Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 224 Giant Desert Worm

Chapter 224 Giant Desert Worm
First, the mechanism poured oil, and the rat tide came in to swallow oil and take a bath with sand, and the sand was full of rat hair and rat bone fragments. Xiao Ran felt that there must be some connection between these things, and the things behind it were definitely not simple.

With the flashlight on, he carefully illuminated the sandy ground in the corridor, watching the large group of mice rolling happily in the sandy ground, and kept stuffing the sand stained with storax oil into his mouth. He felt that the scene in front of him was indescribably weird. It seems to have broken into the palace feast of the mouse kingdom.

Different from Xiao Ran's thinking, Liu Shengli and Xu Er just felt that the scene in front of them was very disgusting, and they were always worried that these mice would treat them as dessert after eating the grains of sand.Even though all the rats had flooded into the sand now, forming a sea of ​​black fur rats stretching at least tens of meters, they still vigilantly held the torches facing forward to prevent any rats from suddenly wanting to eat something fresh and hot.

It didn't take long for the entire sand field to be eaten whole by hundreds of rats.Most of the mice seemed to be drunk at this time, lying on the ground struggling to roll over their bellies, making intermittent "squeak" sounds.Even if there were some who didn't turn their stomachs, they dragged their bodies and crawled crookedly, like drunks.

"Manager, what's the matter with these rats? Is there wine in this thing spilled on it?"

After Liu Shengli asked, he sniffed his nose deliberately, trying to smell the alcohol.

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "They eat sand mixed with oil, and now they are full of sand, and they are supported."

Xu Er narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the position where Xiao Ran's flashlight was shining, and suddenly exclaimed: "Xiao Gang! Dead man! Dead man's bones!"

Xiao Ran frowned and looked at the location Xu Er pointed at. Before Xu Er called out, he had already found the yellowed dead skulls.Near the skull, there are other scattered bones, judging from the size, they should also be broken bones of humans.

"I knew it! After these rats eat the oily sand, they should eat people!"

Liu Shengli took out his engineering shovel, gesturing to shoot those mice, and Xu Er hurriedly made preparations, pulling out the wooden-handled shovel from behind.Facing these small animals, the two finally ignited their fighting spirit.After all, he can't beat the cannibal, can't break the mechanism, and can't deal with a group of hungry mice?
Xiao Ran hurriedly stopped the two people who were gearing up, and said, "The voice doesn't sound right, let's see the situation first..."

The two listened carefully with their ears held up, and sure enough, amidst the faint cries of mice, they heard an indistinct "rustling" sound coming from the sand.

A big rat with its belly up suddenly let out a "squeak" scream. At the same time, its head and tail stood up, and its back kept falling, as if something in the sand was biting its back and pulling it into the soil.

Before it could make another call, it was suddenly dragged into the sand and disappeared.

Followed by a second, and a third, more and more rats were dragged into the sand screaming.Those seemingly safe mice also blew up their nests and crawled around with difficulty.

But with a belly full of sand, if you use too much force, your intestines may be pierced.Many rats ran a few steps as if in stress, and suddenly spit blood from their belly to the sky, lying on the sand, twitching their whole body and shaking their paws.

The sight of the eyes dispelled Liu Shengli and Xu Er's enthusiasm for launching a general attack on the rats before, and the two couldn't help but took a step back, and then shrank behind Xiao Ran's sides.

"Xu Er, look at the place where the mice disappeared, and shoot a slingshot there, let's see which god this is!"

Xu Er got the order, took out a rusted arrowhead, straightened the slingshot, and aimed at the direction where Xiao Ran's flashlight was shining.


After Xiao Ran gave an order, Xu Er shot the arrow in his hand with a "snap", right under a struggling big mouse.

A stream of yellow-green liquid flew out from the ground along with the sand stirred up by the arrow, and splashed on the surrounding mice. There was a burst of white smoke in an instant, accompanied by the sound of "chi chi".

These rats who had been splashed with unknown liquid screamed in despair. They saw the liquid scald their fur and scald their skin. When the burning stopped, the white bones and internal organs under the skin had long been exposed, and the blood was gurgling non-stop.The rats had their stomachs torn apart by the sand, and their flesh was burned through by the corrosive liquid, so they immediately stopped moving.

"Things under the sand are not simple! The tricks are bright!"

As soon as Xiao Ran finished speaking, there was a sudden "crash" on the sand, and a large amount of sand mixed with a few mice flew around and flew towards the three people in front of the stone gate.

Xiao Ran quickly pushed the two of them away, avoiding those big rats whose skins were split open and blood spattered in mid-air.After he stood still, under the light of the flashlight, on the sandy ground, the hidden uninvited guest finally appeared.

A blood-red worm as thick as a human leg was slowly emerging from the sand.Its body is naked and hairless, and there are no scales, but the sections of the body are covered with hard shells, like a giant python covered with many layers of shrimp shells, and there are many thick black bristles on the edge of each section of the carapace. .

As it continuously stretched its body and emerged from the sand, the tip of its spike-shaped head and the mouthparts closed by five or six triangular-shaped lips slowly opened, and the fine fangs grew round and round. Filled its mouth and throat.Around the mouthparts, there are many snail-like tentacles that are constantly stretching and curling.

One of its lips was wounded by the arrow shot by Xu Er, and it hung crookedly by the mouthparts, and the yellow-green liquid flowed out from it, dripping on an unlucky mouse below.The mouse was immediately convulsed by the corrosive liquid, screaming, and was burned into a pile of rotten meat within a few seconds.

"Manager, what kind of snake or lizard is this? Or what kind of dragon? Does it like to do business?"

Liu Shengli fumbled in his pocket, trying to find something for the blood-red worm in front of him.Xiao Ran stopped him and exclaimed: "This thing should be a giant desert worm, carnivorous. Its body fluid is corrosive acid, which can be sprayed out as a weapon to attack. This time, we have met a difficult master. "

Xu Er was more panicked than Liu Shengli when he heard the words: "Xiao Gang, I smashed its mouth just now, did it just stare at me for revenge?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "Although this thing is big and dangerous, it is a bug after all, and its IQ should not be that high. Let's hide for now, and hope that it will shrink back after eating these mice."

Xu Er and Liu Shengli hurriedly obeyed Xiao Ran's instructions, and shrank in the corner outside the corridor, for fear of being targeted by desert worms.Xiao Ran also turned off the flashlight, and just leaned his head slightly to observe the giant worm with the help of the oil lamps on both sides.

The giant desert worm shook off the sand on its body, explored its surroundings with the tentacles around its mouthparts, opened its lips, and swallowed all the large mice into its mouth.

It seemed to have forgotten what it had been hit just now, and the more it ate, the more it ate, and it kept standing up and opening its mouth like a dragon like water, and plunged towards the mouse, burrowing into the sand while devouring the mouse.A second or two later, it popped out from under another mouse, opened its mouth, caught and swallowed the mouse that was pushed into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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