Chapter 221
Xu Er stepped on the sleeve of the woman's door-opening stone carving with one foot, and continued to tremble triumphantly, as if using this disdain to offset his previous fear.Unexpectedly, he suddenly slipped and slammed half of his body towards the door.

Xiao Ran quickly grabbed his back collar and pulled him back, preventing him from having intimate contact with the lady who opened the door.

But when he stepped on the relief of the woman who opened the door, he suddenly turned half a circle downwards and disappeared behind the other door.The original location of the woman who opened the door was replaced by another stone sculpture. The dress and hairstyle are the same as the previous woman, but her face has become a green face with bleeding eyes, protruding eyeballs, fangs and a red tongue. evil spirits.

Liu Shengli took a step back in fright, and shouted: "Wo...women... female ghost guards the gate!"

Xiao Ran said in his heart, this kid is quite creative, unexpectedly he named this new relief so quickly and appropriately.

But in the next second, Xiao Ran couldn't relax anymore.Behind Liu Shengli, a row of steel thorns rose from the ground, almost sticking to the back of his head and poking straight to the top of the stone, becoming a gate, blocking the way for the three of them to return to the top.

The steps formed by the Ant-Man stone slabs activated by the mechanism before are only five or six steps, and the remaining steps are hidden below the ground.The position pointed by the tip of the steel thorn is at least three meters thick from the ground, and it is absolutely impossible to break it by manpower.

"Damn, playing tricks with me again!"

Xiao Ran was so angry that he wanted to kick the row of steel thorns, but before he lifted his feet, he suddenly felt a tremor under his feet.He hurriedly pulled Liu Shengli back, another row of steel thorns pierced from the ground and inserted into the stone top, and now there were two gates in front of him.

Xiao Ran quickly scratched the broken soil under his feet, and sure enough, he saw that there were more than one row of small holes. It seemed that if he didn't run away quickly, the rows of steel thorns would continue to poke up, eventually binding the three of them into skewers.

"Hurry up and push the door! Or you'll all die!"

Xu Er and Liu Shengli heard that Xiao Ran's tone was so tense, they didn't dare to be careless, and pushed the stone door with all their strength.But no matter how hard the three of them tried, they couldn't push the stone door open.

With a "bang", another row of steel spikes rose from the ground, and a row of holes were poked out by the steel spikes on the top of the stone. The gravel splashed on the faces of the three people, instantly drawing several red marks.

Xiao Ran looked at the distance and time interval of the steel thorns, and within about a minute, the steel thorns from the three people's feet should have come out.

Since there is no way to hide, it is better to simply attack instead of defend.Xiao Ran pulled out the saber, wiped blood from his face and rubbed it on the saber, Guan Shan Dao instantly glowed red.

With a loud shout, he swept across the steel thorns in front of him with his blade.A burst of sparks flashed, and the steel thorn did not move at all, leaving only a light white mark.

"Old Sha! Is it because you don't have enough blood? Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment?" Xiao Ran asked.

Guan Shandao said: "Feeding the knife with blood is to help you slay demons and demons. It is easier to cut those evil things. If you let me fight these fine steel head-on, it is impossible to cut it anyway. What did the sour Taoist say?" ? Oh, it's not scientific."

"Ke...Ke you uncle!"

Xiao Ran ran out of moves, seeing Liu Shengli and Xu Er pushing the door until their faces were as purple as a pig's liver, so he had to put away his knife to help.

The three people's heads, shoulders and arms were almost all against the door, their waists and legs were tense like three pillars on the top of the door, and they used all their strength until their gums ooze blood and their eyes turn black, but the stone door still does not move at all.

With a sound of "bang", another row of steel spikes protruded, this time brushing Xiao Ran's heels and rushing straight to the top of the stone.That body, let alone a bag of flesh and blood, felt like it could be staggered even if a tank was placed next to it.

Xiao Ran hurriedly reminded the two of them not to straighten up and push the door, otherwise the next row of steel needles would be lifted and they would be unable to hold below the knees.

The three of them estimated the distance, but had no choice but to switch from pushing the door to slamming it, took a small step back, and then slammed into the door together.

"Woooo... I regret the manager, I don't want to die!" Liu Shengli sobbed as he bumped into it.

"If you don't want to die, do your best, look at Xu Er..."

Xiao Ran looked at Xu Er who was beside him. Xu Er gritted his teeth and stared, and slammed on the door like crazy.Not only was blood oozing from his gums, his eyes were also staring red, and two rows of tears had already slipped from his eye sockets, leaving two clear streams on his dusty face.

Xiao Ran couldn't say anything more, he knew that Xu Er might be blaming himself, if he hadn't stepped on the woman's stone sculpture casually, maybe he wouldn't have triggered the mechanism.

But having said that, Tianling Sanren set up this mechanism just to trigger people to die, even if it wasn't triggered by Xu Er, it might be Liu Shengli, or even Xiao Ran himself.It can be said that the current predicament is basically inevitable.

Xiao Ran slammed the stone door a few more times, feeling that the seam of the door seemed to be welded to death, without a trace of looseness at all, as if there were really evil spirits guarding the door.

Wait a minute, the door is welded?Xiao Ran took a step back, raised his head and lit the flashlight, aiming at the top of the two doors.

On the top of the relief on the facade, there is actually a shallow groove, the width is roughly equal to the protrusion of the relief, but the length is slightly longer than the shoulders of the woman—or ghost—in the relief.It feels as if if the two doors can be lifted upwards, the relief will also enter the groove above the door.

Xiao Ran immediately realized that Tianling Sanren, an old brat, was indeed deceiving people with blindfolded tricks. The two stone gates in front of him were basically one.The entire stone gate is no more than one meter high, and the distance between the stone top and the ground above is thicker than the first row of steel thorns, at least five or six meters, which is enough to allow the stone gate to retract.

"Don't hit it, you've been tricked! This door opens upwards, not inwards..."

Xiao Ran stopped Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were slamming the door madly. At this time, another row of steel spikes rose from his back, and the tips even cut off a few hairs of his hair.

At this time, the distance between the three of them and the nearest row of steel thorns was no more than one meter, that is to say, if two more rows of steel thorns rose, the three of them would become hanging corpses in front of the tomb door, stuck in the air by the protruding steel thorns.

Seeing that they couldn't push the door open, Liu Shengli and Xu Er huddled by the door in despair, hoping that death would come later.

"There must be a way... there must be a way..."

Xiao Ran shined the flashlight on both sides of the door and the crack carefully, staring wide-eyed to look for the possible location of the mechanism, beads of sweat slid down his pale and trembling cheeks.

He could hardly hear Liu Shengli and Xu Er's sobs at all, only his own heartbeat and breathing sounded in his ears, and the loud sound of another row of steel thorns poking into the stone roof behind his back.

A burst of dust followed, and small, sharp pieces of gravel scratched his cheeks, the nape of his neck, and his earlobes, but he didn't feel it at all.It was just that the dust poured into his nostrils, and he couldn't help sneezing.

A burst of whistle-like boos suddenly sounded, stirring Xiao Ran's nerves.He raised his head in a daze, and saw that he was facing the evil spirit guarding the door. The evil spirit opened its mouth wide, bared its teeth and stuck out its tongue. There was a black hole in the middle of the mouth.

He blew into the hollow, and in an instant the slight whistling sounded again.

Inside the ghost mouth, there is a mechanism!

Xiao Ran twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression could no longer tell whether he was laughing or frightened, and he kept muttering, "The green-faced devil...what does the devil tongue..."


(End of this chapter)

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