Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 257 Seeing Xia Qiusheng Again

Chapter 257 Seeing Xia Qiusheng Again

Under Xiao Ran's flashlight, that thing looked like a golden frog with a human head.

His whole body was slippery and sticky, as if he had just been skinned. His limbs were slender and muscular, but his hands and feet had long claws that resembled frogs and lizards, and the sharp nails reflected a gloomy white light.He has no eyes, a skull-like hollow for his nose, and two dimpled membranes for his ears.Sensing that there was someone in front of him, he opened his mouth and let out a low growl like a beast. The corners of his mouth stretched to his cheeks, as if to divide his head into upper and lower halves. Inside his mouth were two rows of sharp long teeth.

Looking at this human frog with a golden surface, and thinking of the golden skin in front of the stone gate, Xiao Ran understood that this monster like a human frog was Xia Qiusheng after shelling.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er turned their heads and saw the new version of Xia Qiusheng lying on the door, and they all cried out in fright.Xia Qiusheng seemed to be irritated by the sudden double cry, he hissed threateningly, and then swooped towards the direction of the sound.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiao Ran shouted loudly, Liu Shengli and Xu Er hurriedly retreated to the side.Xiao Ran drew out the knife, but he had no time to swing it to chop, so he could only hold the knife to block Xia Qiusheng's two sharp claws.

Xia Qiusheng rushed forward, as if he felt his fingernails touch the cold sharp blade, so he held the blade tightly with both hands.Seeing that Xia Qiusheng's two feet with sharp claws were about to step on his chest, Xiao Ran quickly turned around and threw Xia Qiusheng into the alchemy room.

Xia Qiusheng's hand was cut by the blade, and golden blood penetrated into the blade, and the surface of Guan Shan Dao also glowed coldly.

"It tastes good! I want his life!" Guan Shandao shouted.

"Yo, you old man is finally willing to speak up?" Xiao Ran laughed.

Guan Shandao smacked his mouth and said, "Stop talking to me! I have chopped up so many corpses, goblins, and even countless beasts. This is the first time I have met such a human pill whose blood has been refined into medicine. Wipe his neck for me, and I will definitely help you in the future."

Dan?It turned out that Xia Qiusheng practiced Changsheng for half a day, but instead refined himself into a pill.At this time, Yi Jiugui also laughed and said: "This man's pill is indeed a great tonic, licking a mouthful of blood can increase life for one year, Lao Xiao, why don't you try it too?"

"What if you lick twice?"

Xiao Ran looked at the blood marks left on the knife, frowned and thought, taking a mouthful of one-year lifespan, which seems to be a good way to live forever.This Xia Qiusheng is so big, if he goes back and draws a tube of blood every day...

At this time, Yi Jiukui replied: "Lick twice? That can't last two years. This thing is like Tang Monk's meat. Eating it all has the same effect as gnawing his nails. Anyway, it only lasts a year..."

"That's not worth it! Leave it to Laosha!"

In this way, it is better to use this Golden Corpse Pill for a Guanshan Knife that works well, so as to save yourself from doing those disgusting things.

Xiao Ran saw Xia Qiusheng, who was thrown away, rolled over and got up again, and shouted to Liu Shengli and Xu Er: "Go ahead, I'll lure him away!"

He quickly ran into the alchemy room, and shone a flashlight on Xia Qiusheng's face, imagining that he used the light to attract Xia Qiusheng's attention as before.

But Xia Qiusheng didn't seem to see the light at all, but quickly crawled towards the two who were banging on the wall.

Xiao Ran was startled, it seemed that Xia Qiusheng had shed his shell, and his sensory abilities had completely changed.In the past, except for the eyes that could barely sense light, the sense of hearing and smell was useless.But now the eyes don't have any light sensitivity, but the ears are very good.

Taking advantage of Xia Qiusheng passing by, Xiao Ran hastily yelled into Xia Qiusheng's ear, which really made Xia Qiusheng stagger, and slammed aside.

Xiao Ran jumped to the wooden door of the alchemy room, threw the copper pole towards the two of them, and shouted: "It's up to you two!"

"We...don't do it!" Xu Er said as he picked up the copper pole.

"Think for yourself!"

After Xiao Ran finished shouting, he closed the wooden door with a "bang", and faced Xia Qiusheng with a flashlight and a horizontal knife.Xia Qiusheng shook his head and listened carefully to the conversation of the three, then he grinned and let out a strange "Jie Jie Jie" laugh.

"This thing...can understand human speech?" Xiao Ran said to himself.

"This thing can be regarded as a living person, not a demon or a corpse, so the stinky Taoist priest and the little Lingzhu can't feel his existence. Not only can he understand human speech, but he can even hear our speech..." Yijiu Kuo said.

As soon as his words fell, Xia Qiusheng laughed strangely again, and quickly crawled towards Xiao Ran, jumped up in the air and stretched out his two claws to stab Xiao Ran's head.

Xiao Ran was still talking to Yasujiu Kui, but Xia Qiusheng suddenly launched an attack, so he had to raise his knife again to defend.But Xia Qiusheng suddenly turned around in the air, his hands were his legs, and his feet kicked hard on the Guan Shan Dao, kicking Xiao Ran straight back.

After Xia Qiusheng landed on the ground, he quickly backed away, shaking his head to listen carefully to what was happening on Xiao Ran's side.

With great difficulty, Xiao Ran stood firm, watching Xia Qiusheng shaking his head on the ground, he was furious.Unexpectedly, when Xia Qiusheng got out of his shell, not only his sensory abilities changed, but also his IQ and physical agility improved a lot. It seemed that he could no longer be dealt with as an ordinary monster.

This time, without waiting for Xia Qiusheng to pounce, Xiao Ran ran over quickly, dragging his knife, and slashed towards Xia Qiusheng with one leap.

Xiao Ran was determined to win this blow, when the blade fell, Xia Qiusheng still tilted his head stupidly, as if resisting it.

But when Guan Shan Dao was about to strike Xia Qiusheng, he heard a "Dang" sound, and the Dao hit the ground, which made Xiao Ran's mouth go numb.

He looked at the knife in his hand in shock, and the golden frog-like Xia Qiusheng beside the knife.It turned out that the moment the knife fell just now, Xia Qiusheng moved an inch to the side quietly.But even this mere inch is enough to avoid the fatal blow from the head.

Before Xiao Ran could pull back his strength, Xia Qiusheng had already opened his mouth wide, and was about to bite towards Xiao Ran's neck.Seeing that Xia Qiusheng's head was close in front of his eyes, Xiao Ran had no choice but to cry out in despair instinctively.

Unexpectedly, Xia Qiusheng stopped his mouth in fright when he yelled, and jumped a few feet away in a row, shaking his head non-stop, and obvious disgust and disgust could be seen on his irrelevant face.

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and stepped back, facing Xia Qiusheng in a defensive posture.

Why did Xia Qiusheng back away when he called out just now, and why did he still act so cowering, could it be...

Does he dislike his tone?Having not had any water for such a long time, there may indeed be some difference in his breath.Xiao Ran took a breath and smelled it, but there was no strange smell.

There is only one possibility, that is, Xia Qiusheng is afraid of loud noises.Xiao Ran shone the flashlight on Xia Qiusheng's face, the obviously thin white eardrum was the guarantee of his sensitive voice analysis.

When the knife fell just now, Xia Qiusheng was able to accurately identify the direction of the knife falling by tilting his head and listening carefully, and accurately dodged the attack within an inch.

Xiao Ran hurriedly used his flashlight to shine a light on the scattered debris beside him, and an idea came to his mind in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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