Chapter 249

For a creature with a low IQ like the giant desert worm, Xiao Ran and his party are just food passing through the sand, perhaps it has long forgotten the previous festival.But these human flies in front of him are still fresh in his memory, and he knows the taste by eating marrow, which must be much more delicious than mice.

What surprised Xiao Ran the most was the absorption and utilization rate of nutrients by the giant desert worms.It was obviously seriously injured, but it ate three human flies in a row before, and the bloody wound was stopped by its own acid. At this time, it has grown back a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, while the desert worm was swaying and shaking its body, its whole body also grew up like a balloon. It can be seen how much these human flies, which are fused with Tianling San's efforts and various panacea herbs, are to it. full of nutrition.

Xiao Ran's heart was up and down, and now he began to worry again, whether these little manflies could fight the desert worms and hurt both.With the recovery speed of the desert worms, if they eat all these human flies, I don't know what kind of monster they will grow into. When the time comes, a mouthful of sour phlegm will drown him without burning the skin and eroding the bones.

Xiao Ran hastily turned off the flashlight, hid himself in the dark, and only observed the movement with the two oil lamps near the corridor.

The few human flies rushing forward temporarily lost their eyesight, and only relying on other senses, they felt that there seemed to be creatures in front of them, so they fluttered their unskilled and immature wings, flying and crawling towards the desert worms.And the few human flies with still eyesight in the back, I don't know if they smelled the same kind of smell from the exhalation of the desert worms, so they stretched out their mouthparts and blew a piercing whistle.

The giant desert worm uses vibrations as its sense of hearing. People have to cover their ears when they hear such a sharp and dense whistling sound, and the desert worm is even stimulated so that its whole body trembles.

It was obviously irritated by this sound, raised its tail, shrunk to the size of a watermelon, opened its mouth flap-like organ, and then squirted violently.

A large amount of meat shards and bones mixed with acid rained towards the group of figures.The three human flies in the front were instantly smoked by the rain of acidic meat mud, lying on the ground without moving.And the five at the back were more or less injured. The severe ones had their wings and half of their hands burned off, and the mild ones were also covered in acid spots, and their flesh was burnt black and hard, smoking.

The desert worm quickly swam close, picked up a burnt human fly like lightning, swallowed it with its neck up, and lowered its head towards the other one.

The five human flies in the back were completely enraged at this time, and rushed towards the desert worm. They could fly and crawl, and quickly hugged the desert worm from top to bottom. The mouth began to gnaw on the worm.

The desert worm's carapace has become much harder, and it is not easy to chew it open for a while, but it is still somewhat painful.It lowered its head and swallowed a human fly burned to death by the acid, then shook its body vigorously, trying to shake off those little human flies.

But because it was greedy and delayed, it had given those little manflies too much time to unscrew its hard shell.At this time, three little manflies have spit out the round shells in their mouths one after another, and stuffed their mouthparts into the blood hole of the desert worm, desperately sucking its flesh and blood.

Enduring the severe pain, the desert worm lowered its head and bulged its neck, spraying a mouthful of acid on itself.

The human fly on the top bears the brunt of the blow, while the wingless human fly at the bottom is not only trying to avoid it, but is instantly burnt into broth by the large mouthful of acid spray.

The three human flies in the middle dodged in time. When the desert worm lowered its head, it quickly bounced to the side and successfully escaped.With that big mouthful of acid, the desert worm not only relieved itself, but also took an acid bath for itself.

The acid that can dissolve and burn other living things is a wonderful medicine for itself to heal wounds and stop bleeding.

While the remaining three human flies were flying away, it quickly lowered its head and swallowed two half-dissolved corpses. The white membrane on the wound on its body was slowly shrinking and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the three human flies that bounced off also gathered together again, and rushed towards the desert worm from three directions.

The two tentacles of the desert worm suddenly glowed with blue light, and Xiao Ran realized that the desert worm was going to use the trick of electric discharge again.The previous larger body would be exhausted after a single discharge, let alone this incomplete body that is half the size?

The next result was nothing more than two, three human flies were electrocuted, and then it rested for a while, and then cleaned up Xiao Ran in front of it; it failed to electrocute all the human flies, and then the remaining human flies took advantage of it to suck it while it was resting. Do it, and finally clean up Xiao Ran in front of him.

Xiao Ran felt that he had to prepare to make a move.

Sure enough, the moment the first two human flies approached, lightning flashed in front of the desert worm's mouth. Before the two human flies could scream, they twisted their bodies and fell on the sand. They twitched a few times and then fell silent.

The desert worm lowered its head, shaking as if dizzy, completely unable to resist for a while.

The last human fly took a look and saw that the desert worm was completely out of strength at this time. It flew to the back of the desert worm's neck with a "buzz", stretched out its long mouth at a wound with a white membrane that had not yet grown, and opened its mouth again. suck up.

The desert worm seems to have been anesthetized, and it can't even feel pain, allowing the human flies to greedily suck its flesh and blood.

Seeing that the time had come, Xiao Ran quickly removed the oil pan from the nearby oil lamp, and splashed it head-on on the connected human flies and desert worms.

The desert worm hadn't recovered yet, but the little manfly probably pulled out its mouthparts in a panic after seeing the scene of the sage being burned by oil and fire when it hatched.

Xiao Ran took the torch from Liu Shengli and shouted at the same time: "Let Xu Er push it!"

Liu Shengli shouted in a hurry, and then Shimen trembled, and then slowly fell down.

Xiao Ran hurriedly threw the torch towards the human fly that was still on the desert worm.At the same time, the human fly vibrated its unskilled wings, left the body of the desert worm and flew towards Xiao Ran.

But the sparks from the torch still flew past the body of the human fly, and then hit the head of the desert worm.In an instant, the two strange insects were ignited by the torch, and two flames ignited in the stone room with a "boom".

"Manager! Quick!"

The stone gate had already fallen halfway, Liu Shengli tried in vain to hold the lower edge of the falling stone gate with his hands, and greeted Xiao Ran with a roar.

The desert worm also woke up at this time, rolling painfully on the sand like a fire dragon.And that human fly's wings had been burnt, so it could only struggle to crawl towards Xiao Ran with its few hands and feet that had not been burnt.

Xiao Ran stepped to the side of the stone door in two steps, quickly lay down and rolled over, almost rolling out against the lower edge of the stone door.

The moment the stone door fell completely, Xiao Ran saw the human fly fireball beside the door, staring at him with resentful and unwilling eyes.

Xiao Ran was lying on the ground, before he had time to catch his breath, the stone steps beside him shook twice and began to rise slowly.He hurriedly straightened up, first pushed Liu Shengli upwards, and then stepped to the edge of the raised stairs two or three steps at a time, and climbed up before the stairs returned to level ground.

At this time, Xu Er also ran over from the big button like a stone gate, and stroked Xiao Ran's chest, who was lying on the ground.

"Manager, actually... Since we can close the door directly, why do we have to wait so long, we have to play heartbeat..."

Xiao Ran looked puzzled at the two of them, and said: "Those human flies are not only tenacious, but also have a high IQ. Once they are left alive, they will definitely be a disaster in the future. They do not belong to this world and must be exterminated."

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he looked at the open iron door and said to the two of them: "It's time for us to go out..."

(End of this chapter)

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