Chapter 241 I Will Go

Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of the two, Xiao Ran thought that there was some mechanism in the stone coffin, or a hairy zongzi, so he quickly waved his hands to make the two of them avoid, and carefully prepared to step forward with his own knife drawn out.

"No...the manager, there is no coffin in here..." Liu Shengli said.

Xu Er also nodded again and again, and said, "There are no coffins, but there are two stone slabs with words on them. What are these..."

No coffins, only stone slabs?Xiao Ran put away the knife, walked quickly to the edge of the stone coffin, and shone a flashlight inside.

It is true that as the two said, there is no coffin inside, and of course it is impossible to have all kinds of zongzi with black, white, red and green hairs. Indeed, there are only two stone tablets placed in the coffin.

These two steles are placed foot to foot, and judging from the degree of wear and tear, they do not seem to be from the same period.

The stone tablet on the left has obviously been carefully carved, but after years of erosion, the carvings and characters on the stone tablet have become very blurred.Below the stele, there are still signs of fracture. There is a protruding stone with an arc-shaped surface. It should have been placed on the underbelly before and was knocked off.

Xiao Ran tried his best to identify the words on the stele, the general idea is that a person who claims to be some kind of immortal, who has lost his bones here, should mean ascending to the immortal.It's a pity that Xiao Ran is not proficient in ancient literature, and most of the characters are seriously worn out. He can't figure out the birth, death and life of this so-called immortal from the remaining characters. He only knows that this person lived for more than 100 years. Buried in this treasure.

The other stone tablet, as Xu Er said, is basically a rectangular stone slab, without any additional decorative patterns other than simple cutting and polishing.

However, compared to the previous steles, the characters on this slab are much better preserved, and it is written in the vernacular of the late Yuan Dynasty, so the meaning is much easier to understand.

Not to mention Xiao Ran, even Liu Shengli, who often reads manuscript novels, has no difficulty in understanding the contents above.Based on the words on the stone tablet and what he had seen and heard along the way, Xiao Ran deduced what was going on behind the stone tablet.

The engraver did not shy away from his name, Kaizong Mingyi called himself Tianling Sanren, and said that he had followed a Zen master named "Basang" into the mountains to find the treasure of the gods, but everyone with him died tragically, and Basang was also missing. He survived, received divine revelation, and found the secret of longevity from a place called "Xiaxu", and even brought back the remains of a sage.

According to the so-called divine revelation, he learned that there is a divine site under Futou Village.After he demonstrated the miracle of the unity of man and god, he won the support of the prince who was enshrined here in the name of finding geomantic treasures and improving the way of longevity. Finally, he led thousands of private soldiers and local recruited villagers to excavate this place. A relic of unknown when it was built.

Through the knowledge of mechanics he obtained through his psychic powers, he greatly improved this relic, and even inadvertently opened up the tomb of a master of Taoism, so he occupied the magpie's nest and buried the remains of the ancestors he brought back. here.

For a period of time after that, he led his believers to strengthen his prestige through a series of miracles, and even the prince bowed down under his seat, and he was the only one who followed suit.He took advantage of the situation and built a temple dedicated to the true god Empress Xia on the ruins as the entrance to the underground ruins.

He continued to try his best to improve the way of longevity through the so-called enlightenment and his own exploration. The believers, private soldiers, and nearby birds and beasts all became tools for him to test pills and medicines, and even became offerings. Food for the Son of God.

After committing a lot of sins, he finally found a way to create a perfect human-god unity. Unfortunately, the Yuan Dynasty was over at that time, and he did not have enough financial resources and manpower for him to continue to create more successful human-god symbiosis.

Tianling Sanren said that he was summoned by Empress Xia to return to Xiaxu and leave this ruins to those who will come after hundreds of years.That person will break through numerous tests, enter the final site of the gods, reawaken the Son of God, and let the miracle of Empress Xia come again.And he also followed the divine revelation, leaving the key to the Xia Ruins to the latecomer.

At the end of the stele, Tianling Sanren left a line of writing, "Of course, I will go."

Looking at these words, Xiao Ran suddenly felt the hairs growing on his back.It seems that during this journey, Tianling Sanren's eyes are always hanging above his celestial spirit.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Tianling Sanren had been plotting against him from the beginning to the end, playing tricks on him.In the end, he joked with him very viciously, implying that he knew the name of the person who came hundreds of years later, and triumphantly announced to the other party, you have been tricked by me, you can’t catch me, I’m leaving...

"Of course...yes...I'll go too...I'll go too. What do you mean?" Xu Er raised his head and asked.

When Xiao Ran heard the first word "Ran", he couldn't help but tremble.He calmed down and said, "It means, that's it, that's it, I'm leaving."

Liu Shengli raised his head and asked, "Is this the end? Is our candle lit for nothing?"

As expected of being in charge of logistics, the first thing I thought of was that the candles were wasted.Xiao Ran nodded helplessly, and said: "Let's go, there is no way out without a bright weapon, and it was a waste of lighting a candle. Take the candle and leave!"

Liu Shengli went to pack the candles resentfully, but Xu Er was not reconciled, still holding a torch and a shovel, flipping in the stone coffin.Xiao Ran knew that as soon as he saw the bones of an immortal or the remains of a sage, he felt that it might be related to an immortal, and naturally there might be some kind of elixir hidden in it.

Xiao Ran felt that there was no need to stop Xu Er, otherwise Xu Er would only feel regretful.Now Xiao Ran's mind is full of thoughts, is it possible that this Tianling Loose Man, and what kind of Empress Xia is there, is it really so powerful that he will come here in a few hundred years?

There is also the sage mentioned by the Sanren of Tianling. Since the dove occupied the magpie's nest, the remains of the tomb owner Xianweng must have been thrown somewhere by the Sanren of Tianling.But the remains of that ancestor are said to be buried here, and there is no trace in the stone coffin. There is not even a coffin. Where is the remains?
What Tianling Sanren said about waking up the Son of God also made him feel a little uneasy.This mystery is more and more solved, and the trouble is also more difficult to solve.He couldn't even remember how he got to the present step by step.He remembered that at the beginning, he was only here to return the bronze statue...

"Yes! Xiao Gang! Yes!" Xu Er shouted.

Xiao Ran was in a daze thinking about those things, and was taken aback by his sudden shout.He replied impatiently: "Who has it? Why are you arguing..."

Xu Er picked up something with a shovel, and said to Xiao Ran: "Xiao Gang, what do you think this is?"

Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to take a look, and saw Xu Er's wooden-handled shovel lying on a hexagonal column-shaped object stained with copper green, with pointed hexagonal pyramids at both ends.

From the shape of this thing, it doesn't look like an ornament in the history of the civilization of the Central Plains. No matter how you look at it, it is the same as the brain of the Tianling Sanren, which is out of tune with the era at that time.

Could it be that this thing is the key to the Xia Ruins mentioned in the stone tablet?

(End of this chapter)

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