Chapter 213 Sincerely
Looking at the wooden box in front of him, Xiao Ran didn't know what it meant, so he asked: "Old man, what do you mean, you gave this thing to me?"

Mu Meiren frowned, and the thin cane impatiently wrote and erased on the ground, scratching and scratching for a long time, leaving two words: [-].

Xiao Ran pondered for a while, and almost laughed out loud.It turned out that the wooden beauty thought she called her an old man, so she angrily wrote down her age, or what she thought she was.

It seemed that she had just turned into this half-human, half-plant thing.No matter what age girls are, they don't like being called old people.

"Girl, you have been in the middle of the cave for a few days, and you have lived in the world for hundreds of years. It has been more than 600 years since your time." Xiao Ran said.

The wooden beauty's vines froze in place, tapping the ground lightly, as if shocked by the information brought by Xiao Ran.After a long time, her expression calmed down, she wiped off the writing on the ground, and wrote two words again: Respect.

Xiao Ran didn't expect that this wooden beauty had some culture, at least much better than Tianling Sanren.

Since people said to get out of the way, there is no reason to refuse.Xiao Ran opened the box carefully, and saw that the topmost book was a paper book, which might have been hidden in the giant tree, so it was slightly damp and soft to flip.Fortunately, the ink inside was not wet, but occasionally a few words were a little blurred.

He flipped through it from the beginning, and it seemed to be a handwritten record of the medicine garden. It used beautiful notes to record the daily flowering and fruiting of various plants, watering and fertilization, and withdrawals, etc.

There are some words that Xiao Ran doesn't know very well, maybe they used the abbreviations or pinyin at that time, and most of them are words of one or two characters, and some are even pictures.Xiao Ran guessed that this record was written by the wooden beauty in front of him, but she doesn't know many words, so the writing is relatively brief.

Xiao Ran flipped through it again, and found that there was nothing special. After turning through about twenty or thirty pages, it became blank.He looked up at Mu Meiren suspiciously, and turned the book in his hand upside down, and sure enough, he saw something new.

This booklet records other things from left to right, and the word "ghost vine" is written at the beginning.

The following content is mainly based on brief pictures, to the effect that in this medicine field, in addition to various functional herbs, Mu Meiren has planted some ornamental flowers and plants, including a strange ghost vine.

In addition to normal watering, this ghost vine also uses the corpses of small animals as fertilizer.In the following paintings, after the ghost vine used mice as fertilizer, a mouse's head grew on one of the vines.

The following paintings all depict different animal fertilizers and corresponding heads growing on vines, but most of them are chickens, mice and other birds.However, if larger cats and dogs are used as fertilizer, the vines will not bear the weight and break when they grow out.

Later, a simple man in long robes appeared in the painting, and the ant-shaped figure with six hands and four legs was painted on the back.Under his command, the ghost vines were transplanted to the large nursery in the middle of the medicine field.Bucket after bucket of waste water from alchemy and even medicinal soup containing unknown elixirs were poured on the ghost vines.

The ghost vines grew bigger and bigger, gradually occupying the entire nursery, and successfully grew the heads of cats and dogs and even lynx.

In the last picture, the human head was buried under the ghost vine, and then a human head grew out of the vine.

Xiao Ran closed the album and looked at the giant plant in front of him that covered the sky and the earth.It turned out that this mimic vine was watched by the Mumei people, and was called ghost vine by the people at that time.I don't know if this ghost vine was stimulated by some medicine and mutated. It can turn the corpse of the fertilizer into a kind of mimicry, grow from the vine, and even retain part of the instinct and thinking of the fertilizer when he was alive.

Later, it must have been discovered by Tianling Sanren, and as another key experiment in the study of immortality, the mutated mimic vine was continuously watered with various medicinal soups, and finally let it grow into this towering thing, which was also successfully realized. Head mimicry.

But it is conceivable that this is definitely not the kind of immortality that Tianling Sanren wanted, and it is inevitable that this experiment will be abandoned.But how did the wooden beauty in front of her become what she is now?

He raised his head and looked at the expressionless wooden beauty in front of him.Maybe she just wanted to talk to someone, but what does this have to do with him, Xiao Ran?He just wants to get out now!
Xiao Ran put the booklet aside and rummaged through the wooden box.In addition to the booklet, there are silk handkerchiefs, sachets, rouge boxes and other things for girls.

Flipping through the pages, his eyes lit up, and he saw a stick-shaped object covered with copper green. Judging from the length and thickness, it should be the missing lever used to open the door.

He was about to reach out to take it, when a thin vine suddenly appeared in front of him, rolled up the rusty lever at an extremely fast speed and lifted it high into the air.

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, not knowing what this wooden beauty meant.Just as he wanted to get up, several thin vines stretched out from behind Mu Meiren, neatly entangled his hands and feet, and dragged Xiao Ran to him.

"I fucking should have known earlier, you..."

Xiao Ran was so angry and impatient by the sudden attack that he couldn't help yelling.But before he finished cursing, a thin vine wrapped his face, and even his mouth was tightly gagged.

He was rolled up by these vines and got closer to the wooden beauty, seeing the wooden face getting closer and closer to him, Xiao Ran terrified thinking of the scene where the wooden beauty devoured him bite by bite, and twisted his body desperately in fright, but In the end, his forehead and the wooden beauty's forehead were stuck together.

A crisp and refreshing feeling spread from the forehead to the scalp, and spread to the whole body in an instant.Instead of being frightened, he felt extremely relaxed and comfortable, his tense nerves gradually eased, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Pictures flashed like movie clips. He dreamed that he was taking care of all kinds of herbs and potted plants in a vibrant hall, surrounded by bright lights, and his heart was full of joy and joy, as if he was doing something very successful. thing.

A figure appeared in front of him, his face blurred.But for this person in front of him, he felt a close love in his heart, and he suddenly remembered that this person told him that the herbs planted would be used to treat those displaced by the war.

As soon as the picture turned, he saw a mouse eating medicinal herbs, was beaten to death by the blurred man, and buried in a flowerpot full of vines.And when he raised his head, a hairless mouse head had grown on the vine, screaming at him.

He felt that the mouse head was related to the dead mouse buried below, and subconsciously lowered his head to look at the flower pot, only to find that the previous flower pot had been replaced with a larger wooden pot, and various rats and birds could be seen faintly in the soil below. class corpses.

He raised his head again, and the thin vines in front of him had grown as thick as his arms, with the heads of cats, dogs and other beasts growing on them, roaring at him endlessly.

He covered his face in fear and backed away. When he let go of his hands, the plant in front of him was the size of a century-old pine tree. Besides the heads of cats and dogs, there were many human heads on it, grunting indistinctly at him.And there are some black figures whose outlines cannot be seen clearly, and they are burying several sleeping people in the ground under the ghost vine tree.

His heart was full of fear, confusion, and then into disappointment and anger.The main hall is no longer brightly lit, but shadowy, like a Shura ghost market.

As soon as he turned around, the vague figure that made him love before grabbed him, stuffed something bitter and smelly into his mouth, and then pushed him hard, and he sank into the soil, vines one after another Wrap him up and suffocate him.

(End of this chapter)

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