Chapter 222 Ghost Lamp
Xiao Ran looked at the female ghost's bright red long tongue carved in stone, and the corners of her mouth and her clothes were specially engraved with patterns in the shape of blood. The real meaning should be the female ghost's bloodthirsty, not the female ghost's vomiting blood.

There is no other way but to take a risk.Xiao Ran stretched out a finger, and stuck it into the dark mouth of the female ghost stone statue.

Inserting his fingers into the deepest part, Xiao Ran felt that the space became narrower as he went in. It seemed that some small rollers were pushed open due to the entry of his fingers.But when a knuckle jumped over these small parts, there was a "click" sound inside, and his finger was suddenly fixed so that the roller was stuck firmly.

Xiao Ran was shocked, did he make a mistake in his judgment?Maybe he should have tried that copper rod from the very beginning, but it was too late to regret it now, maybe before he died, he would have to experience the pain of severed fingers.

Facing the death predicament in front of him, it is not easy for him to calm down and think of a solution. The faces of Liu Shengli and Xu Er next to him are already ashen, and they can only hold the gap under the stone gate in desperation, hoping to rely on their own strength. Lift up the stone door with strength.

With a "bang", the last row of steel spikes under the three people's feet had already started to activate, and the ground was also shaken by the rotation of the machine wheel to raise a burst of dust.

Almost at the same time as the sound, Xiao Ran suddenly felt a severe tingling pain from the stuck fingertip, as if a thin needle pierced straight from the fingertip into the pulp of the finger.

It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, and the sudden needle prick made him scream, and then his whole body twisted and his knees became weak, subconsciously trying to pull his fingers out of the hole.

But when he pulled it out like this, the finger that was stuck was really pulled out easily. He couldn't prevent a stagger and stepped back, bumping into the row of steel spikes that had been raised behind him.

Suddenly there was a "cracking" sound from inside the stone gate, and the relief of the female ghost protruding obliquely protruded a section upwards, making the sound of stones rubbing against each other.In less than two seconds, the bun on the top of the female ghost's embossed head just reached the edge of the stone crack at the top of the stone door, making a "click" sound like a key opening the door, and the embossed stopped.

Behind the stone door, the sound of stone rubbing and keys opening the door was also heard.Immediately afterwards, the broken soil from the gap above the stone gate fell down, and with the rough and piercing sound of rubbing, the stone gate in front of him finally rose slowly.

"Quick! Why are you standing there? Hurry up and climb inside!"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er dumbly lifted the crack of the stone gate, as if lifting the stone gate became the only task in front of them, completely unaware that the height of the stone gate was lifted enough for them to crawl in.

While shouting, Xiao Ran raised his foot and kicked the two people's buttocks.The two people who were stunned realized this, and hurriedly crawled inside.

The width of the stone gate is just enough for the next two people to walk side by side. While they were crawling, the stone gate was slowly raised.At this time, the last row of steel needles was already trembling slightly in the row of small holes under their feet, and they were about to pierce their ankles almost immediately.

Seeing that the stone gate was lifted high enough for another person to pass through, Xiao Ran rushed in, and then rolled and landed on the ground behind the gate.He quickly got up, endured the severe pain in his fingertips, grabbed Liu Shengli and Xu Er by the collars with each hand, shouted with all his strength, and forced them into the door.

In the next second, the last row of steel thorns protruded from the ground at the door, stuck to the soles of the two people's shoes and pierced to the stone roof in front of the stone door.At this time, the stone gate made a final roar, and most of the gate body was submerged in the stone roof above, and then stopped.

"Are you two stupid? You don't come here as guests, and you have to wait for the door to open before entering? Look, this door is only opened now, and it almost became a roast duck!"

Seeing that Liu Shengli and Xu Er were still staring at the stone gate in a daze, Xiao Ran had no choice but to scold them while shaking the sore finger.He wanted to wake them up with the familiar scolding sound, so as not to be really frightened by the fear of dying just now.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er looked back at Xiao Ran, and at the stone gate and the steel thorn in front of them, they both burst into tears with a "wow", got up and hugged Xiao Ran with snot and tears.

"Get off... get off! Get away from me! Look at how useless you guys are!"

Xiao Ran laughed and cursed, but he didn't push the two away, but let them hug him and cry.After all, they walked together before the gate of hell, and they also needed comfort and venting.

Xiao Ran took a flashlight to take a picture of the stone door that was still exposed outside, and sure enough, the head of the stone sculpture of the woman who opened the door was slanted downward.It seems that the two stone sculptures are fixed together by the gear shaft in the middle, and the position can be exchanged as long as it is turned.

It's just that this method of opening the door is too painful. I don't know if there is any normal way other than this method.Could it be that every time Tianling Sanren wanted to enter the tomb, he had to sacrifice his own finger for a needle prick like this?
Thinking about the many organs along the way, it seems that if you don't pay attention, you will break your own meaning. This Tianling Sanren really likes this kind of self-abuse extreme operation.

But having said that, this is the tomb, maybe it is Tianling Sanren's own tomb, and it is not necessary or even possible for him to come in often.But why did he make such a mechanism that can open the door?If it's just to prevent tomb robbers, wouldn't it be good to just use those needle traps to kill them?
The more Xiao Ran thought about it, the more confused he became, and he couldn't figure out what Tianling Sanren was planning.However, if you can use a living person to do biological experiments in different ways, the brain circuit of this person cannot be measured by the thinking of a normal person.

"It's almost done! Hurry up and use Liangzi, don't waste my flashlight, it's the last battery."

Xiao Ran pushed the two away, and wiped away the tears and snot on his body with a look of disgust.

"What Ryoko?"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er finally came to their senses, but they didn't react to what Xiao Ran said for a while.Xiao Ran rubbed his temples, and said helplessly: "Light it up! Light up the torch!"

"Oh oh oh! What a meaning! Following Xiao Gang is really gaining experience!"

With the help of Xiao Ran's flashlight, Liu Shengli struck a match and lit the torch.Seeing that there were oil lamps on the wall next to him, Liu Shengli lit the oil lamps on both sides as well.

Unexpectedly, the oil lamps on both sides had just been lit, and suddenly a series of "puff, puff, puff" sounded.With sparks flying everywhere, the oil lamps on the walls on both sides were automatically ignited one by one, emitting a faint green light, which surprised Liu Shengli and Xu's second-hand torches almost to the ground.

"What kind of... ghost trick is this?"

Liu Shengli swallowed. Although his voice was a little nervous, his mood was obviously much more stable than before.Even Xu Er, who was next to him, pulled out the long set of poles that had been left behind from the steel thorns outside the stone gate and held it in his hand for the first time, looking at the passage ahead with a vigilant expression.

Xiao Ran nodded slightly, it seems that the escape from life and death just now really gave the two of them a lot of experience.He said to the two: "This is white phosphorus, which has a very low melting point and ignites when heated. Put this thing on the wick of an oil lamp, and it will ignite spontaneously once the temperature reaches. It's an old trick. It's just that the white phosphorus of the ancients may not be pure enough. , It's like a will-o'-the-wisp, let's wait at the door first, be careful of poison."

Xiao Ran raised his hand and looked at the passage.Sure enough, not long after, the light on the wall turned into a peaceful red-yellow flame.

(End of this chapter)

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