Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 247 One Worm Missing

Chapter 247 One Missing Worm

At a critical moment, Xiao Ran quickly drew his knife, and stabbed it against the wall.

Sure enough, as he expected, the floor of the suspension bridge in this corridor had been retracted to both sides of the wall, and Guan Shandao was now stuck between the wall and the floor.He held the handle of the knife with both hands, stepped on the edge with both feet, and formed a right triangle with the knife and the sand below.

He seemed to be able to smell the sour smell on the sand that hadn't dissipated through the mask.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er, who caught up later, saw that Xiao Ran only had two soles facing them, so they quickly slowed down their pace. Using the oil lamps on both sides, they saw that Xiao Ran was squatting on the sand, and quickly lifted him up together.

At this time, there is no need to use a flashlight, and the oil lamps stretching on both sides of the corridor can clearly illuminate the dung and sand in the middle.

"Xiao Gang! What's the situation? Are we not allowed to leave?" Xu Er asked.

There was a trace of excitement in Xiao Ran's tone, and he said: "Not necessarily, the earthquake that caused landslides and ground cracks just now, all the organs were reset, so the sound can be heard from a long distance. This means that the organs outside the door should also be disarmed, We have a chance to go out!"

Liu Shengli said with a look of embarrassment: "But this too..."

"To die or to be clean?! Let's go!" Xiao Ran shouted.

At this time, the wax corpses in the cave had their stomachs exploded one by one, and the oil lamps were all extinguished.A strange "humming" sound came from the darkness from time to time.

It seems that those baby flies that have just emerged have not yet mastered the ability to fly, so this is a good opportunity to escape.Xiao Ran was leaning on a knife, Liu Shengli was leaning on an engineering shovel, and Xu Er could only use a shovel with a wooden handle like an axe, sticking it between the floor and the wall, and the three of them stumbled forward.

Before passing by two oil lamps, Xiao Ran ordered the two of them to extinguish the fire, so as to prevent those baby flies from following the light of the fire.However, the IQ of these things is not low, and the sensory ability is very strong, and it is only a matter of time before they find this tunnel.

In addition, there is another worry, that is, whether the giant desert worm is still alive, or whether it has slowed down and is ready to pull the three people who are struggling on the sand into the sand at any time.

I don't know if he was too nervous, but Xiao Ran could always hear the sound of flapping wings coming from behind, but every time he looked back, he found that it was just the echo of the two people behind him when they were stepping on the sand and rubbing against the wall .

Because the sandy ground was wet, it was like mud. If you stepped on it, it would be fine if you stepped on it one foot deep and one shallow foot. In a short time, the shoes of the three of them were filled with sand, adding a few catties of weight out of thin air.I was already tired, hungry and nervous, but now it made the escape a lot more difficult.

When they reached the middle of the corridor, the three of them had to stop and knock on the wall every few steps to knock off the sand that had almost become a shell.As a result, they felt even more nervous, so that Liu Shengli sank a little deeper with one foot, thinking that the feeling of falling was that desert worms were pulling him down, and screamed in fright.

It wasn't until he got close to the entrance of the corridor that Xiao Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief.On that sandy beach, there were several worm corpses, large and small, which had been pressed into the surface of the sand by the falling floor, looking like the red threads of Shaqimari's green and red threads.

Xiao Ran used the tip of the knife to pick up the corpse of the worm to the sides to make it easier for Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were behind him, and he walked a few steps faster with all his strength, and finally jumped from the sandy ground of the corridor to the stone room at the door.

The stone door had been closed, and the female ghost guarding the door was sticking out her blood-red tongue, looking at them halfway through the crack of the door. The only difference was that a bone-shaped protrusion protruded from her mouth.

Xiao Ran sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were behind passed by the corpse of the desert worm both exclaimed.Liu Shengli hurried forward three steps and two steps forward, and jumped into the stone room.Xu Er looked at the worm corpse a few more times in surprise, but quickly followed and left the corridor.

"Manager... Let's take a breath... Breathe..."

Liu Shengli no longer cared about the wet sand they had brought out on the ground, lying on the ground with his face upside down, breathing heavily with his eyes closed.Xu Er sat down against the wall, looked at Xiao Ran, and stroked his chest to comfort himself, as if he had something to say.

Xiao Ran regained his strength one step at a time, stood up with difficulty, walked to the stone gate, and studied the female ghost who was different from before.He shone a flashlight on the female ghost's mouth and saw some clues.

One point deep in the female ghost's mouth, there was a small triangular thorn, which was where he had to pierce his hand when he opened the door, and there were still dried blood stains on it.Immediately above the spike is this protruding bone-shaped protrusion.When a person is in the tomb, he no longer needs to reach out and pierce his fingers, he just needs to press the bone-shaped button.

"Have you rested enough? Let's go?" Xiao Ran asked.

Liu Shengli sat up from the ground with difficulty, his face turned pale.But he still tried his best to stand up, patted the residual sand on his body, packed his luggage and walked to Xiao Ran's side.

Xu Er walked up to Xiao Ran, and said to Xiao Ran: "Xiao Gang, I counted it, it's not quite right..."

Xiao Ran pressed the button in the female ghost's mouth, and the image of the female ghost turned around, and the "beauty" with white face and red lips, who was scarier than the female ghost, turned to this side, and then the stone gate began to shake and make the sound of stones rubbing against each other. , and then slowly go up.

Xiao Ran turned his head and asked Xu Er: "What did you just say? What's not right?"

Xu Er said: "That bug, the big red bug, is not quite right. We killed seven before, but now there are only six, and one small one is gone..."

Xiao Ran suddenly became nervous, and squatted down to look outside the stone gate.As expected, the steel thorns outside the door have been retracted, and the aisle leading to the top is unimpeded.

It's just that the distance raised by the stone gate is not enough for people to pass through, so Xiao Ran had no choice but to ask Liu Shengli and Xu Er to squat beside the gate, and climb out as soon as the distance is right.He himself turned on the flashlight and shone into the depths of the tunnel.

Amidst the noise of the stone gate opening, there was a faint "rustling" sound coming from the direction of the sandy ground.Xiao Ran hastily scanned the surface of the sand, in case another worm would come out and spit acid at them.

Another burst of the same sound came from the tunnel, accompanied by waves of sounds like flies flapping their wings.Xiao Ran's eyes widened, and he lifted the light of the flashlight from the sand, and saw three baby flies with pink and white bodies, stumbling and flapping their unskilled wings, flying towards them from the end of the light.

Xiao Ran hurriedly shined the flashlight on the eyes of the human flies, trying to blind them with the strong light of the wolf-eye flashlight.This trick really worked, the three little manflies closed their protruding eyes instantly, and really slammed around like headless flies, with angry whistles from their mouthparts.

But although the eyes couldn't see them for a while, their mouthparts were like radar, they kept sucking in air to distinguish the smell, and continued to touch Xiao Ran and the others.

"Manager! You can go out, come quickly!"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er got out along the gap under the stone gate, but the human fly was about to fly close, if Xiao Ran turned around and lay down now, it was hard to guarantee that his legs would not be bitten a few times.

He felt overwhelmed, it seemed that a battle was inevitable, but fortunately there were only three...

Suddenly there was a "crash", and a stream of sand flew out from the corridor, splashing everywhere.Then a long red object broke through the sand, just like a meteor hammer, hitting the human fly flying in front.

(End of this chapter)

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