Chapter 234 Wax Corpse
Xiao Ran felt a familiar stench from the small river ditch in front of the slope, so he squatted down and turned on the flashlight to check it carefully.After looking at it, I found that this small river ditch is actually a nearly rectangular puddle with a length of five or six meters and a width of more than two meters.Although the edge is not very regular, it is obviously artificially constructed.

He raised his hand and looked around, and found that it was a huge cave, which should have been artificially repaired on the basis of a natural cave.The top of the cave is arched as a whole, like a large upside-down bowl. The highest dome is estimated to be more than ten meters above the ground. After all, the leading hole in the corridor is ten meters above the ground.

At the top of the cave where the flashlight can reach, some boxy vents can be clearly seen, but most of them are now blocked by mud and protruding tree roots.

Xiao Ran found that under the top air vents with tree roots and weeds, the hanging roots and fine grass trembled slightly from time to time, indicating that there were still some remaining air vents there.

There were other air holes that didn't seem to be completely blocked, but when his flashlight passed by, there was a rustling sound, and some debris fell.If you look closely, there are still some shiny little eyes staring at the position of the light source.It appears that these vents are being used as dens by some small rodents.

It is also thanks to these vents that are still intact to a certain extent, they are now in the cave, so they will not suffocate.

He moved the light to his feet and beside him, and found that there was not only one rectangular puddle in front of him, but one every ten meters or so.These puddles are arranged in a circle and circle around them.In the open space in the center of the puddle, there is a roughly round boulder with a diameter of about five or six meters.Under the round boulder, there are some vague-looking prostrate animal-shaped stone piers to keep the boulder stable.

Xiao Ran wondered, from the stone gate and corridor outside, this place should be a tomb, why is it made like an underground park?Green plants, sculptures, artificial lakes, and even small animals...

The fishy smell floated into his nostrils again, interrupting his observation and thinking of the surrounding environment. He had to frown and turn his attention back to the puddle in front of him.

This fishy smell is not the kind of muddy smell that is caused by stagnant water being closed all year round, causing mosquitoes to breed and plants to rot, but it is very similar to the smell of shark oil from the oil lamp outside.

Thinking of this, he immediately became vigilant, and looked back at Liu Shengli and Xu Er. Sure enough, they held torches and were about to come over to watch together.

Xiao Ran hastened to keep the torches of the two of them far away, so as not to cause sparks to fall into the unknown liquid.In case it is really a big pool of oil, it is not a joke to burn it all.

"Xiao Gang... this pool is underground, it's white... what is that..."

When he ordered the two of them, his flashlight happened to be directed at the pit.Xu Er, who was next to him, took a step ahead and caught a glimpse of the scene at the bottom of the pool, but he seemed to have seen something frightening, and asked him while stepping back.

"What? What is what? What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Ran turned his head in doubt, he just went through so many storms, what is it that scares Xu Er like this.But when he looked carefully at the bottom of the pit, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

At the bottom of the oil pit, there was a white thing tied to the bottom of the pool by an iron chain. When the flashlight was shining on it, it was still wriggling slightly.It looked like a huge spider covered in lard, with many limbs growing on both sides of its body.

"This thing is alive!"

Liu Shengli originally disdained Xu Er's panic, but when he himself leaned forward to take a look at the scene under the light, he couldn't help crying out, and backed away again and again.

Xiao Ran took another step closer, wanting to take a closer look at this thing.The gravel scattered around the pit may have been in this relatively humid environment for too long, but he stepped on it and made a "click" sound.

He was not in the mood to pay attention to the stone, and his eyes fell on those hairy limbs.He counted them carefully, and there were ten in total. For a moment, he vaguely realized that this thing must not be a spider, but something he didn't want to say...

"It's not a thing, it's a person! It seems to have hair!"

Xu Er bravely glanced at the bottom of the pit again, then closed his eyes and shrank behind Liu Shengli.

Yes, it was a person, or had been a person.At this time, this "thing" has grown so many hands and feet, this image is not new to the three of them, it should be another experimental product of Tianling Sanren.

It's just that this thing has been sunk in the pit for hundreds of years, if it is a human being, it is absolutely impossible to be alive.The only explanation is that "it" is already a living corpse.

I don't know if this is another harmful mechanism, but it seems that this thing can only maintain a very reluctant movement. Compared with the human fly baby and those half-lived corpses that flew out of the corpse pit, it should not be too big. Can cause any serious harm to them.

"Go around, let's go to the middle and have a look..."

As soon as Xiao Ran raised his foot, there was a sudden inconspicuous thrust under his foot, as if the stone that had been crushed just now reorganized instantly and bounced towards the sole of his foot.

Curiously, he moved the flashlight to his feet, and found that it was a round stone with a raised surface, embedded in the ground.He didn't crush the stone just now, but stepped in it.

Immediately afterwards, there was another "click" sound, and the oil pit in front of me also made the sound of the wheels turning, and the originally calm oil surface began to surge continuously.

Ganqing that thing he stepped on just now is a switch!

Xiao Ran didn't bother to take the two of them around anymore, but pulled them back again and again, back to the middle of the slope.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly clenched the thing in their hands, looking nervously at the slightly swelled oil pit.Xiao Ran stood in front of the two of them, holding a knife in one hand and a flashlight in the other, so that the entire puddle was covered by the flashlight.

As the sound of the wheels became louder, the center surface of the oil pit continued to bulge, and the liquid then slid down to the surroundings.The surface of the originally pitch-black oil pit suddenly began to turn white, and finally with the sound of "crash", the body that seemed to be wrapped in lard finally surfaced on the surface of the oil pit.

Its body swayed from side to side along with the rippling shark oil.When the central beam of Xiao Ran's flashlight passed over its bulging abdomen, something seemed to be twisting slightly inside.

Although this thing didn't emit any additional smell, it always made people feel that the stench was stronger.Liu Shengli and Xu Er retched twice behind them, and asked, "Manager, we... what's the matter? Are you going?"

Seeing that the white body didn't make any more violent movements, Xiao Ran said to the two of them, "Follow me, keep a distance of one meter, and adapt accordingly."

He bent his knees and made a challenge posture ready to exert strength at any time, and moved forward little by little.When he walked in front of the lard-like body, he instantly understood what it was.

"This is a wax corpse!"

(End of this chapter)

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