Chapter 233
The giant desert worm, which had been seriously injured, was pierced into a sieve by Liu Shengli and Xu Er with the steel thorns in their hands. Dark red blood continued to flow out of the body, and it was like a string of fresh blood sausages in a blink of an eye.

They have no strength to resist at all, and even the triangular lips that opened ferociously before, are now like withered and withered petals, curling and slightly opening weakly, and the same dark red blood gushes out from them.

The bodies of these giant desert worms, which were originally strong and tense, became softer and softer at this time, and finally, like water pipes after the faucet was turned off, they fell softly from the cracks in the floor and collapsed on the sand full of their own feces. .

The floor of the suspension bridge on both sides of the corridor finally fell completely at this time, and they were fitted together tightly, covering the giant desert worms, steel thorns, and the strange smell mixed with oil and dung.If it weren't for Liu Shengli and Xu Er's sweat and blood splashed on their bodies, everything just now would have seemed as if it had never happened.

"Manager, this time, this time, you won't survive, right?"

Liu Shengli threw the steel thorn aside, wiped the blood all over his body, and was almost out of breath.

Xu Er also threw down the steel thorn casually, and raised the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.He stabbed harder than Liu Shengli just now, and he had no strength to speak other than panting, so he could only follow Liu Shengli's words and nodded to Xiao Ran, expressing that he also meant the same thing in his heart.

When Xiao Ran was sure that the giant desert worm swarm was no longer a threat to the two of them, he leaned against the wall to watch the show, and by the way, licked the dried blood and black mud under his fingernails.

Just now the worm made Liu Shengli and Xu Er tormented enough, especially the cooperation between the two of them, they were already regarded as the heroes of killing insects, but that thing really cheated the corpse to some extent.Since these worms are at the end of their strength, it is better to let the two of them brush up their experience, and give them back the credit for eliminating the worms again, so as to boost their morale.

Hearing the two people's question, he looked at the closed floor with a smile. A puff of dust flew out from the crack at the moment the floor was closed, and it was slowly drifting away.

"You two are quick enough, not bad. If this thing wants to kill it completely, it has to make it completely unable to recover its body functions. Just now you tied them like that, probably the heart has leaked. Even if it is not dead, it is not dead now. No supplementary nutrition can be recovered in a short while. However, the giant desert worm is very good at abandoning the car to save the handsome routine. Maybe in order to save his life, now he has broken his body into several sections and turned into a bunch of small worms But even if you want to become a cliché again, it will be more than ten or two years later."

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, the two finally felt relieved and slid against the wall to the ground to rest.In fact, dealing with such a half-dead target locked by li xuan may not take much effort.The two are so tired, mainly because they have used too many emotions.

Taking advantage of the rest of the two, Xiao Ran stepped on the floor of the corridor, stepped on it, and jumped again. After making sure that the floor was strong enough, he greeted the two of them: "It's almost time to rest, we have to continue moving."

The three of them tightened their luggage, and Xu Er saw that there was another pile of crossbow bolts on the ground, so he quickly grabbed a handful of them.Now this arrow is rusted and corroded. Although the tip and barbs are rounded, it is good that it is angular and not difficult to handle. It is much more lethal than ordinary stone slingshots. Just now I shot the desert repeatedly. The worms all worked wonders.

On Liu Shengli's side, because the logistics supplies have been almost consumed, besides the folding engineer shovel behind him, the set pole is also in his hand at this time.

The three of them walked along the long corridor. The corridor was about three meters wide, but the top was very high. It looks more like a one-way vehicular tunnel.

After walking more than 30 meters all the way, there was the sound of pattering water ahead.Xiao Ran quickly gestured to the other two, signaling them to keep quiet and cautious as much as possible, who knows what traps and beasts are hidden in the sound of water ahead.

The three of them moved forward little by little, the further they walked, the louder the sound of the water became.The corridor seemed to be approaching the end, Xiao Ran found that at the end of the flashlight, there was only a round arched hole left in the corridor, the outside of the hole seemed to be pitch black, and the ground disappeared.

He hurriedly stopped Liu Shengli and Xu Er, and trotted lightly all the way to the entrance of the cave.

"I see!"

Xiao Ran looked at the entrance of the corridor, and understood why he saw that there was no ground outside the cave.A fine water curtain is continuously falling from the top of the corridor at this time, without a single gap at all, it looks like a film is pasted on the entrance of the cave.

Xiao Ran called the two of them over, took the set of poles from Liu Shengli's hand, and stretched them towards the middle of the entrance of the corridor.

The water film instantly separated to the left and right like a curtain, revealing the scene outside the cave.Xiao Ran took a photo with the flashlight, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there is a downward slope, extending about 30 meters all the way forward.And the corridor they were in was more than ten meters away from the ground below the slope.

From this point of view, if a seven or eight meter deep ditch is dug below this three meter wide corridor and filled with sand, it will be enough for the giant desert worm to swim in the sand sea.

Xiao Ran lifted the water curtain and let Xu Er and Liu Shengli go first.Afterwards, Liu Shengli took over the set of poles, and he also went to the slope without getting wet.

The three of them looked back at the corridor, all amazed.Above the entrance of the passageway is a natural giant dragon head stone, the protruding longan and the outline of the protruding nose can be vaguely seen.Behind the eyes, there are two stone beams that are not very symmetrical and extend obliquely upwards, just like the dragon horns attached to the back of the neck when the dragon raises its head and opens its mouth.

The fine water film flows from the top of the dragon's mouth, and just falls on the lower lip of the dragon's mouth.I don't know how many years the water has flowed, but at the intersection of the corridor and the slope, it has been washed out of a narrow and deep ditch.

Even though the three of them don't know Fengshui, they also know that such a landscape is really rare. I really don't know how Tianling Sanren discovered this scenic spot with a dragon's head hidden in it.

Xiao Ran told the two to follow, now is not the time to appreciate the scenery.This bare sloping road is also three meters wide, without any fence protection on both sides, and there are many gray-white cobblestones at the bottom of the slope.

This way, the farther you go, the safer you go.In case of dawdling, something strange happens on the way, and if you accidentally fall, you will be half disabled.

After walking a few meters, Xiao Ran's flashlight gradually shone to the end of the slope.Under the slope, there is a small still ditch. I don't know if it is imitating the water galaxy in the legend of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

But if this river has been through for hundreds of years, and it is just a landscape built for Feng Shui layout, why hasn't it dried up?
Xiao Ran wondered, the closer he got to the river, the more strange smell rushed into his nostrils.

(End of this chapter)

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