Chapter 252
Xiao Ran quickly removed the flashlight and stuffed the bead into his backpack.The ensemble of white whistles disappeared, but at this time more and more rustling sounds were heard, accompanied by a lot of "chi la chi la" sounds like paper being torn.

Xiao Ran felt a "boom" in his heart, and his scalp immediately exploded.Based on the structure of the insect nests he saw just now, he could easily think that these sounds were the moths who were awakened, tore the membrane at the mouth of the nest, and came out of the nest.

The collapse of a corner of the underground palace did not wake up these moths, but unexpectedly this bead like a light ball awakened their brains.

He was standing alone on the platform now, with no escape route in all directions.For the current plan, the only way to escape is to use the same method as before while those gnats are still crawling out.

Now that he didn't care about discussing in a low voice, Xiao Ran hurriedly shouted to the two of them: "Hold on to the rope!"

At the same time, he hurriedly put away the Flying Tiger Claw, and wound the rope into a circle like woolen yarn.He was so anxious that when he was winding the rope, his hand was accidentally scratched by the sharp hook of Flying Tiger's Claw.

The two people on the opposite side were still looking at him in bewilderment. They didn't know why he was so panicked all of a sudden, but they still hurriedly put their horses together and sank, and grabbed the rope tightly to welcome Xiao Ran back.

Below the platform, there was already a faint "buzzing" sound of flapping wings.Once he was hanging in the air, it really became food for feeding, Xiao Ran hurriedly jumped down, and at the same time threw the flying tiger claw upwards.

But he was too impatient this time, before he had time to see the situation on the opposite mountain wall, he jumped straight to the bottom of a huge insect nest, and the flying tiger claw was thrown by him, directly breaking through a hole on the insect nest. The hollow membrane is hooked into the insect nest.

At this time, he didn't care too much, the rope in his hand was a life-saving straw, no matter what was caught in the hook, he had to hold on tight first.

The other end of the Flying Tiger Claw trembled, followed by a "squeak" scream from inside.Xiao Ran watched helplessly as a stream of green liquid was flowing down the rope of Flying Tiger Claw.

This burst of screams was like an alarm bell, causing a new round of commotion in the surrounding insect nests.As far as Xiao Ran could see, one after another was emerging from the membranes of the insect nests up, down, left, and right, with crystal mucus still dragging on their bodies.

He raised his head, just in time to see a gnat coming out of the worm nest above his head, he quickly grabbed the rope tied around his waist, and stepped on the mountain wall to avoid being sideways, thus avoiding being caught by those worms Nest mucus shampoo crisis.

But at this moment, Liu Shengli and Xu Er felt that the rope tied to Xiao Ran was tense, so they pulled back quickly. Seeing that his face was getting closer and closer to the insect nest, Xiao Ran quickly drew out his knife and embedded it in the stone wall. , and at the same time, both legs pushed upwards obliquely, which barely balanced the pulling force of the two people above.

"Stop pulling, listen to my orders!" Xiao Ran shouted.

At this time, the distance between him and the two of them was not too far. He may have heard his cry. He felt that the tension of the rope was loosened, so he quickly pulled out his knife and stepped on the mountain wall to move sideways.

Also because of his shout, a few gnats that had already crawled out of the nest and shaken off the mucus from their bodies flew towards him with vibrating wings.

Although Xiao Ran is on the mountain wall, it is about seven or eight meters away from the platform above.Those huge oil lamps above could barely illuminate his surroundings.He can only judge the direction of the flying fly by the light with very limited visibility and his own sense of hearing.

He felt the sound of fluttering wings coming closest behind him, but when he turned his head, he saw the protruding mouthparts and two eyeballs with almost no eyelids were only one meter away from him.

He hurriedly swung his knife upwards, and the fly that flew close was split in two by him from the middle, and fell toward the depths of the abyss.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and more and more gnats flew in one by one, and he had to yell upwards while waving the knife: "Pull!"

He felt a tremor in the rope, and then began to climb slowly.Liu Shengli and Xu Er didn't get his order just now, they just hung him up out of thin air, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to use their strength at this time.But fortunately, Xiao Ran attracted the attention of the grannies below these platforms, ensuring that the two of them could pull him up without distraction.

At this time, the rope of Flying Tiger's Claw is still in Xiao Ran's hand, and the straw is also a life-saving straw if it is stained with feces, not to mention the blood of some old-fashioned insects?He also didn't care about the sticky green blood flowing to the tiger's mouth, he just held the rope tightly and pulled it upwards.

There was a sudden blackness on the top of the head, followed by a buzzing sound.Xiao Ran didn't care too much, and without thinking about it, he swung his knife and chopped off at the head.

"Don't die?!"

Guan Shan Dao's rough voice suddenly yelled, and then Li Ran felt the saber in his hand being spun by an inexplicable strange force, drawing a strange circle in the air, and the old fly on his head, which was coming towards him, instantly Two wings were precisely cut off, and ten thin legs shook unwillingly, falling into the darkness of the abyss.

Xiao Ran raised his head and looked at the location where the old weed just now was, and couldn't help but seep a layer of cold sweat from his head.These bugs were really cunning, and they happened to be lying on the rope above him just now.If Guan Shandao hadn't stopped him in time, he might have cut the rope with a random swing and killed himself with his own hands.

It seems that these grandmas know that someone is pulling him up, if they don't hurry up, Liu Shengli and Xu Er may also be in danger.He quickly climbed up while pulling the rope with hands and feet before the other fly flew over.

Suddenly he felt his hand loosen and his body staggered.I saw the flying tiger's claws hooked some white flesh with green blood falling down, and then a huge white maggot with a broken back fell out of the hole.

He hurriedly dodged to the side, and the white maggot the size of a dog almost fell close to him.

It turns out that not all of these insect nests are formed moths, and some are larvae, and may even be pupae.No wonder there are dozens of nest rooms in each insect nest, but at most only a dozen or so moths emerge from them one after another.

Xiao Ran looked at the direction where the white maggot fell, and found that the white maggot was within reach of the light, twisted its body a few times, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

What kind of sorcery is this?Xiao Ran was flustered for a while, and quickly swung the tiger's claws up again, and this time, he finally hung firmly on the edge of the platform.


Xiao Ran urged, and he also broke out with all his strength, pulling and pedaling, and finally climbed onto the platform desperately.

Seeing that Xiao Ran stood firm, Liu Shengli and Xu Er collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.Xiao Ran frantically put away the rope, staggered to the side of the two with his legs in a circle, and said out of breath, "Hurry up... Hurry up..."

Liu Shengli asked: "What's the matter, manager? Why are you so scared?"

But as soon as he finished asking, he widened his eyes and looked behind Xiao Ran, Xu Er also shouted tremblingly: "Grandma... grandma!"

Xiao Ran didn't look back, his attention was all attracted by another matter.At this moment, behind Liu Shengli and Xu Er, two red lights suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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