Chapter 244
The moment the sarcophagus lid fell, Xiao Ran hurriedly pulled Xu Er aside.The heavy sarcophagus lid fell to the ground, and then hit the other half of the boulder, stirring up a burst of fly ash, and the three of them quickly retreated to the side.

It turns out that this small hexagonal prism is the key to open the sarcophagus in the middle of the boulder.If Xu Er hadn't slapped it with a shovel before, even if the three of them saw the sarcophagus, they could only look at it and sigh.

Of course, there is also Liu Shengli. If he hadn't noticed the difference between the two statues of Empress Xia first, the three of them might have returned to the corridor behind the dragon head stone by now, studying how to get through those steel thorns.

"We were able to open this sarcophagus, you two have to remember first!"

Xiao Ran's tone and expression were full of excitement, and he even forgot that even if he touched some treasure, it would be difficult to go back the same way.Now he can only hope that after so long, the organs at the door have returned to their positions.

After the dust cleared, Xiao Ran shone a flashlight into the coffin.When the three of them saw what was in the coffin, their faces were full of surprise and puzzlement.

The contents of the coffin were translucent yellow-brown, like a huge piece of amber, and the surface was flush with the coffin.A vaguely human figure is hidden under the plane, and the clothes on his body seem to be still floating slowly.

"Xiao Gang...what is this?" Xu Er asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Liu Shengli also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked in disbelief: "Manager, a glass jar? What's in it? Medical specimens?"

Looking at the translucent plane on the surface of the coffin, Xiao Ran was also deeply puzzled.Although there were colored glaze products as early as 2000 years ago, colored glaze belongs to lead-barium glass, which is not the same as the soda-lime glass from the modern West, and its transparency is not as high.

If you insist on an explanation, it can only be said that during the Mongol Empire and the Yuan Dynasty, the cultural and technological exchanges between the East and the West were relatively prosperous, so this thing used the Western-style glass technology at that time, but the craftsmanship was not as good as modern, so the transparency is between modern glass and glass. Between glass.

As for the glass vat medical specimen Liu Shengli mentioned, it was easier for Xiao Ran to figure it out.Tianling Sanren's familiarity with mechanical technology, as well as his bold attempts at biological experiments, have surpassed the limits of his time and environment to a certain extent, and it is indeed as if he has been inspired by a god.

If it is said that he used relatively perfect human specimen technology without a teacher, soaked the corpse with self-made antiseptic liquid, and then sealed the cylinder with sufficiently advanced glass technology at that time to isolate oxygen, so as to achieve the effect of preventing the corpse from decomposing, it seems to be true. Not completely unreasonable.

Could it be that this so-called Tianling Sanren also traveled back from modern times?Just because he may be an ordinary person, although he has advanced ideas, he does not have enough knowledge reserves after all, so this kind of talent is slightly biased?
"Hiss...Xiao Gang, the thing inside looks rather strange, why does it look a bit like..."

Xu Er's sudden question interrupted Xiao Ran's thinking.He came back to his senses, looked at the shadowy figure under the glass plane, and seemed to understand what Xu Er meant.

At this time, Liu Shengli also turned his attention to the human body under the glass plane, counting with his fingers: "One...two...three..."

When he finished counting to ten, he looked at Xiao Ran and Xu Er in shock, and the three of them almost said in unison: "Niang Xia!"

The human figure under the glass plane, floating in the liquid with arms and legs spread out, it is easy to see that he has six hands.But because he was wearing a large ancient robe, the number of his lower limbs can only be determined through the four feet below.

If this is the remains of the sage mentioned by Tianling Sanren, then this so-called sage seems to be a complete and mature symbiont, at least he has grown from a human fly to an adult, and he can still wear clothes like a normal person.

No wonder Tianling Sanren believed so much in the existence of a perfect symbiosis, and they had to use all means to do experiments with so many animals and even living people, imagining that they could create a brand new creature like this sage, because he really did I actually saw this possibility.

Xiao Ran had seen this kind of ugly face of a human being before, so he didn't really want to see him, so he walked aside with a face full of disgust.Xu Er took a look at the coffin, and also followed Xiao Ran away from the coffin.

But then again, even if the coffins are opened, but they don't explore the corpse, how can they show off to Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang when they go back?I worked so hard all the way, and was tricked all the way by Tianling Sanren. In the end, I really didn't get any sweetness. I really feel unwilling.

Liu Shengli's curiosity overwhelmed his fear and disgust. He wanted to see more clearly, so he held up a torch, put his face close to the translucent cover, and looked up and down at the corpse inside.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said to Xiao Ran: "Manager! He really has something fucking!"

As soon as Liu Shengli finished speaking, Xiao Ran suddenly became tense, and involuntarily held his hand on the handle of the knife.But before he could make a move, a crossbow arrow flew out past his ear, and hit the corpse's head in the glass case, making a crisp "pop".

The crossbow arrow bounced off the glass cover, almost hitting Liu Shengli.

Both Liu Shengli and Xiao Ran were taken aback. They both looked at Xu Er who was behind. Liu Shengli dissatisfiedly touched the scalp where the crossbow arrow passed by, and said in a low voice, "Second Xu! Are you crazy? You shot it." What kind of bastard? Do you think there is a baby in it, wanting our lives?"

After all, he looked at Xiao Ran loyally, as if he was waiting for Xiao Ran to reprimand Xu Er.

Xu Er put down the slingshot, rubbed his eyes and said, "Huh? I saw that beggar trying to bite you through the glass just now. Am I delusional?"

As soon as Liu Shengli heard it became even more popular, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to give Xu Er a big chestnut. As he walked, he said, "I just said that there is something, and you just aimed at our heads and hit it. I think you are just looking for money." ..."

Xu Er hurriedly waved his hands and said no, while Xiao Ran stopped Liu Shengli and said, "Stop messing around! I saw it too..."

When Liu Shengli looked closely just now, both Xiao Ran and Xu Er saw that the strangely shaped corpse behind the yellow-brown glass suddenly lowered its head, and put its mouth close to Liu Shengli's head.

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Liu Shengli was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked back.But the corpse in the sarcophagus was still half-floating in the liquid of unknown composition, just like a dead person, no different from before.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, perhaps because he wanted to shake his prestige in front of Xu Er, Liu Shengli walked up to the sarcophagus carelessly, and said, "Don't say that he is covered by this cover, even if he really cheated the corpse, our manager is here , I'm afraid it's an old pickle lump? Don't you want to bite me? Come on!"

While cursing, Liu Shengli tapped the glass cover with a torch, chattering provocatively.

Xiao Ran was still nervous in his heart. Now that he recalled it, when he lost sight of Xu Er just now, the feeling at that moment was similar to the feeling of being bewitched by the scorpion and the onmyoji before, with a sense of unreality like a dream.

Could it be that the monster inside just now deliberately created some kind of illusion to lure them to take the initiative to attack?

Liu Shengli was still relentlessly provoking, and put the broken can with oiled paper on his head again, and kept posing to the corpse behind the glass cover in the shape of a martial arts novel, and at the same time looked at Xu Er triumphantly.

But in the next second, a "cracking" sound suddenly sounded in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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