Chapter 235
Liu Shengli and Xu Erjin obeyed Xiao Ran's order and stayed one meter behind him.Hearing Xiao Ran say the word "wax corpse", Xu Er asked: "Xiao Gang, what is wax corpse?"

Liu Shengli hurriedly said: "The cured corpse is a corpse like cured meat. To put it bluntly, it is a mummy, like an Egyptian mummy. You must not know it?"

After hearing this, Xu Er let out a silly "Oh", and didn't know whether he understood or not, and whether he knew what the mummy Liu Shengli was talking about was. dead body, looked at Xiao Ran again, scratched his head and smirked.

Obviously, he still knows about bacon. As the name suggests, dried corpses are also dried, and the thing in front of him is neither cured nor dried, and it can even move. Even a corpse is not necessarily a corpse.He didn't refute Liu Shengli, nor did he agree with Liu Shengli's words, but was waiting for Xiao Ran's explanation.

Xiao Ran glanced back at Liu Shengli, and said, "I don't know if I'm being silly here, this wax is candle wax, it's because the corpse has been soaked in water for a long time, or buried in wet soil with high moisture content, the bacteria in the intestines will It will cause a special kind of corruption in the fat of the corpse, turning it into wax. I estimate that at least half of the bottom of this pool is water, and the upper half of the pool is oil. ...but the kind of dried corpse you mentioned is also reasonable, it is indeed a dried corpse."

Seeing that Liu Shengli was a little sluggish, Xiao Ran couldn't bear to embarrass him in front of Xu Er, so he added one last sentence, which was regarded as his affirmation.

Xu Er looked at Xiao Ran, then at Liu Shengli, and said, "You guys really know a lot, and I'm learning again. But Xiao Gang, this thing... is it dead? Why is it still moving?"

Xiao Ran shook his head, he was not sure whether the thing in front of him was a person, a corpse, or a living corpse.Its body has been completely waxed, and its face can no longer be seen clearly, let alone whether it was male or female, only some unfinished hair floating on the oily surface.It is estimated that the bones can be seen directly after peeling off this sticky outer layer of wax.

But every time the flashlight shone on the abdomen of the corpse, there would be a twist, and Liu Shengli and Xu Er had to step back two meters in fright.

In any case, it was impossible for this bound wax corpse to suddenly jump up and smear the waxy sticky fat on the faces of the three people.The body has become like this, if it can still get up and move, it is really not in line with physiology.

Xiao Ran instructed Liu Shengli and Xu Er: "You two go to see if there are mechanisms in the puddles on both sides, and be careful of the fire in your hands."

Liu Shengli and Xu Er ran away respectively, squatted on the ground and looked carefully, and sure enough, they found the same round raised stone button.Xiao Ran asked them to step on the stone buttons, and the sound of the machine wheel and the sound of liquid churning came from both sides.After a while, under the exclamation of Liu Shengli and Xu Er, a bound multi-legged wax corpse also emerged from the pits on both sides.

Xiao Ran didn't go there, but just moved the flashlight to the wax corpse, and asked, "Will you move?"

After probing on both sides, both got a positive answer.Xiao Ran was a little confused, is this tomb just for burying these corpses?Trapped like this, they soaked in the puddle for a long time. According to visual inspection, there were ten of them. It looked more like some kind of ritual or punishment. There was no need to do so many complicated things in the corridor to prevent thieves, right?
"Forget it, people with black lights and blind lights can't understand it. Although this is a tomb, that old bastard of Tianling Sanren puts lights everywhere. Maybe there are lights in this tomb. You two search separately. I'm here to look at these wax corpses. Pay attention to safety, don’t touch things that shouldn’t be touched, and look for the nearest one from the back first.”

As Xiao Ran spoke, he pointed to the walls behind the sides of the slope.I just took a picture of the dragon's mouth, and apart from those white round stones, there seems to be no obvious danger.

From time to time, he shone the flashlight on the abdomen of the wax corpse, and then moved it away.The slightly swollen abdomen of the wax corpse was indeed like a fetal movement, or twisted or raised a piece, which was creepy to watch.

He remembered that under the steps of the storage room, in the secret room where the human fly babies were hidden, in the experiment record, there was a picture of feeding live pills to pregnant women.Could it be that all the people soaking in these pools are pregnant women who have eaten living pills?

The stomachs of these wax corpses are terrible, which means that in this big hole, there are at least ten human fly babies waiting to hatch. If all of them are like the one in the training room, he is not sure that all three of them will be born. Get out alive.

Probably none.

The flashlight once again passed over the wax corpse's abdomen, where it swelled up along with the light, revealing a small section of dark matter.Xiao Ran was a little curious, looked at the tools around him, and he didn't feel sorry for the set pole, so he picked up the set pole and moved it on the wax corpse's abdomen.

He picked up that small piece of black thing, which broke away from the waxy layer on the surface of the corpse, and stood up crookedly.The top of the black thing is still a little forked, like the tip of a dry brush. It seems that it is made of many strands twisted together.

This thing, feels a bit like...

Before the answer in his heart could come out, Liu Shengli ran over from behind with a face full of panic, and said out of breath, "Manager! No, no lights, there are many..."

"Dead bones! Xiao Gang! Dead people are all heads!" Xu Er also ran from behind roaring.

"Oh, bah, bah, who's dead? Who's all heads!" Xiao Ran scolded.

Xu Er didn't have time to argue, he just pointed to the dark place beside the slope, panting.Xiao Ran looked at Liu Shengli suspiciously, and Liu Shengli nodded again and again.

Xiao Ran turned around and walked to the back, while Liu Shengli and Xu Er timidly followed behind.Before taking a few steps, Xiao Ran discovered the reason why the two of them panicked like this.

Extending five meters from the deepest stone wall, there are actually human skulls, which are the white "pebbles" that Xiao Ran saw from the ten-meter-high dragon's mouth.

It is no wonder that he saw it wrong, because most of these skulls were half buried in the soil, and only the part above the brow bone was exposed.Near the periphery, there are some excavated by unknown snakes, insects, rats and ants, revealing empty eye sockets and nostrils, and even incomplete teeth.

Xiao Ran went to these skulls and squatted down to examine them, and found that there was a roughly circular hole with a diameter of two centimeters on each of these skulls, and there were traces of being polished with some kind of tool around the hole, and there were some crooked scratches.

He took a picture of the surrounding area with a flashlight, and found that the skull was not only near the dragon head stone and the slope trail, but even stretched all the way to a place where the flashlight could not find it.

If you guessed right, within the range of about five meters extending forward from the base of the stone wall, there should be half-buried human skulls with holes drilled in the Tianling Cap, and they are placed in a full circle around the huge stone cave.

It seems that these people are also victims of Tianling Sanren, and they may even be the people who built the entire underground hall.

These hundreds of victims happened to coincide with the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.Once the world is in chaos, human life is like an ant, not to mention the seemingly basic rights such as food and clothing, no one even cares about life and death.When the country is about to fall, there must be evildoers, and this gives people such as Ba Kun and Tianling Sanren a chance to take advantage of it.

But what Xiao Ran is more curious about now is how so many people were killed by Tianling Sanren.

(End of this chapter)

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