Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 210 The Underground Medicine Garden

Chapter 210 The Underground Medicine Garden
When the Guan Shan Dao fell down, the blade was down like a guillotine, and cut off against Li Ran's ear, and then fell to his ear with a "clang clang".

"You...damn...did you do it on purpose?"

Xiao Ran felt his stomach churning, the bells rang in his ears, and the darkness in front of his eyes seemed to be doubled.

Guan Shan Knife fell to the ground, and the vibrating knife buzzed non-stop, and replied: "It's good for me to kill you on purpose... vomit..."

At this time, there was a crackling sound and the light shone everywhere, and he fell down the stairs.Fortunately, this wolf smoke flashlight is strong enough, so it won't be scrapped after a few bumps.

Xiao Ran endured the dizziness in front of his eyes, and saw that in the place illuminated by the flashlight, there were several huge trees densely covered with human heads, like a large jungle.
He was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he immediately jumped up from the ground, reached out to grab the flashlight, only to find that he had also grown many hands, and there were several bright flashlights scattered in front of him.

He grabbed the flashlight a few times, but couldn't touch the target at all. Only then did he realize that there was a double image in front of his eyes.He quickly closed his eyes and turned his head slightly until the hand in front of him gradually merged into one, then he picked up the flashlight accurately and stood up holding the knife.

A burst of whispering voices came from beside his ears, Xiao Ran hurriedly pointed his flashlight at the source of the sound, and saw that there was a large forest before, only a large tree-like plant with thick roots spread all over the room, and the vines and branches above were Covering the entire roof, the hanging branches even blocked the deepest wall of the room.

On these vines hung heads with closed eyes.But different from the ones in the prison, the heads here are all human heads, but their expressions look tired and slightly painful, like patients suffering pain with their eyes closed on a hospital bed.

The size of this room was far beyond Xiao Ran's imagination, it was much bigger than the prison and torture chamber.He took out his compass and looked at it. The place where he fell was probably at the northwest corner of the room.He shone the flashlight on the opposite east wall, about right at the maximum range of the wolf-eye flashlight.

In the northeast corner corresponding to his location, a door can also be vaguely seen.

He got up and walked to the right along the north wall of the room. There were also torches and oil lamps along the way.He took out a torch, lit it with a match, and then lit the oil lamps along the way, and the brightness in the room increased a little bit.

The vines and human heads above seemed to be terrified by the fire. Seeing the oil lamps and torches lit, they even retreated to the side of the room with those heads in pain, and at the same time there was a whispering "rustling" sound.

For the time being, Xiao Ran didn't bother to care about these vines of human heads. He had been cutting these things for a long time just now, and he was already a little tired of judging the ugliness.The most urgent task now is to find a way out.

He walked all the way to the northeast corner, and all the oil lamps along the way were lit by him.But the iron door in the northeast corner was tightly closed. There was no keyhole on the door, and there were no handles or pull rings on the side.

Xiao Ran carefully photographed the vicinity of the door for a long time, and finally found a gap in the wall that was covered with clay.He smashed the clay and looked carefully at the gap, revealing a wheel-shaped metal protrusion.Near the top of the wheel-shaped protrusion, there is also a circular hole.

After some research, he probably guessed that something needs to be inserted to pull the wheel down and open the door leading to the top.

Xiao Ran flashed the flashlight to look around again, but there was no missing handle on the ground.This is a bit difficult, after all, the hole is thinner than a finger, so it cannot be solved with a finger.

He thought for a while and decided to go back the same way.The fire in the prison should have almost burned out at this time, and it might be possible to leave through the exit of the prison.

Holding the torch, Xiao Ran walked back, while carefully looking at the large clump of plants that covered the sky.This should be the body of the giant vine cannibal, but it is too big. From a distance, the cross-section is about as wide as three people standing side by side. It is impossible to cut it off with the knife in his hand. Called himself a disaster.

Anyway, this thing is also burned to the ground, so it's better to live in peace and escape quickly.

But when he walked down the stairs, Xiao Ran was dumbfounded.The stairs in front of him were already blocked by large pieces of broken walls and countless broken bricks.These broken bricks and rubble were mixed with severed vines and heads, and there was also a burnt smell.

It seems that after he fell, the wall of this passage also collapsed accidentally.

Xiao Ran guessed that before so many vines and thick air roots protruded from this passage into the prison, after hundreds of years, the walls and the top of the passage may have been stretched to the point of deformation and cracking, and it was only the man-eating plants and bricks. There is a delicate balance between them.

The cannibal radish was burned just now, and the thick roots of the vines that maintained the balance were either burned or suddenly shrunk, which eventually led to the collapse of the passage.

Xiao Ran kept scolding her mother in his heart, so he had no choice but to go back to the room where the giant vine cannibal Luo was, and find a way to get out through another door.

He walked all the way down the stairs and found the lights flickering in the room.He carefully looked through the door with the flashlight on, and found that the giant vine cannibal was sticking out a vine with a human head, driving the human head to blow air on the oil lamp, trying to blow out the light.

It's a pity that this human head is already as angry as gossamer, and although this plant has many heads and many mouths, it doesn't mean it really knows how to use it.When the dead man's mouth opened and closed, apart from making unidentified noises and spewing out stench of saliva, he couldn't even blow out an oil lamp, so he might as well chop it off.

Feeling amused in his heart, Xiao Ran held a torch and slowly approached the head that was breathing wildly at the fire.The dead man's head saw the light, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying, and without even howling, he twisted his facial features and was dragged back into the darkness by the vines.

Now I can only go to the depths of the room to see if there is a suitable tool to open the mechanism.Holding a torch in one hand and a flashlight in the other, he drove away the vines trying to approach while exploring the way.

It wasn't until he got close to the body of the giant vine cannibal that Xiao Ran realized the size of this plant again.The cross-section of the cannibal tree should be oval, what Xiao Ran saw before was the narrower side, and the whole cannibal plant requires seven or eight people holding hands to circle around.

This room is over a thousand square meters, with dead wood and wooden boxes filled with soil scattered everywhere, and there are square pits on the ground.It seems that this room is a flower house specially used by Tianling Sanren to cultivate various herbs.

The location where the cannibal's trunk is located is also a artificially paved flower pond, but the growth of the cannibal has obviously exceeded expectations, and the bricks around the flower pond have been lifted up by the thick bare roots.

The flashlight flashed across the front of the piranha tree, where there seemed to be many very thick vines wrapped around something.

Xiao Ran carefully illuminated the inside with the flashlight, trying to see clearly what was inside.But at this moment, his feet were suddenly pulled tightly by something, and his whole body fell face down on the ground, and then his whole body flew into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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