Chapter 238 All Eleven

A series of muffled sounds continued to come from a distance, Xiao Ran was holding a knife in front again, Liu Shengli and Xu Er picked up the shovel, with their backs to the door and guarded behind Xiao Ran's left and right, the three of them consciously formed a triangular position with both offense and defense .

The continuous muffled sound spread to the two puddles on the left and right sides in front of the stone brick road. Along with the muffled noise, there was a wave of waves on the surface of the puddle, and finally ended with a few water splashes swaying from side to side.

The voice stopped, but Xiao Ran felt a "thump" in his heart.The series of vibrations just now came from the ground.Could it be that the door-opening mechanism they touched was wrong in some process. Although there was no killing weapon near the stone gate in front of them, the contents of the three floating wax corpses were hatched by the mechanism?
Xiao Ran looked around, and ordered Liu Shengli and Xu Er to dig out two clay jars, pour out the soil and skull inside, and put the jars on his head just in case.

He has seen the tricks of human flies and bastard flies before, so it is not a problem to use his skills to head-to-head.But Liu Shengli and Xu Er, it is better to do some necessary defensive work, anyway, the main attack points of those things are on the head.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er looked at the jar soaked by the dead man's head, no matter how unwilling they were, they could save their lives first.With an idea, Liu Shengli quickly took out two sheets of oiled paper wrapped with dried beef from his bag, and put one on his head with Xu Er, and then put the jar on firmly.

Xiao Ran led the two of them at a slow pace, first walked slowly to the nearest puddle, and took a photo inside with a flashlight.The large yellow-white sticky wax corpse at the bottom of the water lay quietly. It was unknown whether it was because of the shaking of the water surface or the light shining on it, but the abdomen seemed to be shaking slightly.

But that's all, there is no other movement.

They used the boulder as a cover, and moved to the side as carefully as possible, hoping to find out the situation of the three oil lamp wax corpses first without getting close.

Xiao Ran leaned down, tilted his head and looked towards the firelight near the slope.The flames of the three oil lamps were still steady, and the series of vibrations just now did not seem to have any effect on the floating wax corpse.Even the slightly bulging abdomen was no different from before at this time, as if nothing had happened just now.

Nothing is a good thing.Although Xiao Ran was still full of doubts, he could only let the two of them relax their guard first.Liu Shengli and Xu Er almost jumped for joy, and quickly took off the broken pot on their heads.

It seemed that the series of noises just now had something to do with the mechanism that opened the door.Xiao Ran put away the knife, led the two of them back to the stone gate, and continued to study the method of opening the gate.

"You two remember how we opened the door before we went down to the tomb? Each of you, walk along the wall to see if there is anything related to the statue of Xia Niangniang and the Big Dipper and the South Dipper on the wall and on the ground. I'll report. Pay attention to safety, don't touch what you shouldn't touch."

Xiao Ran himself continued to study the relevant details of Shimen, and reviewed everything that happened just now.

When the lamp was lit just now, the two lamp slaves changed first, but it should be that the joints of the lamp slaves are connected to the wheel lever inside the stone wall. When it is heated, it will retract the raised metal Xia Niangniang to facilitate the opening of the door. .After the statue of Empress Xia was retracted, there seemed to be mechanisms turning under those puddles.

But the buttons related to the puddle, that is, a mechanism that can raise the wax corpse at the bottom of the pit, are those buttons also related to opening the door?
The problem is that there is a total of one pit, eleven wax corpses, and eleven buttons. If the buttons of different numbers and positions can be pressed to open the door, according to the arrangement and combination, the possibility is...

Thousands of kinds!
If you try this one by one, you have to try it until the year of the monkey.

The answer must be somewhere unexpected, like in the training room before, or outside the tomb door.As long as you observe with your heart and use your brain boldly, you will be able to find it.

But it has been a long time since the last meal.When Xiao Ran used his brain at this time, his stomach growled, and he couldn't even concentrate.

"Xiao Gang! Xiao Gang!"

Xu Er came trotting all the way, and Liu Shengli also walked over quickly from not far away.Xiao Ran's heart brightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What did you find out?"

The two looked at each other out of breath, and Xu Er said, "No... nothing, I even stepped on a dead bone..."

It seems that the reason why Xu Er was trotting while shouting was because the surrounding environment was too scary.Liu Shengli bent over and supported his knees, retching non-stop, and Xu Er quickly patted him on the back.

Xiao Ran was even less hopeful about him, and asked lazily: "You didn't find anything, did you? Did you panic when you saw Xu Er running?"

Liu Shengli raised his head and said in surprise: "The manager is amazing, you can see this? Either panicked or tired..."

Xiao Ran knew that he was trying to be brave again, he was afraid because he was afraid, and said he was tired, so he followed his words and said angrily: "Look at your little physical strength, you really don't work hard, five..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ran suddenly froze, and a thought flashed through his mind like lightning.

"Five... five grains are not distinguished?"

Liu Shengli thought that Xiao Ran had forgotten the words, so he added timidly.But Xiao Ran ignored him, but quickly turned around and walked quickly to the statue of Empress Xia in front of the stone gate, watching carefully with a flashlight.

In the portraits of Empress Xia I saw before, the expression was deliberately made into that of a benevolent bodhisattva.And this statue of Empress Xia not only has exaggerated movements, but also has wide-open eyes, as if Daji had charmed King Zhou.In this way, there must be some hidden information.

"Eleven... yes, all eleven, why didn't I think of this!"

Xiao Ran patted his head, his tone full of excitement.Liu Shengli and Xu Er knew that according to the usual practice, Xiao Ran must have discovered some way to open the door.

"Manager, why eleven?" Liu Shengli asked.

Xiao Ran shone a flashlight on the statue of Empress Xia, and explained to the two of them: "Just now after we lit the oil lamp, there was movement under the statue of Empress Xia and the oil puddle, indicating that this door has something to do with the switch of those oil puddles. Look, There are eleven statues of Empress Xia, including her head, hands and feet. We walked all the way just now, and there are also eleven oil puddles around the big rock. It is estimated that the stretched hands and feet and the retracted hands and feet should represent whether the switch is pressed or not..."

As soon as he said this, Xu Er also shouted excitedly: "Look, there is a stone ball in the middle of her closed hands, is it the big stone in the middle!"

"That's right! That's it!" Liu Shengli also shouted.

Xiao Ran took a closer look, he didn't notice it before, he thought it was just a decoration on Empress Xia's clothes, but now it looks like the huge round boulder in the middle.And in the center of the boulder, the ant-like six-handed and four-legged figure is engraved.

Xiao Ran nodded in satisfaction, and said to the two of them: "Look, it doesn't take much effort. Men, move! One person, one side, press this portrait of Empress Xia, and let me step on the mechanism!"

Liu Shengli muttered: "You don't need to work hard, we have made two trips..."

Xiao Ran raised his foot and kicked his ass: "Hurry up!"

Only then did Xu Er and Liu Shengli laugh and hold the torches, and ran towards the puddle in the distance separately.

(End of this chapter)

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