Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 245 Peat Tanned Corpse

Chapter 245 Peat Tanned Corpse
On the glass cover, dozens of cracks stretched out like spider webs along the position Xu Er hit earlier.

Liu Shengli didn't expect the glass to crack suddenly, so he turned his head to look at the glass cover in a daze.But immediately after hearing a "crash", the shattered glass cover couldn't support the weight of the liquid in the coffin, and it all burst open in an instant.The cloudy and viscous unknown liquid poured down on Liu Shengli's head and face as soon as he saw it.

Before Xiao Ran had time to call out a word of caution, he heard Liu Shengli's "Aww", and at the same time he leaped back suddenly, and stepped back a few steps in a row, his whole back was stuck on the other semi-circular boulder.

With this move, he backed away at least two or three meters, and everything happened in almost a second.Xiao Ran knows that people's potential is unlimited in a critical moment, but coupled with Liu Shengli's talent and instinct to escape, the two have a chemical reaction that is almost explosive.

If it wasn't for the scream before he jumped, and when he sat down on the ground with weak legs after retreating, Xiao Ran would have suspected that he really had some light skills.

Fortunately, he rescued himself in time, the viscous liquid did not pour on him, but splashed all over his shoes, and some just spilled on the clay pot he was wearing for playing tricks before he stepped back.

Liu Shengli saw that he had almost retreated from his body, so he quickly threw it into the jar, clapped his hands on his chest and panted continuously, while trying to stand up while holding on to the boulder behind him.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran and Xu Er quickly walked towards Liu Shengli.

But before Liu Shengli stood up, the corpse in the coffin suddenly rushed towards him, causing him to slip and sit on the ground again in fright.

Xiao Ran could no longer be as fast as lightning, so he could only approach as fast as he could, but before the knife he drew had time to touch the corpse that popped out, he heard a "clang clang", and the corpse was hanging in front of Liu Shengli's eyes.

The muddy corpse was only a few centimeters away from Liu Shengli's face. Liu Shengli stared blankly at the corpse for a few seconds, and then let out a shrill scream, which sounded more terrifying than the corpse in the mud.

At this time, Xiao Ran was no longer nervous, put away the knife, covered his ears and suppressed a smile, and said to Liu Shengli: "I'll let you be more embarrassing, this time you can take it off?"

Xu Er quickly ran over in small steps, and pulled Liu Shengli, who was sitting on the ground screaming, out from in front of the corpse, and patted his chest and back to comfort him.

Liu Shengli wiped away the tears from his eyes, saw clearly the corpse hanging outside the coffin, and then understood why Xiao Ran and Xu Er suddenly relaxed.

The reason why the body was hanging outside was because he was bound by several iron chains and connected inside the coffin.At this time, his six arms were drooping and shaking in front of him due to the inertia of suddenly falling out of the coffin, and the sticky slurry was continuously dripping down the fingertips of the corpse.

As the thick paste on the face of the corpse gradually dries up, his entire face is exposed to the eyes of the three of them.

The skin of the corpse was black, like shriveled old leather.His head is small, and the exposed hands are twisted and shriveled. It seems that his overall height is no more than 1.2 meters and three feet.But this kind of shortness is not like the shortness of ordinary people with a big head and small body, it is more like a person of normal height is scaled down proportionally.

The thick slurry spilled from the coffin gave off a sour smell.Xiao Ran took a picture with a flashlight, and saw that there seemed to be black gravel and grass sticks in the thick slurry.

He immediately understood the preservation method of this remains. This is the tanned corpse mentioned by Professor Chen when explaining various non-decomposing corpses.

Because of the long-term immersion in peat, this kind of corpse is affected by humic acid, which isolates bacteria and avoids corruption.During this process, the skin of the corpse will be tanned, and even the teeth and bones will be decalcified and softened, making the corpse significantly smaller.

It seems that after the Tianling Sanren found the remains, they continued to preserve the corpse in this cave using a similar method.The thick slurry used to soak the corpses is the embalming solution he made from the peat before.

"Xiao Gang, he really looks like those living corpses before, but he looks better..." Xu Er said.

Xiao Ran looked at the tanned corpse carefully. Apart from wearing a robe of unknown material, he still kept his hair and beard. His two huge protruding eyes were tightly closed, and his mouth was stretched forward, forming a ten-centimeter gap. The left and right mouthparts contain many softened fine teeth.

How should I put it, he can already be regarded as the handsome man among human flies, and the rich and handsome among living corpses.

Xiao Ran's gaze moved down, and there was a key-like thing hanging from his waist, above it was a ring, and below it was a structure similar to the previous hexagonal prism plus the tip of the hexagonal pyramid, and the color was sky blue with a hint of green.

Xiao Ran listened carefully, this thing didn't make any sound, the material was probably acid-resistant turquoise, it shouldn't be considered a treasure, it was just a key.

He patted Liu Shengli, who was still in shock, and pointed to the key on the waist of the tanned corpse, and said, "Liu Er, this is what you said, because of it, I almost got hit by Xu Eryi's slingshot. Although this thing is not worth much, it is probably worth it." It's the key that the old Tianling bastard said."

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he swung a knife to cut off the rope that tied the key, and wrapped the turquoise key with the piece of oil paper that Liu Shengli left behind, and stuffed it into his bag.

"Xiao Gang, let's stop touching this black briquette? What if there are other treasures..."

Seeing that Xiao Ran seemed to be planning to stop, Xu Er felt a little unwilling.Xiao Ran had no choice but to patiently explain to them the conditions for the formation of the so-called peat-tanned corpse. If there was any gold or jade on the corpse, it would have been eroded away by the acid of 2000 years ago, not to mention the so-called panacea that Xu Er has always been thinking about.

Xu Er looked at the corpse with regret, and suddenly his eyes became a little confused, and he said to Xiao Ran: "Xiao Gang, it seems that he... wants to tell me something..."

As he spoke, he moved his head closer, as if possessed.

This time, Xiao Ran was right in front of him, and he saw that the situation in front of him was not right, so he grabbed Xu Er in time, pushed him into Liu Shengli's arms, and shouted: "Give them earbuds!"

Xu Er was still trying to walk towards the corpse with a confused face, but Liu Shengli yelled and held him tightly.Xiao Ran stood in front of the two of them, carefully guarding with a knife.

Just now, when Xu Er's head was close to the corpse, both Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli clearly saw that the long mouthpart of the peat-tanned corpse was lifted slightly.

Liu Shengli, who was behind him, slapped Xu Er's face left and right, and shouted: "Second Xu! Be sober! Hurry up and give him brains!"

Xu Er's face was hit these two times, his expression gradually changed from confusion to panic, and then he shouted: "Xiao Gang! This is a beggar who wants to eat my brain! It wants to eat my brain!"

Xiao Ran picked out a handful of dried blood scabs from the back of his head, put them on the tip of the knife, and stretched them out to the tanned corpse's mouth.

Sure enough, the slender mouthpart slowly lifted towards Xiao Ran's knife.

(End of this chapter)

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