Chapter 255

Xiao Ran took Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were almost crying with joy, and ran towards the first platform where they entered the main hall.

Occasionally, a few greyhounds flew over to stop them on the road, and the three of them saw the way of life close in front of them, their eyes were already red, and they waved the things in their hands like crazy, and slapped those greyhounds mercilessly.

There were also some moths that flew down at the backs of the heads of the three of them. Fortunately, those tufted-horned glazed dragons rushed to help them wipe out the attackers behind them.

The three of them quickly ran to the edge of the platform, crossed the broken gully in the middle, and continued to run towards the iron gate.

At this time, most of the bastards and tufted-horned glazed dragons were concentrated on the nearby platform. Although the glazed dragons were firmly suppressing the bastards on the food chain, after all, one was flying in the sky and the other was crawling on the ground, so the battle was very tense.As a result, some grandmas were able to free up their hands and continued to chase the three of them.

Xiao Ran hurriedly used the flashlight with insufficient remaining power to look around. Now that they are on the platform, there is indeed no newly added Tufted Glazed Dragon to be a rescuer.

"Manager! You guys are still chasing me, what should I do?"

Liu Shengli glanced at the twenty or so grackles flying behind him, covered his head with an engineering shovel, and asked anxiously.

Xiao Ran simply turned off the flashlight, took the torch from Xu Er, turned around and ran behind the two of them, and waved the Guanshan knife and torch in his hand facing the flying grandma.All of a sudden, the swords and fire flew together, and those gnats quickly retreated and hung in the air, finally gaining a safe distance for the two of them.

"Throw oil on the door! Light a fire! Let's seal the door with fire!"

Fortunately, in this underground hall, the most indispensable weapon is flame.When they first arrived, the oil lamps on both sides of the iron gate were extinguished by the human fly mother, but now it saves a lot of trouble.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er unloaded a large oil cup, poured oil on the iron door several times, then turned around and shouted to Xiao Ran: "Manager! Light the fire?"


With Xiao Ran's order, Liu Shengli and Xu Er lit the kerosene on the door, and in an instant the whole door became a huge lamp, almost illuminating the entire platform.

And because of this, more bastards were attracted by the flames and flew over from different directions.

"Xiao Gang! Hurry up! Here we go again!"

At this time, Liu Shengli and Xu Er hid behind the iron gate, and tied the rope to the handle on the inside early, just to make it easier to pull the gate.Relying on the flames of the Huomen, they waved the torches in their hands at the same time, and many of them rushed over anxiously. Because their wings were ignited by the flames, they turned into twisting fireballs and rolled around on the platform.

Seeing this, Xu Er used his ability to attack from a long distance, scooped up a moving fireball with a shovel, and flung it towards the densely packed swarms of grasshoppers in the sky.

He really didn't need to worry about his aim, even though the moths reacted quickly enough, a dozen or so of them were crowded together, and it was inevitable that they would collide with each other when they got out of the way.Every time Xu Er threw a fireball out, at least one or two fireflies would fall from the sky.

The two figured out the knack and became more adept at working together.Liu Shengli was in charge of waving the torch to light the weeds, while Xu Er took advantage of the situation to shovel the fireball and throw it outward.Sometimes Liu Shengli just ignited a fly, and before it hit the ground, Xu Er would beat it and hit it at the same kind flying in the air.

Once there were many fly flies flying at the same time, the two of them didn't want to fight, and quickly pulled the rope to cover the door.Grandma was afraid of the fire, so she had to retreat quickly, and the two came out from behind the door to continue the previous fire attack.

Xiao Ran fought and retreated, always feeling that there were more and more gnats in front of him, it felt like passing through a big cesspit in summer, startling countless mosquitoes and flies.

"Xiao Gang! Lower your head!"

Xu Er's shout came from behind, Xiao Ran hurriedly squatted down halfway, and immediately saw a twisting fireball flying over, blasting sparks in the dense group of weetweeds in front of him.

Seven or eight of them were either hit or splashed by kerosene, and turned into new fireballs in an instant, and ignited several of the same kind beside them during the fall.Xu Er's attack can be said to be the best in the audience, igniting more than a dozen grasshoppers at once.

In an instant, more than a dozen moths surrounded by kerosene appeared on the platform, which also played a certain deterrent effect.The grandma who had gathered together to besiege Xiao Ran before, was afraid that he would become a new fireball at this time, so he didn't dare to get too close, so Xiao Ran quickly stepped back.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly came out from behind the door to meet them, and the three quickly retreated behind the door.Seeing that the prey in their hands was about to leave, the flycatchers followed closely behind and launched the final attack.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran hurriedly unloaded another oil lamp, and shouted to Xu Er: "Get ready to throw the torch!"

After he finished speaking, he let go of his hands, and the large oil bowl fell in the air.Xiao Ran spotted the most suitable spot, and kicked it with all his strength, the oil bowl and a large amount of shark oil flew into the air in an instant.


Xu Er got the order to throw the torch in the direction of the shark oil in the air, and the shark oil would ignite and turn into a wave of fire.The large group of grackles rushing forward were hit by the fire wave, and the whole platform became a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Xiao Ran took one last look at the tufted-horned glazed dragons wrestling with grandma in the distance, and asked Liu Shengli and Xu Er to close the iron gate.

Having been in close contact with the flames frequently, the three of them were so thirsty that smoke came out of their throats.They untied the rope on the door, helped each other climb more than 20 steps of stairs, and felt that the temperature of the iron door was far away, so they relaxed and sat on the stairs to rest.

Thinking that they would have to deal with that big golden statue of Xia Qiusheng later, the three of them fell silent.Xiao Ran just leaned against the wall to rest, while Liu Shengli and Xu Er didn't care about the tightness of the stone steps at this moment, they both collapsed on the stone steps, snoring like snoring, closing their eyes and panting heavily.

This silent rest, nearly 10 minutes passed in one go.Hearing that the breathing of the two people gradually stabilized, and the snoring sound had almost turned into a real snoring, Xiao Ran took the lead to stand up while leaning on the wall, and said to the two of them: "We don't have any water in our stomachs now, if we continue to rest like this, it will be very difficult. It’s easy to fall into a coma here, and you’ll probably be dehydrated when you wake up again. Get up and move around first, and rest when you get to Shimen.”

Liu Shengli and Xu Er didn't answer, but they both sat up cooperatively. Under Li Ran's forceful pull, they finally stood up, and followed Xiao Ran to climb up joint by joint.

The stairs that originally had more than a hundred steps seemed to have no end in sight at this moment. After climbing for an unknown amount of time, the stone door behind the bookshelf finally appeared in front of the three of them.

"Ten minutes of repairing on the spot, and you two will have to work hard later to play with that Xia Qiusheng. Are the torches enough?"

Xu Er and Liu Shengli looked at their waists. They were frightened by the darkness before, so they collected a lot of torches.But after setting fire all the way, the two of them only had half a stick in their hand.

Taking advantage of the rest of the two, Xiao Ran walked down for a while, and found two complete torches for the two to replace.

What he was more worried about now was not Xia Qiusheng's golden elixir corpse, but Xia Qiusheng had already destroyed the bookshelf before they entered the stone gate.Now this stone door is very likely to be stuck and unable to open.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Xiao Ran pulled the lever by the wall.Although the lever fell smoothly, there was a "creaking" sound from behind the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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