Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 227 It will discharge!

Chapter 227 It will discharge!

The giant desert worm is naturally a creature in the desert, just like a fish wants to swim in the water.Not to mention reinforced concrete, even natural limestone, although the worm can bite, it is difficult to drill.

The Tianling Sanren built such a thing to guard the tunnel, and they don't know how deep the original tunnel was, and how much sand was buried in it to allow a desert worm of this size to live normally.

However, what Liu Shengli said was not completely nonsense. Now this tunnel filled with sand is both a lair and a cage for the giant desert worm.The walls on both sides of the corridor are the blind spots of its attack vision. As long as you grasp the timing well, you can at least not be hurt by it.

The giant desert worm had fully charged at this time, stretched its neck forward, and another stream of acid spewed out of its mouthparts.

Xiao Ran hurriedly pushed Liu Shengli to the wall, and at the same time used the inertia to bounce himself to the other side.The attack range of this giant desert worm is very precise, and it is also trying to preserve its strength as much as possible.This time the acid attack hit exactly where the two were standing before, and the amount of acid was controlled to just enough to burn them seriously.

Looking at the two pieces of smoking acid on the ground, Xiao Ran was very thankful, thanks to the basic IQ of this bastard, he knew how to save acid, so the acid didn't splash around, causing three people to be accidentally burned .

The giant desert worm probably saw that its attack had missed, and the biped in front of it had disappeared, so it squirmed to the edge of the corridor and poked its head out to look at Xiao Ran's position.

This hit hit Xiao Ran's heart, he had already been waiting with the knife in his hand.Seeing the thick red body protruding from the wall like an oversized cow intestine, the blade in his hand fell quickly, and he slashed at the giant desert worm with all his strength.

With a "click", the blade hit the carapace on the desert worm's back.Xiao Ran didn't expect that the carapace of this young worm was already so hard. The Guanshan knife, which was used to block and kill gods and Buddhas, only smashed the carapace into the depression, and the blade only penetrated the carapace by a few points. Touch the skin under the carapace.

Xiao Ran wanted to pull out the knife, but the desert worm suddenly stretched out its body and clamped the knife tightly.It turned its head, and its two longest tentacles aimed at Xiao Ran, slowly flashing a strange blue light.

The three of Xiao Ran were stunned by the strange light, not knowing what new move it was.Suddenly Guan Shandao's rough voice yelled into Xiao Ran's mind: "Let go!"

Xiao Ran was startled, and hurriedly let go and flicked backwards.Immediately afterwards, between the two tentacles flashing blue light, a burst of sparks "cracked" sounded, and bright white sparks exploded on the Guanshan knife.

The glaring electric current was fleeting, and there was a smell of ozone in the air.Xiao Ran couldn't help but rejoice in his heart, fortunately Guan Shandao reminded him in time, otherwise he would be burnt all over if he was not killed by such a strong electric current.

The desert worm shook its body vigorously, and the smoking Guanshan knife was thrown to the side of the stone door with a "bang".Before the three of them could react, it quickly withdrew its body and burrowed into the sand, then emerged from a place four or five meters away from the three of them, watching from afar.

Xiao Ran hurriedly went to get the Guanshan knife, but as soon as his hand touched the handle, he jumped aside from the heat, shaking his hands and constantly scolding his mother.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er were also very frightened by the electric spark just now. They never expected that this giant desert worm could have such abilities.Seeing that Xiao Ran was jumping from the heat, they hurried to Xiao Ran's side before the desert worms came over.

"Water! Water!" Xiao Ran shouted.

Liu Shengli quickly took out the kettle, which still had half a pot of water in it.Xiao Ran poured a little on his fingers, and poured some on Guan Shandao's body, and the knife immediately burst into white gas.

"Old Sha! Are you alive?"

After Xiao Ran finished asking, he felt that he had asked the wrong question.After all, they are objects, there is no distinction between life and death.


A burst of wild laughter suddenly resounded, the fullness of emotion and the loudness of the voice were never seen by Xiao Ran before.

"Pull up the mountain with great power! Beat you with a steel whip! The big and small boys listen to the root seedlings, and wish to be lovebirds in the sky..."

Guan Shandao sang messy libretto as if in a fit of madness, his voice was sometimes resolute and sometimes gentle, and he also played a female singing voice, which made Xiao Ran get goosebumps.

"Old Sha, don't sing, you've already sung all the songs!"

"You wait to hit, hit this wah wow, Tao Li's gate wall, you will almost scare the bearer..."

Hearing Guan Shandao sang the lyrics of the female role in "The Peony Pavilion", Xiao Ran frowned and asked, "Do you still know who you are?"

"The little nun is twenty-eight years old, and her hair was cut off by the master when she was young..."

Xiao Ran unilaterally shut down the communication with Guan Shandao, and then he heard a rough guy singing that he was a little nun with his voice squeezed, and he wanted to become a monk.He thought to himself, I hope Guan Shandao was just stunned by the electric shock for a while, maybe it will be fine after a while.

"Xiao Gang! How can that thing still emit lightning? Does it also have a battery? Look, it seems to be out of power..."

Xu Er pointed to the giant desert worm in the corridor, and saw that the big worm was shaking its head slightly, and even the tentacles seemed to have no strength, and they were hanging limply around the mouthparts. At first glance, it really looked like a desert worm. Like a power outage.

"The giant desert worm does discharge electricity, probably because its body has some kind of electricity-generating cells. This phenomenon is not common in nature, but it is not new. For example, electric eels can emit electricity to kill prey. Then three or four hundred volts, and the high energy can reach seven or eight hundred."

Xu Er nodded thoughtfully: "That's higher than household electricity. I heard from my brother that the household electricity in the county is only [-], and it can kill people..."

Xiao Ran stared at the swaying desert worm, and said: "After all, it is not an adult, and it seems that it can't use this kind of ability at will. It gets tired after charging once, and it probably won't release it a second time in a short time. , but we still have to be careful."

While speaking, the head of the giant desert worm slowly lifted up, and the tentacles around its mouthparts also explored around again, as if it had just woken up from a sleep.

It got into the sand, and in less than a few seconds, it came out from the front of the tunnel, and let out a trembling roar at the three of them.

"You two stay away, this time I will try my best to take it down!" Xiao Ran shouted.

He pushed the two of them away and reached for the Guanshan knife, but the handle was still a little hot and fell to the ground as soon as he got it.He quickly rummaged around, trying to see if there was anything that could be used as a pad for the handle of the knife.

At this time, the desert worm was about three meters away from him, and unable to bite directly, it puffed up its throat again, pointing its mouthparts at Xiao Ran, intending to use acid for a long-range attack.

Xiao Ran took out a handkerchief from his body, soaked it in water and wrapped it around the handle of the knife.He was racing against time to get the knife, completely oblivious to the fact that the giant desert worm was already accumulating acid, which would be pouring on his head and face in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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