Chapter 211

For a moment, Xiao Ran only felt his feet and ankles tense, and then the sky and the earth hung upside down. At the same time, the "rustling" whisper sounded again, with a little excitement in his tone.

It turned out that while he was observing the environment, a vine wrapped around his ankle and lifted him up.

The moment the flashlight landed, it illuminated the human head hanging from the vines on the ceiling.Those voices came from the mouths of these people, and they were twisting their faces, communicating in a language that only they could understand.

Xiao Ran was surprised for a while, he could vaguely hear that these people were using the simplest vocabulary to communicate, but the intonation, pronunciation, etc. were very distorted and vague.It seems that although there are only dead heads left, the basic language ability is still there, but the closure for hundreds of years has degraded this function too much, and almost formed a new language system in this small circle.

The torch in Xiao Ran's hand also fell to the ground, and the surrounding roots dodged as quickly as possible.In fact, with those roots that are as thick as a thigh at the thinnest point, the torch can be crushed easily.

I didn't expect that with such a big body, meeting someone who is really terrible, this thing can be so cowardly, it seems that it is just a master who hides behind his back and plays tricks, and only bullies the weak and fears the hard.

Xiao Ran thought to himself, even if he really died, he wouldn't die in the hands of Xiaoxiao.He got up with the knife and swung it towards the top of his feet. The vines were cut off crisply, and the heads of the dead people gathered around him were scattered like birds and beasts, leaving only the horror on his face and chatter in his mouth.

After Xiao Ran landed, a carp straightened up, raised a torch and waved it at the heads of those people.Seeing those heads dodging in fright, he laughed out loud.

"Looking at the faces of each of you, relying on no one to find out, hiding behind your back and blowing the wind to carry out sneak attacks, do you still think you have unique skills? Today, I will play with you guys!"

After saying that, he retreated to the north wall, blew out an oil lamp, took off the entire oil lamp with a Guanshan knife, and walked aggressively in front of the giant tree with most of the shark oil in his hand.

Those white and green dead heads seemed to have guessed Xiao Ran's plan, twisted their faces, opened their mouths and let out a series of "uh uh uh" sounds of fear, wanting to approach but were frightened by the lamp oil and torches in Xiao Ran's hands, They urged each other to come forward, and even made vague scolding sounds to each other.

"Everyone is as timid as a mouse. When I saw the young master playing, I really let others go first. Where did the energy to watch the fun go while muttering behind my back? You really deserve to die!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and then most of the lamp oil was splashed on the tree.The dead men let out desperate screams and were dragged by vines to hide as far as possible, clinging to the ceiling and three walls.

Xiao Ran looked at the trajectories of those vines and dead heads hiding away with a flashlight, and finally realized that it was these human heads that controlled the vines from the very beginning, not the vines that controlled the human heads, or any other heads.

On the branches of some vines, there are obvious traces of fire and gnawing.It seems that before Liu Shengli and Xu Er fire-fired vines, these dead heads shrunk in the lower level to protect themselves, forcibly bit off the vines that had been lit, and let those heads growing outside to fend for themselves.

The disgust in li xuan's heart further intensified, even with this virtue, he is still so greedy for life and afraid of death.That's fine, but there are more ways to protect himself, but he actually chooses to use the other head on a vine as a sacrifice.

It seems that the closer to the head of the tree body, the more control it has, and it can send others to die in order to protect itself.Xiao Ran stared viciously at those dead heads who were avoiding far away. Those dead heads murmured despair, but seemed to be deliberately avoiding Xiao Ran's gaze, turning their faces away.

"Listen, you old bastards, I know you still have some intelligence. Now I'm going out, young master. If you tell me where the tool to open the door is, I will consider letting you go."

Those dead heads whispered to each other, Xiao Ran was afraid that they would not understand, so he pointed to himself and then to the door: "I! Open the door!"

The dead heads didn't seem to understand what Xiao Ran said, and they continued to communicate in low voices.Xiao Ran is helpless, he is now trapped in this secret room, no matter how big the space is, it is impossible to really burn the tree with fire, otherwise he will have to suffocate to death here.

There was a "Jie Jie Jie" sound from the pile of heads at the same time, and those heads also turned around, with ugly grinning on their distorted faces.It was as if after some discussion, they also thought of the predicament Xiao Ran was facing.

In order to gain momentum, Xiao Ran held up a torch as if he was going to burn the tree.But the vines where the dead heads were located just instinctively dodged backwards, and then continued to grin.Several heads were even dangling above his head, approaching and moving away provocatively.

Xiao Ran was annoyed in his heart, those dead heads knew that he was wary, so they suddenly became arrogant.When a head approached, he drew his knife and cut off the vine where the head was located with lightning speed.

The head shook on the ground a few times, and then the green soup drained out, turning into a dead white head.

Seeing this, the other heads knew that even if Xiao Ran didn't dare to set fire, the knife in his hand was not easy to mess with, so they didn't dare to get close to make trouble.But they didn't have the slightest sympathy for the colleague who accidentally played off just now, they just hid in the distance and laughed.

Now I want to go out but I can't, I want to set fire but I can't, I want to chop off these people's heads to vent my anger, but I can't reach them.Xiao Ran was annoyed for a while, he had never been caught so blind all this way.

Suddenly there was a "crackling" sound, and the dead heads hanging in the distance suddenly all showed panic, and the vines were also twisting uneasily, as if something dangerous was coming.

Xiao Ran followed the source of the sound with a flashlight, and saw that it was in the middle of the tree he wanted to see clearly before, and the vines wrapped in front suddenly separated, revealing the things wrapped inside.

Xiao Ran took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, completely unable to believe the scene in front of him.

In the middle of the giant tree, there is a nearly complete human body, but the hands and feet have been integrated with the tree and vines.The body is still wrapped in clothes that have not been rotten, and the exposed head, face, neck, arms and calves, etc., all have fine wood grains like trees, and look like a white and green humanoid wood carving.

The man's eyes were closed, and his hair had turned into a bunch of gray-green twigs, like a large weed.This large canopy of water plants is tied in a bun facing the sky, and there is a black and green hairpin under the bun.

Looking at the face and hair accessories of the woodcarving man, Xiao Ran was alert that this was a young woman.In other words, the young woman hundreds of years ago.

The body of the woodcarving woman protrudes slowly, and with the twisting and twisting of the thin vines on her legs, she poses in a kneeling posture, sitting on the ground in front of the tree.

Xiao Ran didn't feel the discomfort and hostility brought by the dead head in her body, but instead had an easy-going feeling, as if she was inviting him to go over.

Xiao Ran took a step forward, and Jiujiu said: "Old Xiao, beware of fraud, don't fall into the trap of a beauty... No, it's a trap."

After saying that, Yajiu Kuang snickered for a while.


After Xiao Ran was so provoked by him, he became angry instead.Isn't it just a complete wooden man?It's a big deal to cut her down.

He took another two steps forward, when suddenly there was a ringing in his ears, accompanied by a gust of wind.Xiao Ran turned his head suddenly, only to see a hideous dead head, grinning and biting towards him quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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