Chapter 212 Wanfu
Seeing the ferocious white-green dead head biting his teeth, Xiao Ran didn't have time to draw his knife, so he jumped back quickly.

The head was bitten and missed, and another head came over to replace him, and quickly rushed towards Xiao Ran.

This time, Xiao Ran was fully prepared, swung his knife and cut the head in half, the green juice mixed with the gelatinized jelly-like brain splashed everywhere.

The head had already regained its strength, and when Xiao Ran was too late to withdraw the knife, he turned around and bit at Xiao Ran again.At the same time, another human hair rushed over behind him with the sound of "uh uh", and several other heads around him were also eager to try, and surrounded Xiao Ran from all directions.

At the same time, more than a dozen vines with human heads hanging from the ceiling also coiled around the periphery, surrounding Xiao Ran in the middle.

Xiao Ran said in his heart, this **** is trying to kill me.It seems that the wooden beauty hidden in the middle of the tree trunk is their key protection object, maybe she is the leader, and it is she who drives these heads to launch a suicide siege against herself.

"It doesn't matter if you get bitten..."

Seeing so many heads surrounding him, Xiao Ran thought of abandoning his pawns to save the car.At worst, if he was bitten by one of them, he could cut off a few heads, so that retreat could escape the encirclement, and advance could directly kill the leading wooden beauty.

He swung the Guanshan Dao and chopped off the nearest head. At the same time, he turned around and waved the torch to drive back the heads that were approaching.But no matter how fast his hands were, he couldn't do the defense without dead ends like the golden bell cover, and a human head still rushed towards the back of his neck baring his teeth.

Xiao Ran couldn't dodge it in time, turned his head and saw the human head next to his face from the corner of his eye, and could even smell the smell mixed with the stench of dead people and rotting plants.

He subconsciously retracted his neck and squinted his eyes, and instinctively planned to use his tense body to resist and relieve the pain of being bitten.But suddenly there was a sound of "噗呵" in my ear, the sound was like cutting a watermelon with a sharp knife, and at the same time a thick green pulp flew out to the side.

The surrounding human heads and vines quickly spread out in horror, getting as close to the ceiling and the surrounding walls as possible.As for the head behind Xiao Ran, the face kept the ferocious and twisted face that was about to bite the target, but the temple was pierced by a bright green sharp vine.

The thin vine was slowly pulled out of his head, and he shook it on the ground twice with disgust.And the dead man's head spurted out green juice along with the brain holes on both sides, and the whole head became pale.

The place where the vines connected to the head and neck suddenly contracted with a "snap", turning into a tree scar with a film, and the head also fell to the ground, splitting apart like a rotten watermelon.

Xiao Ran was confused by the scene in front of him, why did these things suddenly start killing each other?And who solved his danger of biting his neck?
He quickly turned on the flashlight, and shone the light on the bright green thin vine that was still rubbing green brains on the ground, then followed the thin vine to shine upwards little by little, and finally fell on the wooden beauty in the center of the giant tree.

That bright green vine actually grew out of her body.

He shone the flashlight at the wooden beauty, and saw that the beauty still had her eyes closed, but her brows were tightly frowned, and the green wooden face was full of disgust and disgust.

Xiao Ran couldn't understand more and more. He thought it was a beauty trick before, but now it seems that it is a bitter trick?Let Xiao Ran get a request not to burn her by killing each other, or take advantage of the situation to let Xiao Ran relax his vigilance and find a chance to kill him at once?

Xiao Ran looked at the wooden beauty carefully, and still felt the same feeling in his heart, without the slightest danger, only an easy-going, even friendly feeling.

Where did this instinct come from, he himself couldn't tell.Maybe it's because he's been with these artifacts for too long, and he can probably feel one out of ten of whether the other party has any demonic or murderous aura, whether there are good thoughts or malicious intentions in his soul.

Besides, before encountering the danger just now, even Yajiu Kuo didn't feel the danger, maybe this wooden beauty really didn't have any malicious intentions?
Thinking of this, he asked Yau Jiukuo: "Xiao Jiu, what is the origin of this wooden lump? Is it also some kind of transformed fairy grass and elixir? Have you seen it?"

Yarrow Jiuxiu said: "The fairy grass... that's not the case. But as you can see, this thing can barely be regarded as a strange herb that has undergone changes, especially the woody lump in the middle, it always feels so similar to me..."

"Like you? So you're a woman?!" Xiao Ran said in surprise.

"Where did the men and women come from, I mean... Forget it, I didn't say it, and I didn't figure it out myself..." At this point, Yan Jiukuo shut his mouth again.

Anyway, it was inevitable that disaster could not be avoided, so Xiao Ran simply continued the previously interrupted steps and walked towards the wooden beauty.

The dead heads on the walls seemed to be very afraid of him approaching the wooden beauty, and started chattering and shouting again.A human head hurriedly urged the vines to drop him, trying to block him in front of li xuan.

With a "snap", the human head was pierced by another bright green vine again, the movement was so fast that Xiao Ran didn't see clearly at all.

A drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead. If this wooden beauty wanted to kill him, he really couldn't run away at all.Fortunately, he didn't feel that Mu Meiren had any malice towards him, so he strode towards Mu Meiren with confidence, leaving only the wailing sounds of those dead people who were slightly frightened.

Xiao Ran walked up to Mu Meiren, seeing that Mu Meiren didn't move, so he sat down cross-legged in front of her carelessly.

A thin vine was slowly raised, and it was strenuously paddling on the ground in front of Xiao Ran and Mu Meiren.Xiao Ran took a closer look with the flashlight, and it turned out to be two crooked traditional Chinese characters: Wanfu.

It turned out that this wooden beauty was saluting him in this way, and he felt more and more strange, mixed with a bit of shock, and a somewhat unrealistic fantasy appeared in his mind: this wooden beauty is not the leader of these dead-headed vines , not even with them at all.

Maybe I have something to chat with her, Xiao Ran quickly nodded and thanked: "That will be later... No, it's a pleasure to meet. I don't know if you can understand me, I guess what I said is similar to what you said at that time Not too much. First of all, thank you for your rescue just now. I don’t know what internal conflicts you have with these dead heads. In short, I just want to go out. See if there is any way..."

While talking, Xiao Ran carefully looked at Mu Meiren's face.The wooden beauty's expression was not as agile as those of the heads, there seemed to be some delay, when he heard Xiao Ran talking about the dead man's head, a trace of disgust gradually appeared on his originally calm face.

Impatiently, her thin vines leveled the words on the ground and hung on the ground for a long time, as if she wanted to write something but didn't know what to write.Mu Meiren's brows were twisted into a pimple again.

Xiao Ran was worried that what he said just now would annoy Mu Meiren, so he asked her to give him a quick kill.But there was one thing he realized that he was right in his judgment. This wooden beauty really disliked those dead heads hanging on the vines.

He was thinking about how to change his words so that Mu Meiren could better understand what he meant, and end the meeting in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, but he saw two thicker vines behind Mu Meiren, holding a small The small wooden box was held between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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