Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 254 Collective Hunting

Chapter 254 Collective Hunting
Xiao Ran turned his head to look at the top of his head, and then at the edge of the platform, and then he was sure that he was not dazzled, and there were indeed two tufted-horned glazed dragons here.

It seems that the purpose of the cluster-horned glazed dragon by the platform just now was to summon its companions to help, and it was not a bluff to frighten away the moths.

With an extra help out of thin air, Xiao Ran's confidence also recovered a bit.He quickly swung his knife and knocked down two approaching scorpions. Liu Shengli and Xu Er also roared and swung their shovels to drive away the nearby scorpions.

The new tufted-horned glazed dragon on its head swallowed the scorpion in its mouth one by one without any haste, then shook its neck contentedly, swallowed the long crimson letter, and let out a series of words from its mouth. "Hissing" sound.

A dozen or so flocks flew out of the group in front of it in an instant, encircling it, trying to slowly nibble away at it with insect sea tactics, just like dealing with the tufted-horned glazed dragon on the edge of the platform.

But this glazed dragon just stuck out its tongue unhurriedly, and then bounced twice like lightning, and the two moths that flew to it fell down in front of the feet of Xiao Ran and the others.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er hurriedly picked up the shovel and slapped the two half-dead grandmas, whose eyes burst and their heads exploded.

The grandparents knew which side was relatively weaker, so they separated more than [-] to deal with the horned glazed dragon on the pillar, and the rest surrounded Xiao Ran and the others.

Seeing that the glazed dragon through the fan had no time to take care of them anymore, Xiao Ran saw that the glazed dragon on the edge of the cliff started to deal with dozens of weeds again, so he waved the thing in his hand, fought and retreated, and leaned towards the wall behind.

"Go to the door, if we can't, let's hide in first!" Xiao Ran shouted.

Although this approach is not kind, but after all, the tufted-horned glazed dragons have racial restraint on the scorpion, and they are here, not helping at all, but may add chaos to the two glazed dragons.

Seeing more and more hatchlings fly up from the bottom of the platform and sweep towards them in all three directions, Xiao Ran's confidence was extinguished again. To lament "how come there are only two glazed dragons with tufted horns".

The granny flies with high IQ also seemed to see the intentions of these three people, so before they reached the door, they surrounded them from the other side.The three of them saw a worm wall rising between themselves and the iron gate, so they had no choice but to turn their backs to the wall first, so that they would not be surrounded by all sides, and reduce the workload of defending attacks as much as possible.

After all, Xiao Ran's Guan Shan Dao is a real weapon, and Xiao Ran himself has some kung fu on him, every time he swings it ten times, there will always be one or two unlucky people near him who are cut to the ground.However, Liu Shengli and Xu Er could only wave their shovels indiscriminately to keep the grandmas from approaching, and at the same time, they shoveled the slashed grandmas on the ground.

It didn't take long for these grandmas to see the strategies and weaknesses of the three of them, so they adjusted their strategies, focusing on harassing Xiao Ran and consuming his energy, and at the same time swooping in to attack Liu Shengli and Xu Er behind him when he had no time to look behind him. .

This strategy was obviously very effective. Facing the increasingly dense swarm of insects in front of him, Xiao Ran could only shout and swing his sword with more vigor, and soon there were more golden stars dancing around in front of him besides the moth.

As for the moths surrounded behind them, several of them had already successfully broken through Liu Shengli and Xu Er's random defenses, grabbed their clothes several times and tried to stretch their mouthparts towards their necks, but they were still driven away in time.

But in general, these swarm attacking moths are already constantly breaking through the defensive range of the three of them.If this goes on like this, the three of them will be exhausted, and it will take only a few minutes to wait for the slaughter.

Xiao Ran was already anxious with a touch of despair, he wanted to try to move towards the iron gate with the two people behind him many times, even if he moved his foot occasionally.But these grubs were very cunning, as long as they stretched out their feet and moved towards the door, several of them would swoop down and attack their legs.The three had no choice but to retract their legs instinctively, and the result was a bit of wasted effort.

There was a constant "buzzing" sound in his ears, and Xiao Ran felt that his eardrums were about to explode.He never thought that with so many big flies around, he could drive him crazy with his voice.

While he was swinging his knife, he looked at the two cluster-horned glass dragons. They were also constantly spinning and bouncing, struggling to cope with the encircling net around them. tail.

It seemed that he still had to rely on himself after all, Xiao Ran turned his head and glanced at the iron gate not far away, only to see a swarm of flying weeds almost completely surrounded them, it seemed that the chance of evacuation in the past was already slim.

Seeing that Xiao Ran and the three of them were struggling more and more to swing their arms, they knew that their strength was exhausted, so they raised the encirclement net and waited for an opportunity to attack directly above their heads, which was the key position that the three of them had been defending all along. .

Liu Shengli and Xu Er waved their shovels, and there was already a tear in their shouts.

Seeing that the defense of the three people was full of fatigue and loopholes, several flycatchers judged that the time for a general attack had come, so they fluttered their wings and swooped down, stretched out their trumpet-shaped mouthparts towards the top of the three people's heads, and twirled their fangs. It is bound to suck the brains of the three of them.

Hearing a buzzing sound above his head, Xiao Ran quickly swung his knife and chopped down the front one, but before he had time to stop and cut back, there were four or five follow-up moths that were already close in front of him.In Xiao Ran's widened eyes, there are protruding eyeballs and mouthparts full of fangs and fine teeth.

"Papapa" sounded several times in a row, and these gnats seemed to be displaced instantaneously, and suddenly hung above.The original flapping wings also stopped, only the ten legs stretched unwillingly, and the weak whistling sound of dying came out from the mouthparts.

Seeing this, the other moths quickly dispersed with a "boom", flying in the air, not daring to approach the three of them, and could only circle back and forth with their wings flapping.

The three of them looked up and saw red lights dotted on the wall in the darkness, and all the dead flys were hanging under these red lights.Xiao Ran slightly raised the torch in Liu Shengli's hand, and saw seven or eight horned glazed dragons of different sizes slowly climbing down from the wall.

At this time, the grandparents hummed, and they all moved away from the wall and the pillars in the middle, and they didn't even want to get close to the edge of the platform.

Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to look around, and saw a dozen horned glazed dragons slowly climbing down from the bottom of the platform, the back stone wall and the top of the pillar.

At first, the tufted-horned glazed dragon stopped at the edge of the platform, straightened its neck and kept shaking, and made a series of fierce "hissing" sounds toward the sky, followed by dozens of similar ones catapulting themselves, and started a group hunting. carnival.

"It's really saved this time!"

Xiao Ran's voice was trembling with excitement, he didn't expect that there were more than one horned glazed dragon.It seems that there is indeed a wonderful balance between nature, and this kind of spiritual creatures, which are rarely seen outside, are actually clustered near the lairs' nests.

Thinking of the fat maggot that he pulled out of the lair just now, it fell to the ground and disappeared. It was probably cut off by a glass dragon hanging on the stone wall.

"See the opportunity! Prepare to withdraw!"

At this time, most of the grandmas were flying in the air, circling with the glazed dragons covering the walls and the ground, and the road leading to the alchemy room had been completely opened.

(End of this chapter)

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