Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 246 Incubation Room

Chapter 246 Incubation Room

Xiao Ran and the others never expected that this peat-tanned corpse, which they thought had died into a piece of torn leather, was not completely dead, but still maintained an appetite, and could even confuse people's hearts.

No wonder Tianling Sanren thinks that this kind of thing can live forever. It seems that even if it is buried in peat, the whole body will undergo organic changes, but it will not die easily.

"Xu Er, what happened just now?" Xiao Ran asked.

Xu Er managed to catch his breath, and said to Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli: "Just now I thought, if he is really a fairy, there is a elixir to cure my brother, even if he is ugly, I will treat him as a benefactor from now on Come on, I'll give him whatever he wants. Then I heard him call me over and say he has a secret to tell me. As soon as I went over, he asked me if I would give him my brain...fucking Lao Naiqiu..."

So it turned out to be the case, it seems that it was indeed this sage who was like a living human fly before, who cast some illusions on them through the glass, tricking Xu Er into leaking the glass cover with a slingshot.Otherwise, how could he lower his head in the coffin and attack Liu Shengli with his virtue of being dead and only his mouth alive.

Liu Shengli had already been terrified by this tanned corpse before, and avoided it in fear.And Xiao Ran was filled with disgust and hatred for everything related to Tianling Sanren from the very beginning.That is to say, the key mentioned by the Sanren of Tianling, and the yearning to open the coffin and touch the gold, so Xu Er naturally became the one who was the most bewitched.

"Remember, no matter if you meet any real immortals or false gods in the future, if you don't want to cause trouble for the rest of your life, remember first, don't ask them anything, and second, don't make random wishes to them. Everything depends on yourself If you want something from others, you will be controlled by others, maybe you don't get what you want, let this kind of disaster calculate first. Look at the head full of holes in this hole, it is probably used to feed it." Xiao Ran said.

Xu Er nodded again and again, while Xiao Ran looked at the tanned corpse's face, the protruding mouthpart like a short elephant trunk, feeling only nausea and disgust in his heart.He even felt that, let alone the Guan Shandao, it would be a waste to shoot it with his own shovel.

"It stands to reason that our rule of touching gold is to take two things, and you can't destroy the body of the tomb owner. But you are a dog made out of a hybrid of humans and insects, but you just robbed other people's tombs. How many people have been harmed together? I didn’t find Tianling old boy today, so I sacrificed you as a flag first. Not only do we men not break the rules, but we also do justice for the sky and eliminate harm for the people. It’s a good deed that happened once in the year before last.”

He pointed at the tanned corpse's nose and cursed, regardless of whether the tanned corpse could understand or not.After cursing, let Liu Shengli and Xu Er go to the stone gate, scoop up half a pot of oil from the oil lamp in a clay pot, and pour it on the head of the tanned corpse.

Sensing someone approaching, the mouthparts of the tanned corpse continued to move clumsily and slowly, thinking that another fresh human brain was delivered to the door.This kind of virtue made Xiao Ran extremely disgusted.

He let the two get out of the way, held the torch and lit the shark oil on the tanned corpse without hesitation.

Flowing flames instantly spread all over the body of the tanned corpse, and the squirming mouthpart finally began to shake around in panic, like a black snake trying to break free.

"I turned your whole body into ashes, let me see if you can live forever." Xiao Ran said contemptuously.

The oily flames were "crackling" and quickly devoured the hands of the tanned corpse hanging in front of him.The wriggling mouthpart no longer struggled at this time, but straightened forward, followed by a sharp whistling sound from the mouthpart.

The whistle sounded like the sound of glass being scratched, which was extremely ear-piercing.All three of them covered their ears with distorted expressions, and stepped back quickly.The whistle didn't last long, and then began to tremble, until the flames even wrapped the mouthparts, the whistle finally stopped.

The clothes on the tanned body had been burned, and the flames penetrated deep into his pitch-black flesh.Xiao Ran vaguely saw that the body of the tanned corpse was like a honeycomb, with densely packed small holes and semicircular protrusions inside.

Surrounded by the flames, those protrusions burst open continuously, and a green or yellow thick slurry flowed out, but it was quickly dried up by the flames and turned into a plume of black smoke.

Occasionally, after a few protrusions exploded, thick maggot-like creatures fell out of them, and crawled a few times on the ground surrounded by flames, only a small pile of black ash remained in the end.

Liu Shengli sniffled and said, "This smell... seems to be quite fragrant, what the hell..."

After he finished speaking, he retched twice. He didn't know if it was because he was hungry, but he instinctively thought of the picture of himself eating roasted maggots.

"The ones on the tanned corpse are probably living pills. No wonder Tianling Sanren fed it with so many human heads, and there are many parasites on him. It seems that the reason why the living pills are called living pills is not only because the pills are living pills. Eggs, but also because living people have to be used to plant them.”

Xiao Ran couldn't figure out the reason behind this, but he could roughly guess that it was the larvae that laid their eggs on the human fly. The price to be paid for this so-called perfect symbiotic human fly is to live long and become the carrier of the living pill.

Tianling Sanren really wanted to live forever, so why would he want to explore this method to achieve his own longevity?

A strange smell suddenly rushed over, not the smell of meat being cooked, but more like the smell of some kind of spice.But this kind of fragrance is not pleasant, but has a kind of fragrance-like feeling, rushing to make people dizzy.

"Put on all the masks! We're about to withdraw!"

Xiao Ran felt that if he stayed any longer, there might be some changes, and changes would happen later.The three of them turned around and were about to walk towards the slope trail, but they suddenly found that something was wrong with their surroundings.

The wax corpse, which was lying quietly in the pit and used as an oil lamp, now has a raised abdomen, and the things inside are extremely restless, writhing crazily.

The wax corpse closest to them was stretching out its face with force in its belly. The belly of the wax corpse was stretched into a thin film, and the face with protruding eyes and a part of its mouth could be vaguely seen under the belly.

Xiao Ran's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that these wax corpses were indeed pregnant women who had been fed live pills.Before Tianling Sanren left here, they had fully mastered the method of using pregnant women to make human flies.This is not only the place where he cultivates living pills, but also the hatching room for those successful experiments.

There are eleven corpses here, that is, eleven baby manflies about to hatch.In this way, the three of them are definitely going to break here.

"Go, go, go!"

Xiao Ran hurriedly greeted the two of them, and ran towards the slope trail without looking back.Seeing that Xiao Ran was so panicked, Liu Shengli and Xu Er knew that what happened next might be serious, so they quickly pulled their legs apart and followed closely behind Xiao Ran.

While running, Xiao Ran turned his head with a flashlight to take pictures from time to time, worried that the two people behind him would be in trouble if they moved too slowly.When Xiao Ran's flashlight was on the wax corpse at the bottom of the slope for the last time, he saw the belly of the wax corpse burst open, and a pink hand protruded from it.

He quickly turned off the flashlight and ran towards the sound of water getting closer.The moment he passed through the water curtain, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and his face was slapped straight to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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