oh! What the hell? Eh? Keys!"

"Xiao Gang is inside! Xiao Gang is still alive!"

Hearing that the two people outside finally received the signal, Xiao Ran also heaved a sigh of relief.Based on the two talents of escape and luck, they should know how to protect themselves.

But at this time, those flaming vines also seemed to be revengeful, and stretched towards Xiao Ran relentlessly.

Xiao Ran looked in other directions, the only way out now was the rear that hadn't been ignited yet.If he didn't retreat, he would be burned to ashes together with these vines and heads.

He suddenly remembered that there was a hidden door on the other side of the T-shaped corridor.Although it may be the old lair of the cannibal, but after all, the fire spread so quickly, coupled with the information revealed by the soul-locking Lingzhu, the energy of the cannibal is constantly being consumed.Perhaps when he entered the secret door, the cannibal Luo was completely burned to death.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, rather than staying and waiting to die, it is better to fight.Xiao Ran turned around and swung the knife like mowing grass to cut down the unburned vines behind him.

After all, plants are inferior to animals, even if they have more heads.At this moment, the giant vine man-eating radish didn't care about Xiao Ran, but stretched out more vines that had not been ignited, trying to suppress the flames with numbers.But this fire is ignited with shark oil, and it burns quickly and for a long time, as long as it touches a little oily fire, it will be burned until only ashes are left.

Xiao Ran kept moving forward among the wailing heads, and the vines also used all their strength to save themselves, but instead made the vine walls in the depths of the prison denser than before.

He buried his head in chopping wildly, regardless of whether it was a vine or a head in front of him, they were all chopped into pieces overflowing with juice under his blade.

Suddenly the knife in his hand slashed on a hard object with a "dang", which made his mouth go numb.Then he took a look with the flashlight, and it turned out that he had already reached the end of the corridor and slashed at the wall.

With the thick smoke and flames approaching from behind, he quickly turned to the left and slashed in the direction of the secret door he had seen before.

The thick root system on the ground is also slowly twisting at this time, which is enough to see that the giant vine cannibal is already facing a crisis of life and death.Those vines hanging on their heads didn't bother to encircle Xiao Ran anymore, except for those who were cut off by Xiao Ran with a knife in front of them, they all passed by Xiao Ran, like passers-by who didn't know each other.

After several times of moving, hacking and chopping, Xiao Ran finally stepped over a writhing waist and came to the side of the secret door.

This secret door has been squeezed open by vines of uneven thickness, and there is no need to use any mechanism to open it. The only difficulty is still to cut off these super leek-like branches one by one.

Xiao Ran felt that the surrounding air was obviously hotter than before, and the thick smoke turned around the corner at the end of the corridor and spread towards the branch where he was.He gritted his teeth, swung his knife and chopped off the large clump of vines stuck in the crack of the door, and then squeezed in through the door while swinging the knife aimlessly.

He felt as if he had got into the bushes, as far as he could see, there were gaps flowing with sap, and there were steps leading to the bottom under his feet.It seemed that this was more in line with his previous second guess, that there was another secret room between the two doors below.

Originally, he had hoped to go through the secret door to reach the tenth door, so that Liu Shengli and Xu Er could directly use the key to open the door to save him, but now the devil knows what new dangers he has to experience.

For a moment, he regretted his previous decision.If Cannibal Luo suddenly turned his target to deal with him instead of fighting the fire, he would be easily trapped in these branches; if there were denser vines below him, he would only suffocate to death in another form; And if there are more dangerous monsters down here...

Xiao Ran quickly shook his head to stop his wild thoughts.Where do so many ifs come from?Wouldn't it be better if the chamber below had a way to the outside world?
Thinking of this, he slashed forward with all his might.But this time it missed nothing, the large clump of vines in front of him suddenly bounced down like a rubber band that was stretched and then relaxed.

Xiao Ran suddenly lost his balance, rolling down the steps like a rubber ball.

The steps leading down spiraled all the way, all the joints of Xiao Ran's body were constantly in close contact with the walls and steps, and he let go of the knife and flashlight in his hand, and rolled down with him.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally landed on the flat ground, only to feel the world spinning for a while, and he couldn't distinguish his head from his feet.

"Quickly open!"

Guan Shandao's shout sounded, and Xiao Ran instinctively turned his head a little to the side.In the next second, Guan Shandao poked the tip of the knife downward at the place where his head was before, then turned around a few times on the spot and fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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