Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 214 The Curse of Longevity

Chapter 214 The Curse of Longevity
After an unknown amount of time, the surrounding area became dark, and a lot of whispering voices could be vaguely heard.The despair in Xiao Ran's heart made him wish to kill himself.

But every time he thought about it, the vines in front of him would become denser and more tightly entangled.He could feel that the ghost vine surrounding him was growing, grabbing nutrients everywhere, and even different people and animals joined in continuously.

The more he wants to end, the less power he has, and at the same time he can feel continuous growth.He felt that he was bound by many people. These unknown people just wanted to live forever and would not allow him to kill himself in any way.This feeling of not being able to survive but not being able to die filled his heart with loss and resentment.

Time passed slowly, I don't know how many years have passed, he can't see the sun, moon and stars, and he can't feel the wind and rain, even the despair in his heart is gradually smoothed away, he seems to understand what it means to be ashamed.

Suddenly, he felt a burning pain coming from far away.This trace of pain brings not pain, but hope.It's been a long time since I've had this real feeling.

The pain became more and more real and denser.As the pain became more and more real, he felt that his strength was slowly recovering, and he was even gradually able to control his body.At the same time, he felt the deep panic in those who restrained him.

Through the gaps in the vines wrapped in layers in front of him, he saw a little bit of fire, and a vague figure.He struggled to break through the restraints, forcing the vines in front of him to obey his command, and then moved away one by one.

Getting closer, getting closer, Xiao Ran felt that he was slowly moving forward, and the figure in front of him became clearer and clearer.Until the last layer of vines dissipated, he finally saw the figure in front of him...

is himself.

Xiao Ran felt dizzy, as if his soul was jumping back and forth in different bodies, and even the surrounding space was distorted.When he finally regained consciousness, he found himself kneeling in front of Mu Meiren, their foreheads pressed together.

He stepped back slowly, and saw two lines of tears running down Mu Meiren's face.On the land in front of her, there is a word written: burn.

The despair of being betrayed and poisoned by others, the resentment of being treated as an experiment, and the loneliness of hundreds of years, all kinds of emotions are intertwined and still fresh in my memory.This kind of longevity is actually a curse, and it is not fundamentally different from the longevity of swallowing living pills and becoming human flies.

Xiao Ran understood Mu Meiren's real intention, she wanted to get rid of this symbiosis.The dead heads on those vines knew that Mu Meiren was connected to the main trunk, and as long as she died, it meant that the entire giant vine cannibal would die, and they would be doomed.

Therefore, these dead heads close to the trunk became the management of all the heads, responsible for sealing the wooden beauties in the trunk, and at the same time directing the vines to continuously capture and devour new corpses, and let the newly grown lower heads help them Constantly grab nutrients.

If you can squeeze others for your own self-interest after death, it really can't make you feel good.

Xiao Ran looked at those dead heads cowering on the roof, and said to Mu Meiren: "I can empathize with your feelings, leave the rest to me, and you should rest."

He got up and walked towards the north wall, took off two more oil lamps, and splashed the shark oil on different positions of the tree amidst the horrified screams of the dead heads.

Xiao Ran returned to Mu Meiren, and said: "It's not a good feeling to wait, I'd better give you a good time first, and let those dead heads enjoy the rest."

The wooden beauty stretched out a thin vine, took off the blackened hairpin and handed it to Xiao Ran, and handed the rusty lever to Xiao Ran, and then wrote on the ground in front of her: A "thank you".

Xiao Ran bowed lightly, drew out the knife and cut a thin gash on Mu Meiren's neck at an extremely fast speed.

The dead heads around suddenly wailed, and the weird sound was like a big pool of toads blowing up the pond.Xiao Ran looked at the dead heads with disdain, and threw the torch to the place where the tree was stained with oil.

The flame exploded with a "boom", sparks exploded on the other parts of the tree that were stained with oil, and they also exploded in an instant. Several pieces of flames connected together, enveloping the entire trunk of the huge man-eating vine in the flames .

In the dancing flames, Xiao Ran saw a smile on the corner of Wooden Beauty's mouth, bubbling green sap flowed out from the incision on her neck, and she also completely turned into a lifeless wooden color.

Xiao Ran took out the yin and yang mirror and put it on his waist, and said, "Master Taoist, please give this old... um... girl a ride. Just forget about the heads of other dead people, and let them never be reborn forever!"

With vines behind their necks on their heads, those dead people fled and flew in the air, wailing sharply and piercingly.Xiao Ran felt relieved for a while, and quickly used the copper rod to switch on the switch.

The copper rod was inserted into the thin hole, and there was a "click", and there was also a sound in the wall behind the semicircular protrusion.

Xiao Ran pressed down on the copper rod slowly, for fear that the copper-green rod would be accidentally broken by him.The nearly [-]-square-meter nursery has been soared by the flames. If the copper pole breaks, he will have to bury the heads of these dead people.

With a series of "clicking" sounds, the semicircular protrusion was pressed down half a circle, and the copper pole fell to the ground with its head down.The iron door made several "bang bang" sounds, and finally bounced open a gap, accompanied by a gust of wind blowing from the door, Xiao Ran felt a burst of coolness.

The flames on the Ju Teng man-eating dill tree had completely covered the flying vines, and the dead man's head was covered in flames and burned, while howling and running around, like flying fire meteors, it was really beautiful.

Xiao Ran sneered, he had been domineering for hundreds of years, and it was time to feel the karmic fire of retribution.He put away the yin and yang mirror, and used the Guanshan knife to hold the rusty iron door open. After shining the flashlight on the door, it turned out to be the same spiral staircase as in the northwest corner.

This man-eating vine feeds on meat, and when it burns, it emits a strange stench, coupled with the scorching heat, Xiao Ran can't stand it anymore.Before stepping up the stairs, he took a look at the copper pole that had fallen on the ground, but still kept an eye on it, and took the copper pole with him.

The sound insulation effect of the iron door was very good, and when Xiao Ran closed the door after entering, the sound of burning and howling inside the door almost disappeared.Xiao Ran straightened his backpack and his belongings, then circled up the stairs holding a flashlight and a torch.

This time, Xiao Ran didn't let himself walk in the dark, as long as there was an oil lamp on the road, he would light it.I don't know how big an upstart this Tianling Sanren is, how many people were mobilized to build this underground giant hall, and they can still get so much shark oil.

After walking more than 300 steps, Xiao Ran finally saw the iron gate at the end of the upper stairs until he was dizzy and his legs were trembling.He wiped the sweat from his forehead and decided to sit down and rest for a while.

Maybe Liu Shengli and Xu Er have already opened the tenth door, and when he goes out, he will have to eat and drink to replenish his energy.

(End of this chapter)

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