Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 226 Chemical Attacks

Chapter 226 Chemical Attacks
As the snail's eye-stalk-like spindle-shaped tentacles continued to expand and explore, the mouth petals of the giant desert worm also slowly opened, revealing the crimson mouthparts several circles larger than the circumference of a human head.

A mixed smell of blood and foul smell rushed towards the face. Between the circles of fine teeth, broken mouse fur and broken tails could be faintly seen, and some mouse heads pierced by teeth were still stuck between the teeth.The turbid and foul-smelling saliva flowed down from between the mouth flaps along the dense teeth gaps.

Xiao Ran slowly stretched out one hand behind his back and made a gesture of waving.Liu Shengli and Xu Er were already taken aback by the giant desert worm in front of them. Xiao Ran made several movements to attract their attention.They understood what Xiao Ran meant, and left behind Xiao Ran as calmly as possible.

But there were only these three people in this small stone room, and no matter how light their movements were, it was impossible for them to be completely ignored by the desert worms.Although the desert worm's head didn't move, a long antennae stretched straight out like a radar, and swayed with the movement of the two.

For a moment, Xiao Ran felt that the three of them were locked by some kind of sophisticated weapon, as if a red dot appeared on each of their heads.

At present, the desert worm is only curious about them. Maybe the Tianling Sanren and those under them only fed it with the corpses of dead people at that time, and it has never really eaten living people.He was not sure whether these two-legged creatures, which seemed to fight so much more than rats, would pose a danger to him.

Xiao Ran still wants to gamble as much as possible, maybe the desert worm has already eaten enough, now if he can patiently wait for it to burrow into the sand without provoking it, and then find a mechanism to pave the stone road, the road ahead will The channel is completely safe.

Seeing that Liu Shengli and Xu Er were being targeted, Xiao Ran coughed twice on purpose. Sure enough, the strange sound instantly attracted the desert worm's attention. It turned all its tentacles back and aimed at Xiao Ran.

Seeing this, Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly sped up their pace slightly, lowered their bodies and walked to the other corner, as far away from the giant worm as possible.

The giant worm didn't care about the two people behind him. It was full of interest in Xiao Ran at this moment, and one of its tentacles kept extending, wanting to reach behind Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran took a step back slowly. The giant worm seemed to be threatened, and instantly raised its mouthparts. The tentacles spread out like flower petals, and the fangs in the mouth and throat kept rubbing against each other as they squirmed.

Xiao Ran hurriedly stopped, and slowly stretched out his hand to touch the back. He wondered what was behind it that could make the giant worm so interested.

Stretching out his hand to his neck, he suddenly felt something wet and sticky.He moved upwards, and when his fingertips touched a spot on the back of his head, the pain instantly made him let out a "hiss".

The giant worm was frightened by this sound, and its mouthparts seemed to lean back, as if Xiao Ran was more dangerous than it.

Xiao Ran remembered that in order to crack the mechanism of the stone gate before, he raised his head to look at the gap on the stone gate, the steel thorns behind him suddenly stuck out, and cut off some of his hair.Looking at it now, it's not just the hair, the back of his head should have been cut several times, but the situation was too critical at that time, and he didn't even care about the pain.

He stretched out his hand in front of him, and sure enough, at the fingertips, he saw some bright red viscous liquid mixed with a few strands of hair.

The scolding in Xiao Ran's heart was not over yet, the mouthparts of the desert worm on the opposite side who had already been on guard suddenly grew a little bit, and the throat also wriggled faster, and the rapid friction between the fine fangs made a sound like a knife sharpening.The long and short tentacles around its mouthparts all stretched out in Xiao Ran's direction, trembling in waves.

Xiao Ran yelled in his heart that it was not good, so he quickly dodged to avoid it.Almost at the same time, the large bucket-like mouthparts of the desert worm rushed towards the position where Xiao Ran was before.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran dodged in time, the mouthparts of the desert worm had no time to retract, and firmly nailed to the stone wall behind Xiao Ran.Its neck contracted and swelled for a while, and a large amount of stone foam fell down from the mouthparts, and the sound of a chainsaw cutting bricks came from the wall.

Taking the opportunity, Xiao Ran rolled and hid at the stone gate, and at the same time drew his sword in his hand and prepared to fight.The body of the desert worm bounced back like a rubber band, and its circular mouthparts retracted into the distance with a large wall brick in its mouth.

Its tentacles swayed slightly, locked onto the position where Xiao Ran was, suddenly retracted its neck, and then spit forward, a round stone like a small millstone flew towards Xiao Ran's face.

Xiao Ran also just got up, so he didn't have time to dodge, so he had to lean over and squat down quickly.The round stone slammed into the wall behind him, and exploded into a large amount of gravel, one of the wounds on his scalp fell to the ground, Xiao Ran's back of his head hurt, and stars shot out before his eyes.

The mouthparts of the desert worm are constantly wriggling, collecting the remaining gravel in the gap between the teeth.A yellowish liquid also gushed out from the root of the teeth, mixing with the gravel.

Before Xiao Ran got up, it tried to repeat its tricks and sprayed the concrete-like mixture in its mouth towards Xiao Ran.

A rusted crossbow arrow shot across like a meteor, hitting the desert worm's neck, deflecting its mouthparts.The viscous mixture in his mouth did not spray onto Xiao Ran, but flew towards the outside of the stone gate.

There was a crackling sound, and the mixture all hit the layers of steel thorns outside the door. The steel thorns near the stone door made a "chi chi" melting sound, and a few were broken from the middle, ding It fell to the ground with a clang.

Seeing that the desert worm's chemical attack had ended, Liu Shengli rushed over to help Xiao Ran up before it recovered from Xu Er's slingshot.

Xiao Ran shook his head. Although his scalp hurts, it is a skin trauma after all, and his eyes are now much clearer.He turned around and tilted his head to look at the steel thorns outside the stone gate. Although the three or five steel thorns in the middle of the acid cement were broken, the remaining part was nearly one meter long.

And the other affected steel thorns are just black dents on the edges, which are not enough to burn out the channels due to the jet of this magnitude.What's more, there were seven or eight layers of steel thorns outside the door, and the steel thorns beyond the third layer were not affected at all.

It seems that we still have to fight head-to-head. Now that the appetite of the giant desert worm has been aroused, we can only find a way to get it done.

The several attacks by the giant desert worm did not cause any substantial damage to the three of them. Instead, he took a shot from the slingshot. At this time, he was showing his mouth to the three with his trembling body. A trembling throat sound was mixed with The sound of teeth rubbing came from the mouthparts, and a circle of tentacles spread out to the surroundings, shaking constantly.

"Manager, seems to..."

Liu Shengli pointed at the flaunting giant desert worm, stammering and not knowing what to say.

Seeing that the worm started to puff its throat again, making a gesture to attack, Xiao Ran urged: "Fart if you have a fart! It looks like your wife?"

"It seems like it can't do without sand!"

Xiao Ran was taken aback, and said: "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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