Chapter 223 Rat Sea
Behind the stone gate where the three of Xiao Ran were located was a space of about ten square meters, and the corridor in front was relatively long and narrow, at least 40 meters above by visual estimation, because the flashlight could not reach the end.Just judging from their current positions and the corridor visible in front of them, this space looks like a thick-handled sledgehammer for knocking on the wall.

The ground of the corridor in front of it looks like a long and narrow flower bed extending forward, the edges are paved with bricks and stones, and the middle is covered with fine yellow-brown sand particles.

Xiao Ran raised his hand to point and shine on those oil lamps, and found that the lamp bases of these oil lamps were also different from the big metal bowls outside, but there were exquisitely carved lamp slaves, dragging the lamps above their heads in a kneeling position. oil bowl.It's just that these lamp slaves also have protruding foreheads and six-handed and four-legged appearance, which made Xiao Ran and the three of them quite disturbed.

Liu Shengli squatted down and looked at the tiny broken soil particles, took off his mask and smelled it lightly, and said in a low voice: "It's strange..."

Xu Er also leaned over to smell it, scratching his head in confusion, and said to Liu Shengli, "This...why does it smell..."

Seeing Liu Shengli looking at Xu Er with a complicated expression, Xiao Ran felt amused in his heart, the two of them really recovered and started messing around again.But fortunately, the two of them have indeed grown a lot, knowing that they can't touch anything with their hands, they just squatted on the side of the broken dirt road and fanned it with their hands.If there are chemistry teachers present, they will definitely praise them for their professionalism.

Xiao Ran came up to him and asked, "Are you two really not afraid anymore? What are you messing around here?"

Liu Shengli pointed to the broken soil on the floor of the corridor and said: "Manager, these soils are interesting. They seem to be mixed with some oil, and they are not sweet at all. It smells like camellia noodles. It's just expired camellia noodles. The stock smells like old oil..."

Speaking of the last sentence, he gave Xu Er another look with disgust, but there was still a trace of sympathy in his eyes, maybe he felt that Xu Er had never seen anything good.

Sure enough, after listening to it, Xu Er asked, "What is camellia oleifera noodles?"

While Liu Shengli explained oil tea noodles to Xu Er, and promised to take him back to Zhaojing to try, Xiao Ran also carefully examined the broken soil with a flashlight.

The crumbs looked exactly like instant coffee granules, only bigger.Among these broken soil particles, there are also some animal hairs mixed with some small white fragments.

He took a wooden-handled shovel from Xu Er, carefully shoveled some soil, sprinkled it on the stone floor next to him, and crushed the particles with the tip of the shovel, carefully inspecting it.

A "hissing" sound suddenly came from the depths of the corridor, and Xiao Ran quickly turned around to take a photo.The corridor was still dark, and there were no unusual living or dead objects.

But the hissing sound didn't stop, and it became more and more intense.Xiao Ran's flashlight flicked up and down, left and right, until the sounds gradually approached, and he finally determined the source of the sounds.

Above those oil lamps, there seemed to be a very long twig being ignited by the fire, and it was smoking all the way up to the roof with indistinct sparks.Xiao Ran slapped his hand on the grid to take pictures, only to find that there was actually a row of shuttle-shaped containers hanging on the top of the corridor.

The lower part of these shuttle-shaped containers was wrapped with a layer of oiled paper.The sparks from the twister went all the way up to the oiled paper, and the flames burst out in an instant, and the oiled paper was quickly burned to ashes.

At the same time, the shuttle-shaped container began to leak water like rain, and dense water droplets were all scattered on the fine sand in the corridor.

"Manager, do we have to take a shower and change clothes before entering the tomb?" Liu Shengli asked.

Xiao Ran ignored him. There are tens of thousands of ancient tombs in this world, so naturally there is no saying that the tomb must be cleaned first. Is it to impress the owner of the tomb so that the ceremony of handing over the artifacts can be completed in a warm and friendly atmosphere?
Xiao Ran stared at the leaking container, and after a while, the color of the liquid changed slightly, and there was a smell of Suhe sesame oil.

It seems that the design of this container is that there is a hole at the bottom, which is sealed with oil paper. The container is first filled with water and then oil to ensure that the oil is suspended on it, so as to prevent the oil paper from igniting and make the entire shuttle-shaped container a giant incendiary bomb.

Tianling Sanren came out with such a thing, so they must make something bad again.But now the steel thorns at the door didn't mean to fall back to their original positions, and they couldn't really get into the corridor to take a bath of oil and water, so there was no other way but to stare blankly.

"Manager! That's the smell! It's getting heavier and heavier, that smell of hala oil!"

Seeing Liu Shengli yelling so loudly, Xiao Ran quickly stopped him.In the sound of water and oil falling, Xiao Ran felt that there was also a "rustling" sound, as if there was something lurking not only above, but also in the sand.

"Oh, isn't this a mouse?"

Xu Er, who was squatting aside, seemed to have made some major discovery. Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli thought there was something new, so they quickly turned their attention to Xu Er.

I saw Xu Er squatting next to the soil that Xiao Ran had removed before, pulling with a broken crossbow arrow, and picked out a fairly complete skeletal thin tail.

So the hairs in the sand should also be rat hairs, mixed with sorrel sesame oil, what kind of operation is this?
"Manager, mouse..."

Xiao Ran shined the flashlight on the ground thinking about it, and agreed impatiently: "I know, isn't a mouse just a mouse?"

"No, manager, there are mice at the door..."

There was a trace of tension in Liu Shengli's voice, and Xiao Ran turned his head to look at the door, only to see red light spots surging between the steel thorns, and the sound of fine footsteps and the "squeak" of mice became more and more intensive.

Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to shine a light, and the rats whose eyes were suddenly dazzled by the light made a commotion of protest.Xiao Ran couldn't help taking a breath. There were one or two hundred black mice at the door, big and small, and they were still increasing. Like a black tide, they bypassed the steel thorns and poured into the stone door. A foul fur smell.

The three of Xiao Ran had to retreat to the corner, but they couldn't stand the fact that there were too many mice, which almost took up the ten square meters of space.Liu Shengli and Xu Er lowered their bodies and brought the torch close to the ground, waving it left and right, forming a simple mobile wall of flames, which drove back dozens of mice that were poking at them.

"Manager, are these rats going to eat people? It's better to be stabbed to death by that steel rod? What's the matter with rats eating them? It's too aggrieved..." Liu Shengli scolded.

Xiao Ran had already drawn his sword in his hand, and was vigilantly looking at these swarms of rats, observing their movements.He found that the dozens of mice seemed to be just a little curious about them, and after being forced back by the torch, they quickly aimed their eyes at the corridor.

Xiao Ran kicked away a few big rats that were too close, and said to the two of them: "Their target is not us, they seem to be attracted by the smell of oil."

A big mouse, which was about the size of a rabbit, uttered a few "squeaks" toward the tunnel, and cautiously scurried into the sandy ground of the tunnel. After sniffing a few times, it began to roll in the sand.

Seeing this, the rats behind them also boldly rushed into the sand, rolled and stroked their beards like that big rat, and stuffed the oily sand into their mouths. Ocean of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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