Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 239 Yin Yang Gate

Chapter 239 Yin Yang Gate

Xiao Ran imagined that he flew above the cave at this time, overlooking the circular field centered on the boulder.

According to the portrait, as soon as they walked down the sloping path, they had already activated Empress Xia's head and upper hands. This was pure luck, it could save some trouble, and avoid possible troubles in case.

Now Liu Shengli and Xu Er are going to activate the bottom pair of hands respectively.If it is described as a dial, the oil pit under the slope path is positioned at twelve o'clock, and the two of them are going to activate the switches at three o'clock and nine o'clock.

After a while, the two wax corpse oil lamps also lit up brightly, and Xiao Ran obviously heard two muffled "Hang Han" sounds from the stone door behind him.

It seems that this idea is indeed correct!Xiao Ran quickly took a few steps back, walked to the six o'clock position, and waited for the two to press the marked position of the statue of Empress Xia, and activate the two switches at five o'clock and seven o'clock.

They entered the tomb door and passed through the corridor, Xiao Ran thought that the cave here should be the main room of the entire tomb.But now it seems that this is a front room, and the real tomb is behind this stone gate.

What is the big stone in the middle used for?Is it the same as that faucet, formed naturally, and left behind after looking good?

Judging from the mutated giant vine cannibal before, although Tianling Sanren is crazy, he is very utilitarian and will not spend time doing things of no value.This giant stone pestle is here, and all the oil pits are still centered on it, so there must be something strange.

"Xiao Gang! We're driving these two!"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er had already run not far away at this time, and stepped on the two switches at the five o'clock and seven o'clock positions.

Xiao Ran instinctively avoided the direction of Shimen, and moved a few steps to the side.He didn't want to be hit by the oncoming tomb gas the moment he opened the door, or hit by some mechanism in the tomb.

When the last two switches were activated, Xiao Ran heard two more muffled sounds from behind the stone door, and even the oil lamp at the door trembled slightly, and the flame flickered.

After the muffled sound, there was a continuous sound of machine wheels, followed by dust splashing and splashing above the stone gate, and then a noise of stone rubbing came from the stone gate. down.

At this time, Liu Shengli and Xu Er also endured the nausea, and lit the two wax corpse oil lamps that had just been raised. At this time, more than half of the entire hall was illuminated.

At this time, Xiao Ran's attention was all focused on the stone door that had just been opened.A puff of turbid air mixed with dust rushed out from the hole, and the oil lamps on the left and right kept flickering, as if someone was blowing hard.

He observed the direction of the swaying, and it was facing the position inside the door, indicating that fresh air was pouring in behind the stone door at this time.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er walked to his side and looked at the dark hole together, all three of them were silent.When the flame of the oil lamp at the door gradually stabilized, Xiao Ran knew it was time.

"Take you two to have a real fight! Put on your masks, let's go in and open the coffin!"

When Liu Shengli and Xu Er heard this, they became excited, and quickly followed Xiao Ran's instructions to take protective measures, followed Xiao Ran to the stone gate after copying the guy.

Xiao Ran took the torch, stretched it into the stone door, circled it around a few times, and swept it against the door a few times, first to check the air condition inside, and second to see if there was any mechanism for "stretching the head to kill".

After confirming the safety of the door, the three walked into the stone door one by one, starting with Xiao Ran.

Behind the stone gate, there is another passage about ten meters long. At the end, two doors can be seen. A pull ring with a chain hangs on the wall, and the other end of the chain goes deep into the stone wall.

The three of them walked to the door, this time without Xiao Ran's instructions, they just looked at the top and the ground, carefully checking for any possible deadly mechanism.

It was found that there were no secret doors or small holes sealed with clay in the passage of ten meters. All three were relieved.

It took a lot of trouble before, but the switch here is so obvious, there must be no more traps.Xiao Ran took a deep breath, looked at the same firm eyes of the two people around him, and decisively pulled down the ring.

The chain was jerked and then retracted to its original position.The familiar sound of mechanism operation sounded in the wall, and the stone door in front of him slowly opened towards the inside.

The sound of the stone gate rubbing against each other was noisy and piercing, Xiao Ran felt that the sound seemed to be coming from all directions, maybe the passage was too small, so there was an echo.

He subconsciously glanced behind him, and suddenly shouted out in shock: "Damn it, you've been tricked again!"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er also turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw that at the same time as the two doors in front opened, the stone gate at the entrance was slowly raised again.

The three hurried to the stone gate at the entrance, but in the end they could only watch the stone gate rise completely, and as the last gap disappeared, the fire outside also disappeared.

Inside the stone gate, there is also a portrait of Empress Xia with her teeth and claws open. When the stone gate closed, there was a "click", and the metal outline also popped out.

No matter how he looked at it, Xiao Ran felt that the staring and grinning expressions, and the dancing with swaying heads were mocking their recklessness.

"Manager... Are we... going to suffocate to death in this tomb?"

Liu Shengli said what everyone was most afraid of. Xu Er was so angry that he knocked on the wall with a wooden shovel, making a "dangdang" sound unwillingly.

Xiao Ran also snatched Liu Shengli's engineering shovel, and slapped Empress Xia's face fiercely a few times, but the result, apart from sparks from metal friction, was dust floating around.

The three of them covered their eyes and noses, so as not to cough again and again, Xiao Ran and Xu Er stopped what they were doing.

After venting his anger, he still had to find a way to open the door, otherwise, even if he entered the tomb, he would be buried with him.With the help of Liu Shengli's torch, Xiao Ran carefully inspected the surrounding walls.

Xiao Ran held a glimmer of hope in his heart, although he didn't check out the mechanism just now, there might be a raised wall brick, or a stone that can be pushed in, which might be the switch to open the door.

Fortunately, after the stone gate was closed, there was no follow-up ultimate move in this not-so-long passage.Seeing Liu Shengli holding a torch to help illuminate Xiao Ran, Xu Er felt angry, so he kicked the wall and stomped the ground all the way towards the opened door in the tomb.

When he saw the hanging pull ring, he cursed angrily: "I thought it was a ring ring to get rich and open your eyes, but I didn't expect it to be a life-threatening rope!"

He was so angry that he kicked the ring, and his foot got stuck in the ring.His body staggered, and his feet stepped down instinctively, and the pull ring was pulled down again.

The two doors around him suddenly closed with a "clack" and Xu Er was taken aback. It seemed that he had gotten into trouble on the spur of the moment. This time he didn't even have time to take a look inside the tomb, so he closed the door. The three of them Wouldn't he really be trapped to death in this ten-meter-long coffin?

He turned his head to look at the door in despair, only to see Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli looking at him in surprise.Beside them, the stone door slowly fell down again, and the flames from outside the door once again sprinkled on the entrance of the passage.

"It turns out that there are two Yin-Yang gates..." Xiao Ran said.

(End of this chapter)

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