Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 240 Chapter Shaped Tomb

Chapter 240
Xiao Ran looked at the stone gate in front of him, followed by the closing of the two doors at the other end of the tunnel, and slowly opened it again, suddenly realizing that he was a false alarm.Both gates are opened and closed in a zero-sum fashion with the same switch.

It seems that my nerves are really too tense, I should try to pull the ring again, but I didn't expect that these are two yin and yang doors that open and close.

This is no wonder, the moment the stone door was just opened, the air on both sides of the door had a strong convection, which lasted for tens of seconds, indicating that the space behind the door was more than the ten-meter-long tunnel.But now he is tired and hungry, and his IQ and bad mood have also ebbed and flowed.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Xiao Ran asked Liu Shengli to stay outside the stone gate first just in case, and asked Xu Er to try pulling the ring again.

Sure enough, after Xu Er pulled the ring again, the two doors leading to the tomb slowly opened again, and the stone gate also slowly rose.

"Okay, don't worry about it, let Liu'er come in."

After pulling the ring twice more, the three finally gathered in front of the two doors at the other end of the tunnel.

Standing at the door and looking in, you can only see a wall, and there is no clear tomb.Xiao Ran thought it was another screen wall blocking the door, so he stepped into the door first, and looked around, only to find that there was another passage about ten meters long on both sides, with a ninety-degree turn at the end.

What kind of trick is this?He asked Liu Shengli and Xu Er to stay where they were, and ran to the left and right sides to look again. He saw that after the passage on both sides turned, it was another ten-meter-long passage.

He roughly estimated that this should be a back-shaped tomb, and the main entrance of the tomb should be on the opposite side from the entrance.

On the way back to the entrance, he deliberately took photos of the roof, the ground, and the walls on both sides of the passageway, and suddenly found something strange.

Some locations have obviously been refurbished. Although the so-called newness may be hundreds of years old, they are obviously much stronger than the surrounding rammed earth walls.There are even some places on the ground covered with a rusty rough metal plate.

He took Liu Shengli's engineering shovel and pried up the nearest metal plate. In the hole under the metal plate, there were faintly visible gears and metal rods that had been artificially rammed to death.On the top of these wheels, there are still some traces of disassembly, which should be the removal of key parts.

Feeling suspicious, Xiao Ran put the metal plate back on, and then pried open a few wall bricks that looked relatively fresh. Inside were either gears and levers that had also been dismantled and sealed with rammed earth, or broken chains without arrows. crossbow device.

Xiao Ran looked at the reinforced top again, and probably understood a thing or two.It seems that all the anti-theft mechanisms in this tomb have been destroyed.

But who did it?Grave robber?Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat. At first he thought he had found the tomb of scattered people in Tianling, but he didn't expect that the tomb robbers had already arrived first.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible. Which tomb robber would be so carefree?It would be good if you try not to trigger the mechanism when you enter the tomb, and you have to go to the tomb for decoration because it is made of rammed earth and metal plates?

Thinking about it this way, it should only be that old fellow Tianling Sanren.Since he can think of a way to build such a great hall and create so many traps, he will naturally have the corresponding strength to level the traps in the tomb.

But why would he do this?

The more Xiao Ran thought about it, the more he felt that his stomach was being clenched and rubbed by one hand, and at the same time, black shadows and golden stars appeared alternately in his eyes.

He was so hungry that Xiao Ran felt that he could no longer turn his head.Regardless of his reasons, anyway, Tianling Sanren has ruled out all dangers, and the most important thing is to go directly to the tomb.

He called Liu Shengli and Xu Er to follow, and proceeded from the left. After turning two turns, he walked to the middle of the wall. Sure enough, there was another round arched doorway, but the opposite side of the doorway was still surrounded by a wall.

Xiao Ran was troubled. It seemed that the structure of the tomb was not simply a zigzag shape, it might even be a circle. I don't know how many layers of walls there are.However, considering that there are organs everywhere here, this structure can indeed maximize the lethality and spiritual destruction of the tomb robbers.

After going around four square walls in a row, the last arch finally appeared in front of the three of them.Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to shine a light on the door, his eyes lit up immediately, Liu Shengli and Xu Er also let out a cry of relief.

In the center of the tomb, which is only about ten square meters, lies a stone coffin.One side of the coffin body is carved with auspicious clouds and pines, as well as auspicious animals such as turtles, cranes, and deer.The other side is carved into the front of the house, complete with appendix, eaves columns, doors and windows.

The lid of the stone coffin was specially made into a veranda roof with slopes on all sides and overhanging cornices.The entire stone coffin looks like a miniature model of the Asgard Palace.

Xiao Ran seemed to have seen this appearance somewhere, and it was not long ago.

"Xiao Gang, why is this a house? It's quite beautiful. Could this be a coffin?"

Xu Er suddenly asked a question, interrupting Xiao Ran's train of thought.Liu Shengli interjected: "This is not a coffin, this is called a coffin, a stone coffin. The coffin is inside, isn't it the manager?"

Xiao Ran nodded, took out a candle from his backpack, and took out a compass to choose the direction, then asked Liu Shengli to go to the southeast corner to light a candle.

The structure of this wall-in-wall tomb is good, that is, there will be no evil wind blowing, extinguishing the candles, and adding so much uncertainty to the opening of the coffin.

While the other two were busy, he hurriedly asked Suo Hun Ding Lingzhu, wanting to see if the owner of the tomb in the coffin was a Tianling Sanren, and whether he could deal with it well.

But the answer of the soul locking orb is that the voice of the soul cannot be heard in this stone coffin.

Xiao Ran wondered, could this tomb owner also be a victim of living pills?Or did Tianling Sanren treat him so cruelly, and he also ate a live pill, and his brain was hollowed out by that grandma?
After Liu Shengli lit the candle, he ran back and said to him, "Come on, manager!"

Xiao Ran looked back at the candle in the corner, the red and yellow flame was burning steadily, quietly as if painted on it.He calmly recited the old coffin-opening prayers to the stone coffin, and then arranged for Liu Shengli and Xu Er to open the lid of the stone coffin by himself.

"There is a coffin and a coffin, which means that he is a big man. Although we haven't found the way out yet, it's good to see it first. If it is the old scourge of Tianling Sanren, let's whip him to punish him!" Xiao Ran said .

Upon hearing the topic of the way out, Liu Shengli faltered again: "Manager, even if we open the coffin and get the baby, we will avenge those people, but it's useless if we can't get out..."

"I'm sure I can go out, don't worry... I have my own arrangements... Come and open the coffin first! Get ready!"

In fact, from the moment he entered the tomb, Xiao Ran knew that there could be no exit here.Who will arrange a way out of the tomb?Do you want to set up another sign and write "Welcome to visit, please don't take it away"?
He had long thought of a backup plan to go out, but that plan required some risks.

"One, two, three! Push!"

After a few slogans, the three of them were flushed with exhaustion, and beads of sweat kept rolling down their foreheads.Until his eyes turned black and his legs became weak, the stone coffin lid was finally lifted by the three of them and slid to the side.

There was a burst of dust, and the candles in the corner flickered.Xiao Ran didn't have time to look inside the stone coffin, so he hurried to the side of the candle and stretched out his hand to shield the flames from the wind.

Xu Er was the first to poke his head over, and held up a torch to shine into the coffin, but his expression froze for a moment, and Liu Shengli, who was next to him, also widened his eyes and muttered: "This... this..."

(End of this chapter)

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