Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 242 The portrait is different!

Chapter 242 The portrait is different!
Xiao Ran carefully looked at the hexagonal copper pillar on the shovel. Although in terms of shape, it did not conform to the aesthetic style of the Central Plains culture, it was difficult to combine it with some ancient copper decorations.But it seems a bit far-fetched to say what kind of key it is. This thing is already covered with a layer of copper rust. If it is really related to the amazing Xiaxu that Tianling Sanren said, isn't it too casual?

"Where did you get this thing?"

While asking Xu Er, Xiao Ran casually glanced into the coffin.But he turned his eyes back in an instant, staring into the stone coffin with wide eyes.

"I just... touched it once, and it cracked..." Xu Erhe muttered.

In the stone coffin, the stone slab that Tianling Sanren wrote all over the boy has cracked into several pieces.This hexagonal prism fell out from the center of the stone slab, and the hexagonal outlines were still maintained at those fractures.

"Xiao Gang, is this... a valuable treasure?"

Seeing Xiao Ran's serious face, Xu Er thought that he was angry with him and blamed himself for breaking the stone slab, so he quickly inquired about the value of this thing, trying to make up for it.

Xiao Ran flipped through the broken pieces and said, "So it's a plasterboard... This thing is worthless, it's just a lump of copper, not even a treasure. But whether it's worth it depends on what this Tianling Sanren said. Not true anymore."

He took the shovel in Xu's second hand, pulled away the shards of plasterboard, and carefully observed the stone coffin. There was indeed nothing else.

He gritted his teeth, picked up the shovel, and slapped it hard on another stone tablet where the immortal man had lost his bones.

With a sound of "dang", an echo resounded in the small tomb.Xiao Ran's tiger's mouth went numb for a while, and the head of the shovel kept shaking, but the stone tablet remained motionless, not even a single crack.

It seems that this stele is made of solid and good stone. It is indeed before the Tianling Sanren came, and it belongs to the immortal man mentioned on the stele. Naturally, it is impossible to hide anything related to Xiaxu or Tianling Sanren. .

There was no sound in the tomb, not even an ordinary Yuan Dynasty porcelain.Xiao Ran was not reconciled, always afraid that he was out of energy and could not hear any sounds, so he led the two of them to search the stone coffin and the tomb again.But apart from the hexagonal copper pillar that was discovered by accident just now, there really wasn't any funerary objects to be found.

He could only comfort himself by saying that this situation is also understandable.The Sanren of Tianling said that they found the site of the god because of the support of a prince.It is estimated that the funeral objects inside may have been filled with military pay and wages. After all, there are so many private soldiers and civilian husbands to support.It is also possible that all of them were handed over to the prince to accept the vote.

In short, this time Dao Douer basically ended in failure.I didn't touch the Ming Qi, and I didn't find the way out. It was really a waste of time.

Xiao Ran looked at the tired faces of Liu Shengli and Xu Er, thought about it carefully, and said in an uplifting tone: "Men, don't be so discouraged, it's the same as doing business, if you make money, you will lose money. It's normal for you to be blocked by your peers. We came a step late and were preempted by that old Tianling Sanren, but the key is that this time we have tempered our team and honed our tacit understanding. Next time, I promise to bring you a big fight Douer!"

"Hey, manager, I was just here to see you and learn a lot. Now I'm just thinking about going out early, so why would I dare to think about it next time..."

Liu Shengli smiled wryly, and Xu Er answered cautiously: "I...I just want to see if there is any medicine for my brother's illness in here. If not, just ask for it. Next time... let's talk..."

Xu Er didn't say anything to death, but after all, he suffered a lot during this trip, and almost lost his life several times, so he was somewhat discouraged.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran could only nod his head and said, "Then let's go out first, and I'll tell you about our alternative plan later."

The current atmosphere, his alternative escape plan, may damage morale even more, so let's wait until we find a suitable opportunity to talk about it.

The three of them were speechless all the way, circling around layer after layer of zigzag corridors, and finally returned to the entrance of the two small doors.

"Xu Er, open the door." Xiao Ran walked in front with a flashlight.

Xu Er who was at the back pulled the ring, and the two small doors behind him slowly closed.Xiao Ran was very emotional, wondering if this tomb would be opened in the future, and when it would be.

Xiao Ran lit the flashlight and looked around boredly. The light of the flashlight swept across the statue of Empress Xia on the inner wall of the stone gate.Liu Shengli was staring at the front in a daze, and suddenly let out a "hey..." sound.

Hearing Liu Shengli's sudden voice, Xiao Ran asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, maybe I read it wrong... Hiss, it's not right..."

Xiao Ran was worrying about the arrangement later, and said impatiently: "Just talk about it if you have something to do, what are you talking about, Rory?"

Liu Shengli had no choice but to reply timidly: "Manager, haven't you noticed that the portrait of the woman in front of and behind the stone gate seems to have a slightly different posture?"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned around and said to Xu Er: "Xu Er! Pull the door again, and I'll take a look at the portrait inside."

Xu Er was almost at the side of the two, but after listening to Xiao Ran's order, he had no choice but to go back and pull the door knocker.Watching the two small doors open slowly again, Xiao Ran felt that he was being emotional in vain. He didn't expect to open the door so quickly next time.

The stone gate in front of him rose again, and Xiao Ran's flashlight shone on the portrait of Empress Xia, and he could see the difference between the two portraits at a glance.

On this side of the portrait of Empress Xia, her eyes are still wide open, and she is wearing an uncomfortable smile, but all six arms are stretched out, but they are bent to different degrees, doing dance moves.Her four legs, like the statue of Shiva, are either straight or bent, but none of them are in a cross-legged meditation position like the one on the other side.

On her chest, the circular pattern representing the boulder was also split into two halves.

"Could it be that if you light up all those wax corpse oil lamps, can the broken stone in the middle still be opened?" Liu Shengli asked.

Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Anyway, this journey has never stopped, so why not give it a try! Xu Er, open the door!"

The stone door was opened again, Xiao Ran briefly explained to Xu Er what he and Liu Shengli had discovered, and the three of them split up to step on the starting mechanism of those oil pits.

After a while, the remaining four corpses also rose from the bottom of the pit.They lit the lamps in the abdomen of the corpse, walked to the boulder, and waited quietly for the mechanism to be turned on.

But after a long ten seconds passed, the boulder was still motionless.Xiao Ran held up his flashlight to shine on this boulder. Before, he thought that this stone was a totem worship representing some unknown meaning, but now that he got closer, he realized that there was indeed a gap in the middle of the boulder, which had been rammed with clay and tamped. It was covered with soil, and the gaps were sealed with yellow cloth strips filled with unidentified scriptures.

Below the boulder, there are four stone seats that act as fixed supports.Xiao Ran felt that the stone seat didn't seem to be placed on the ground perfectly, so he lay down on the ground and took a photo with his flashlight, and found that there was a faintly visible sliding rail under the stone seat.

It seems that the boulder is indeed connected to the mechanism, but according to the previous routine, all eleven oil pits are activated. It stands to reason that the boulder should be separated immediately.

"Listen! What's the sound?"

Liu Shengli suddenly pulled the two of them back, and pointed his ears in the direction of the dragon head stone.Immediately afterwards, a series of machine sounds came from a distance, the whole ground began to vibrate slightly, and the liquid in the eleven oil pits shook restlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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