Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 248 Insect Battle

Chapter 248 Insect Battle
The baby manfly that bore the brunt was hit hard by the red meteor hammer that suddenly drilled out of the sand, flew towards the wall next to it, and bounced onto the sand again.

Sure enough, as Xu Er said, this is the missing giant desert worm.This worm was originally grown from a tentacle that was cut off by Xiao Ran. After the three of them were in the cave just now, it has grown a lot. Although its size is not as big as before, it is almost as thick as a person, but now it sticks out. The part of the sandy ground was also about the size of a python.

Obviously, it was also a little confused, and was stretching out the tentacles around its mouth, exploring towards the human fly that was knocked away by itself.

This sudden blow was really not light, Xiao Ran obviously heard a "crack", it should be that his ribs were broken.After all, this human fly has just hatched, and the bones on its body should not have grown yet, perhaps not much thicker than a cat's bones.

The human fly that was knocked into the wall also seemed to be in severe pain. It lay on the sand and flapped its wings. Its slender mouthparts let out a whistle-like scream, accompanied by obvious trembling sounds.

Xiao Ran flashed a flashlight and saw that the little manfly had a piece of skin on its head, and yellow and green blood was continuously flowing out.He yelled in his heart that he deserved it, that he started harming people before it was formed, and that it should be bad luck.

Although the other two little human flies were not as miserable, they were also very frightened by similar encounters. They lay on the sand and stared at the long red monster that suddenly appeared, and kept making whistles from their mouthparts to threaten them. .

Originally, these two parties were chasing after Xiao Ran and the others, but a sudden accident made them all regard each other as the primary enemy.Probably out of animal instinct, the giant desert worm took the lead in attacking, and sprayed a mouthful of acid towards the howling and trembling little manfly underground.

The little manfly didn't have time to dodge, it was sprayed straight on, and its body was sizzled instantly when it half pulled its body, the blackened flesh fell off, revealing the white bones with yellow and green blood hanging underneath.

The little manfly let out a shrill scream, vibrating its remaining wing as if flying to fight back, but because it couldn't control its balance, it fell headlong in front of the desert worm, and became a delicious meal delivered to its door.

The giant desert worm was not too polite, bent down and stretched its mouth to the size of a bucket, wrapped the remaining half of the little manfly into its mouth, and swallowed it whole.

Seeing this, the other two little human flies didn't know whether they already had companion consciousness or just out of defensive instinct, they also fluttered their wings and flew up, swirling and pounced on the desert worm, sucking the protruding mouthparts tightly. When it landed on the worm's carapace, there was a sound of "噗噜咙" like sawing wood.

The original giant desert worm's carapace was extremely hard, but the carapace of the previous desert worm, which was still a larva, was so hard that it was invulnerable, even an engineer shovel and Guanshan knife could not easily cut through it.But now this worm is one size smaller than the larva, and it got out of the sand before recovering in time. The fangs and long mouth of the little manfly, which can unscrew a piece of a brick wall, fit perfectly with its carapace. Chess meets opponent.

After hearing two "pops", the two little manflies pulled out their long mouths from the desert worm, and spit out two round carapaces with bright red flesh.

The tentacles near the worm's mouth exploded instantly, and a scream like a blowing wind came out of its mouth.Those two pieces were turned off the position of the carapace, and became two blood holes.The little manfly stretched its long beak in again, sucking big mouthfuls.With the passing of flesh and blood, the vicinity of the two wounds also collapsed instantly.

The desert worm did not expect that the food it had just eaten would have such a crazy killing intent and appetite. It raised its head in pain and shook its body, swinging a red wavy line in the air.

Xiao Ran was watching the battle from the sidelines, quickly thinking in his mind, this desert worm has been irritated by the human flies, although there are still eight human flies that have not yet come out, but it will be a matter of time.Why don't you help this worm, and let it help deal with the worms behind.If there is only one left in the end, it will definitely be severely damaged, so it is better to deal with it.

Thinking of this, he quickly swung his saber over, cutting to the left and right, and chopped off the two little manflies lying on the desert worm.

His knife was so fast that the two little manflies didn't realize what happened for a moment. The lower half of their body and wings had already landed on the sand, and they were still holding the desert worm tightly with three hands and sucking it.But after taking two puffs, he lost his strength, and the mouthparts slipped off the desert worm.

The desert worm probably sensed that the human flies were attacking and relaxing, lowered its mouth and took one bite, tore off the two halves of the human flies from its body, swallowed them in its stomach, and swallowed the lower body of the human flies on the sand. waste.

It sprayed two mouthfuls of acid from its mouth, and sprinkled it on the wound opened by the human fly.Those two wounds stopped bleeding instantly and turned into a white film, which looked like two large ulcers growing on a slender red tongue from a distance.

"Manager! Come out yet!" Liu Shengli suddenly shouted behind him.

At this time, the stone cave door has been fully opened, enough to run out smoothly.But in the depths of the tunnel, the sound of crawling and flapping wings sounded again. Judging from the intensity and volume of the sound, it should be all the remaining human flies chasing after them.

Liu Shengli's voice also alarmed the desert worm. The worm turned its head, and the tentacles, large and small, stretched out to the direction where Xiao Ran was, and the triangular mouth petals also slowly opened.

not good!It's spraying acid!This thought flashed through Xiao Ran's mind, and he quickly made Liu Shengli back away, and he also stepped aside.But after the previous fierce battle, the worm didn't seem to have rested for a while, and slowly closed its mouth flaps, its body trembling slightly, and it seemed to be exhausted.

Xiao Ran quickly went through the method of opening the tomb door mechanism in his mind, and said to Liu Shengli: "Let Xu Er go to the stone door button on the top, and you wait here. If I say push, let him push it!"

Liu Shengli could hear it clearly, and hurried to greet Xu Er. At this time, the sound of wings flapping deep in the corridor was getting closer.

The desert worm faced Xiao Ran unwillingly, and the other end of its body stretched out from under the sand, facing the depths of the tunnel where the human flies crawled.

Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to shine a light, and sure enough, four more human flies appeared at the end of the flashlight, and the next four also entered the range of the flashlight one after another.

When eight worms came down, Xiao Ran couldn't help feeling a little nervous, wondering if he could handle the desert worms.And after all, this time is different from the last time. The desert worm did not have an accidental conflict with the human fly. What if the two sides suddenly reach a tacit understanding between the insects and attack him together?

The human fly was too close, enough to be blinded by the flashlight, and flew around with closed eyes less than five or six meters away from the desert worm, but screamed excitedly and uncontrollably.

The desert worm's head was facing Xiao Ran, but when the whistles sounded, it suddenly turned its head and opened its tentacles and mouth flaps completely, making a bellows-like exhalation roar, and its whole body was trembling.

At this time, its tail was also slowly raised, facing the direction of the crowd of people and flies.

(End of this chapter)

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