Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 253 Reinforcement

Chapter 253 Reinforcement
Unbeknownst to Liu Shengli and Xu Er, those two red lights hung directly behind between them, exuding a cold murderous aura...

and excited appetite.

A deep red forked long tongue, also under those two points at this time, began to swallow and explore continuously.

"Get down!"

When Xiao Ran gave an order, Liu Shengli and Xu Er were able to execute it quickly without thinking, and Xiao Ran also quickly bent down.

Two red lights with a trace of afterimage popped out of the darkness, and then quickly retracted into the darkness. The whole process didn't even take a second, and behind Xiao Ran, the grandma who just wanted to make a sneak attack was already caught in the shadows. The killer held it in his mouth.

Xiao Ran raised his head, looking at the two red lights in the shadow, he couldn't help feeling joy and peace in his heart.

"On the cliff below, there are all nests of gnats, and now it is estimated that nearly a hundred have hatched..."

While talking, Xiao Ran patted Liu Shengli and Xu Er on the ground.When the two heard the news, they raised their heads in shock.At this time, behind them, the old fly that was held in its mouth was still flapping its wings unwillingly.

The two turned their heads when they heard the voice, and saw that the grasshopper was dangling behind something, they screamed subconsciously, and hurriedly crawled to both sides.

"The good news is that our rescuers are here."

Xiao Ran picked up the torch thrown to the ground by Liu Shengli, slowly extended it to the shadow, and illuminated the owner with two red lights.

The shadow killer in front of him was the thick and long tufted-horned glazed dragon in the torture chamber.It clenched its mouth suddenly, and the grasshopper suddenly let out a scream of "squeak", and its two protruding eyes almost burst out of its head.

The Tufted-horned Glazed Dragon raised its neck and swallowed the old fly whole.The grandma squirmed in Liulilong's esophagus and slid all the way to the middle of its thick body, where it couldn't see any movement.

"Don't be paralyzed, both of you, this is your savior, don't you hurry up and knock one?" Xiao Ran said with a smile.

In the cell before, this tufted-horned glazed dragon helped Liu Shengli and Xu Er out of the siege when he had no time to take care of it.Originally, this move was to make a deal with the previous elixir, but Ken didn't expect that when the two left, he gave it another elixir, and now the deal has to continue.

Seeing this, Liu Shengli and Xu Er hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and thanked them repeatedly.They heard from Xiao Ran that there were nearly a hundred grasshoppers below, and now they wished that the Tufted-horned Glazed Dragon could continue to help.

The spikes on the horned glazed dragon's head swayed slightly, and its tail kept flapping on the ground. Crimson Nobuko kept coming in and out, as if thinking about it.

A "buzzing" sound of flapping wings came from under the platform, and it was getting closer.The tufted-horned glazed dragon leaned over and swam behind Xiao Ran, and stopped on the edge of the cliff like a king over the world, waiting for the swarm of grandma who were about to fly.

Xiao Ran thanked Liu Shengli and Xu Er, then turned and walked towards the left edge of the platform, ready to jump to the platform at the entrance, and returned to the alchemy room.

But as soon as they reached the edge of the platform, they heard the sound of flapping wings, and then at least a dozen or so flies flew up from the gap between the two platforms, and pairs of evil round eyes stared viciously at the three of them. .

Xiao Ran hurriedly pulled the two of them back. At this time, more than a dozen scorpions flew up from the gap, and nearly forty flying insects, which were a circle larger than pigeons, formed a net in front of the three of them.

Xiao Ran flashed a flashlight behind him, and at the intersection of the platforms on the other side, dozens of fly flies also flew out, hanging in the air like in front of him, flying towards the three of them like a net.

On the edge of the front of the platform, the tufted-horned glazed dragon had already fought with dozens of moths.

The tufted-horned glazed dragon didn't care about devouring it at this time, it just shot out of its body like lightning "snapping", ripping open the stomachs of the nearby moths.These bitten gnats were all gutted, twisted and rolled on the ground, and couldn't even fly.

Although the tufted-horned glazed dragon restrains these moths in the food chain, after all, the tufted-horned glazed dragon has a numerical advantage, and can fly into the air, hiding out of the attack range of the tufted-horned glazed dragon.

They quickly adjusted their strategy. The bastard in front was responsible for attracting attention, while the others went around to the side and rear, waiting for an opportunity to attack the tufted-horned glazed dragon.

Whenever the tufted-horned glazed dragon's attack to the front misses the air, the moths behind will swarm up and tear off a scale or two from the tufted-horned glazed dragon's body with their fangs and mouthparts.Although it didn't work every time, and even occasionally the glazed dragon would turn its head and bite back, killing one or two, but if the strategy of the sea of ​​insects continued, the tufted horned glazed dragon would sooner or later lose the wind.

When the Liulilong turned around to fight back, a grasshopper desperately wanted to bite Liulilong's head.But maybe it's because these grasshoppers have just hatched, and they don't know the abilities of their natural enemies yet.The sharp horns on the top of the horned glazed dragon's head are not decorations, but sensitive to the touch. Before it could get close, the glazed dragon stepped forward and pierced the attacker's stomach.

Looking at the fierce battle over there, Xiao Ran couldn't help sighing at this kind of racial restraint, the horns on the top of the glazed dragon just happened to be able to deal with these brain-sucking gnats.

There was a sudden "buzz" in front of him, and Xiao Ran quickly swung his knife instinctively, and chopped down a flying weed.Liu Shengli and Xu Er also waved their shovels indiscriminately, trying not to let the grannies get close.The three of them fought and retreated, and slowly leaned against the pillar on which the cage was hung, relying on the method of fighting around the pillar and the cover of the cage above their heads, they circled the old man.

The three of them were gradually exhausted, but the moths under the platform were constantly hatching new sources of soldiers, and even the tufted-horned glazed dragon had been damaged in more than a dozen places, and looked like a transparent tube with a red pattern printed on it from a distance.

"Manager! Going on like this is not an option! That dragon is unreliable!" Liu Shengli shouted.

Xiao Ran was upset to deal with more and more flying insects, and didn't know what to do.But at this time, the Tufted-horned Glazed Dragon turned around in a circle, and stabbed the three weeds with the sharp horns on its head. Then it trembled and let out a series of "hissing" sounds from its mouth.

The sound was intermittent, as if sending a telegram, and at the same time, the glazed dragon's tail kept beating on the ground, matching the sound in its mouth.

Xiao Ran stared at the tufted-horned glazed dragon, and saw that those gnats did not dare to approach, and sighed in his heart that the glazed dragon was already at the end of its strength, and could only stop the opponent's attack by bluffing.In this way, their chances of surviving and escaping are almost zero.

Is it going to die in the mouth of these bugs today and become three living corpses?

The "hissing" sound came one after another, and it became more and more dense.Xiao Ran looked at the tufted-horned glazed dragon, but found that it hadn't moved at all, it was just swallowing letters to intimidate the swarm of moths in front of it.

At this time, a fly flew towards his head, and he couldn't swing the knife, so he had to bend down to dodge.Unexpectedly, there was a "pop" sound above his head, and he looked up, only to see the granny's abdomen was pierced, with intestines and green blood flowing, and it was held in its mouth by the tufted-horned glazed dragon.

He was shocked by the speed of Liulilong, curious how it came here in an instant to make a rescue.But when he turned his head to look at the edge of the platform, he saw that the tufted-horned glazed dragon was still dominating the edge of the cliff, and dozens of weeds dared not get close.

(End of this chapter)

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