Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 220 The Woman Opens the Door

Chapter 220 The Woman Opens the Door
Liu Shengli and Xu Er saw that Xiao Ran's broken arrow did not cause any harm to the white-faced and red-clothed woman, and they were even more certain that it was a ghost protruding from the tomb, and it might pounce on him in the next second to claim his life, so The two scrambled to shrink behind Xiao Ran.

Seeing that the blow failed, and the two people behind him were useless, he had no choice but to draw out the Guanshan knife and lay it in front of him, assuming a posture of fighting for his life, and even lightly tapped a finger on the blade.

If it's true that even the Yin Yang mirror can't detect it, then the female ghost in red is probably not as fierce as usual, maybe she is already at the level of a big demon.I'm afraid I don't need to make a blood sacrifice to Guan Shan Dao, and I may not be able to beat her...

But the female ghost didn't come forward either, she just leaned out half of her body from the crack of the door, with a piercing smile on her pale face, confronting the three people on the steps.

Xiao Ran's mind was running fast, the black donkey's hoof and glutinous rice are both used to cure zombie dumplings, in addition to the Guanshan knife in his hand, he can fight hard, and the yin and yang mirror may be used to suppress evil.But he said he didn't notice the ghost, so he couldn't control it?I don't have any other magical artifacts in my hand, such as talismans and mahogany swords, but boy urine should be enough...


A burst of ugly laughter came suddenly, and Xiao Ran shouted in shock: "What are you laughing at?! Come here if you have the guts!"

Hearing Xiao Ran's shout, Liu Shengli and Xu Er were so frightened that they withdrew several meters back, and said to Xiao Ran, "Jingjingjing...Manager! What are you laughing at? Don't scare us!"

Xiao Ran turned his head in doubt, he forgot for a moment that his joints were different from ordinary people now, and the "Eagle watching the wolf" without turning around but only turning his head was a piece of cake for him.But from Liu Shengli and Xu Er's point of view, Xiao Ran turned his head nearly 180 degrees with a stiff body, and looked at them with a ferocious face, no different from a ghost.

The two screamed in fright, hugged each other tremblingly, and sat on the ground with their buttocks, so as not to urinate on the spot.

Xiao Ran realized that his appearance might have frightened the two of them, coughed a few times and turned his body slightly, while continuing to stare at the female ghost at the door of the tomb, he said to the two of them: "What are you two arguing about? I'm not a ghost!"

Seeing that Xiao Ran's tone of voice was the same as usual, the two finally felt relieved, but they still stared at Xiao Ran's face without turning their heads, as if at this moment Xiao Ran was more dangerous and terrifying than the female ghost in front of the tomb gate.

Xiao Ran was puzzled, the two of them didn't hear the laughter, where did the laughter come from?
"Hehehe... What are you arguing about, I'm not a ghost!" Guan Shandao's voice sounded.

It was only then that Xiao Ran realized that the crazily ghost-like laughter just now was made by Guan Shandao, but it was the first time for him to laugh like this. In addition, Xiao Ran was very nervous and his mind was full of wild thoughts, so he felt stupid for a while.

"Old Sha, what the hell are you going crazy about? Don't look at what's going on right now? Want to stay here with me? Laugh at your grandma!"

Xiao Ran became angry from embarrassment, and couldn't help cursing at Guan Shandao.But Guan Shandao laughed even more joyously when he heard Xiao Ran's scolding, and said: "At first, I wanted to wait for you to cut off your own fingers so that I would have a good time, but I didn't expect that you, who claimed to be the descendant of General Qiu Zhonglang, would be so shameless." I have seen the world, but I am really laughing to death! But the two sentences you scolded later were still in my temper, not like your usual fake talent, I will reward you with some insight. door'?"

The woman opens the door?Xiao Ran felt that this word was very familiar, as if he had heard someone say it before.It's just that his mind is really chaotic, too many memories are covered in dust, and it's really not easy to recall them in a while.

"The woman opens the door? Good man! I know!" Yin Yang Jing suddenly shouted excitedly.

Guan Shandao laughed "hahaha" again when someone picked up the quarrel, and then stopped talking.

"The so-called 'Woman Opening the Door' is often found on the doors of tombs, and occasionally in pagodas, grottoes, shrines, etc. 'Women Opening the Door' are mostly reliefs and portraits, and there are also statues placed directly on the At the door, the statues are made of gold, wood, and stone. Its implication is..."

"The road ahead is not over, and the next life can be expected. A woman opens the door, and then descends to a human being."

Xiao Ran listened to Yin Yang Jing halfway through, and suddenly blurted out the following content.He remembered that this was what his father told him when he was looking through his father's tomb research notes when he was young.When he was young at that time, he suddenly saw a portrait of a woman similar to the one in front of him lying on a dilapidated low door. He was so frightened that he burst into tears, leaving an indelible shadow of his childhood.

Well now, the shadow of childhood has continued to become the shadow of adulthood.

"A good man is indeed well-informed, has good ears and eyes, and is no different from the poor!" Yin Yang Jing sighed.

"Hey... I don't know if it's a boast or a boast, you stinky Taoist with hypocrisy!" said Yi Jiukuo.

Xiao Ran ignored the bickering between the two artifacts, he said the few words just now, which shocked Liu Shengli and Xu Er.Apart from fear, the two looked at him with a trace of confusion, thinking that he was reciting some exorcism formulas.

Xiao Ran put the knife away, shook his neck to relax the tense muscles all over his body, and pulled Liu Shengli and Xu Er up.

"I let you two quarrel like this, and I was so scared. Take a good look, is that really a female ghost?"

As Xiao Ran spoke, he led the way down the stairs with a flashlight.Seeing Xiao Ran walking leisurely in the courtyard, the two people behind them became a little bit more courageous, picked up the guy and followed behind.

The three of them walked all the way to the tomb door, and Xiao Ran shone the "ghost in red" up and down with a flashlight. Liu Shengli and Xu Er could see it clearly at this time, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This "female ghost in red" is actually a relief stone carving on the door, only a half body is carved on one of the doors, it looks like someone is looking out from the inside.It's just that this stone carving is so lifelike, and the colors are relatively intact, people who haven't seen it at first glance, really think it's a living person or a dead ghost.

Xiao Ran knocked around the relief with the handle of the knife, and large pieces of dried mud fell off.Perhaps Tianling Sanren sealed the door of the tomb and tried to avoid air inflow, so they covered the door with mud, so they sealed it together with the stone carving of the woman who opened the door.

"Naiqiuhuo... engraved a mourning star on the door, almost scared me to death..." Xu Er muttered.

Liu Shengli said: "Manager, these ancient people are really boring. Is this thing carved on the door to scare the tomb robbers?"

Xiao Ran said: "Maybe there is this consideration, but the reliefs or paintings on the door of the woman opening the door are not only on the door of the tomb, but also like pagodas, grottoes, ancestral halls, shrines, and even bronze mirrors, jade pillows, and picture scrolls." This custom can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, through Li Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and later flourished in the Liao, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties. The implication of engraving this is to say that death is not the end, the world after death is more exciting, and the afterlife is also If you don’t fall into a beast, you can be reincarnated as a human again with the body of a woman, it’s just a good fortune. I knew this before, but if you two are scared, I will be confused.”

Liu Shengli and Xu Er looked at each other when they heard the words.Before, the two of them were so proud that they wanted to go to the grave, and they felt that they could at least not cause trouble to Xiao Ran.Unexpectedly, before entering the door, there would be a big oolong, and Xiao Ran would also be confused.

Xu Er embarrassedly raised one leg, as if wanting to prove that he was not afraid, and stepped on the woman's hanging sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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