Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 258 He's Going Out

Chapter 258 He's Going Out
Xia Qiusheng shook his head for a while, the discomfort caused by Xiao Ran's yell just now gradually disappeared, and he turned his ears sideways to catch Xiao Ran's voice again.

Xiao Ran held his breath and stood by the door holding a knife.At this time, the clanging noise outside the door was his best cover.He tensed his whole body, trying his best to let Xia Qiusheng only hear the sound of Liu Shengli and Xu Er smashing the wall outside the door.As long as Xia Qiusheng dared to come towards the direction of the wooden door of Danfang, Xiao Ran would be sure to give him a fatal blow at the right time.

But Xia Qiusheng seemed to have seen through its mind, and let Liu Shengli and Xu Er work in full swing, making the sound of metal colliding with masonry, but he didn't intend to rush over, but walked along the Dan The edge of the room, crawling and pacing little by little, as if looking for Xiao Ran wholeheartedly.

Perhaps after two confrontations, Xia Qiusheng has seen that Xiao Ran is the most difficult one to deal with, and also understands that Liu Shengli and Xu Er are concentrating on digging the wall, and it is impossible to hunt him with Xiao Ran, so he prioritizes killing him Enter Xiao Ran.After tidying up Xiao Ran, the remaining two are nothing more than a dish to him.

At this time, Xia Qiusheng was getting closer and closer, and was about to reach the other side of the door.Xiao Ran thought that this was fine, so that he would not have to struggle with his life, it would be better to just sit back and wait for Xia Qiusheng to come to his door.

He looked at Xia Qiusheng who was slowly approaching, and slowly raised Guan Shan in his hand, his eyes were completely focused on Xia Qiusheng's bare sky cap.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er rushed out, banging on the wall loudly, and the broken wooden door of the alchemy room trembled slightly.A small stone fell from the door and just landed on the tip of the knife that Xiao Ran raised.

With an inaudible "ding", Xiao Ran didn't take it seriously, but Xia Qiusheng, who was already close to the door, suddenly raised his head, grinned like a strange smile with his sharp teeth and big mouth, and waved his claws towards Xiao Ran. His head swiped over.

Xiao Ran's knife was originally raised upwards, but in order to guard against this, he had to rotate the knife downwards and use the blade of the knife to resist the sudden claw.The sharp claws and the blade brushed against each other, making an ear-piercing friction sound.

Shocked by the sharp sound, Xia Qiusheng quickly rolled and retreated several steps, grunting in dissatisfaction.Xiao Ran also quickly took advantage of the situation to distance himself from him, picked up a broken bamboo slip from the ground, and threw it far away.

Although Xia Qiusheng hadn't recovered from the pain of being disturbed by the friction sound, he heard a crackling sound from the wall next to him and crawled over following the sound.

Taking advantage of Xia Qiusheng's rush, Xiao Ran was able to keep his body stable again.Xia Qiusheng's hearing was too sharp, especially when he was close to him, he could even detect such a small sound.But it was precisely because of this excessive sensitivity that Xia Qiusheng himself was in trouble.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran held the flashlight in his mouth, slowly bent down, picked up a half-drawn pottery from the ground and held it in his hand, and said "Hey" slightly to Xia Qiusheng's direction.

When Xia Qiusheng heard the voice, he really used all four limbs and flew towards him like a wild beast.Holding the half-drawn pottery in his hand, Xiao Ran picked up the knife and slashed fiercely on the edge of the pottery. There was a whistling sound instantly, and the piercing sound like scratching glass spread throughout the alchemy room.

Xia Qiusheng, who had stretched out his sharp claws and flew towards him, had to cover his ears in the air, and lost his balance because of this.When Xiao Ran leaned over, Xia Qiusheng bumped into the wall and landed beside Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran saw the opportunity and chopped it up with a knife.Xia Qiusheng reacted quickly, knowing that Xiao Ran was beside him at this time, and he also keenly caught the sound of the blade cutting through the air.But at this time, he had just landed in pain, and there was no time to dodge, so he had to raise his arms to block.

With a "click", Xiao Ran's knife sank into Xia Qiusheng's forearm.Enduring the pain, Xia Qiusheng raised his other sharp claw and swung it at Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran had no choice but to draw his knife back, allowing Xia Qiusheng to escape.

Xia Qiusheng dragged half of his broken arm, and quickly retreated towards the door of the Dan room, and slammed his butt against the wooden door, making the two broken doors creak and creak.

Xiao Ran grumbled inwardly, he was worried that Xia Qiusheng would suffer from him, so he turned to trouble Liu Shengli and Xu Er.Even if Xia Qiusheng had lost all four limbs and an arm, dealing with them would be like crushing a chick to death.

But the more he worried about something, the more he came. I don't know if the wooden door of Danfang had reached a critical point because it had been repeatedly opened and closed. At this time, it was bumped by Xia Qiusheng, completely detached from the door frame, and fell straight down.

The wooden door was smashed on the ground, stirring up a burst of dust, which completely connected the alchemy room with the stone room outside.Liu Shengli and Xu Er, who were frantically knocking on the wall, turned their heads and saw Xia Qiusheng, who was like a golden frog, stopped at the door of Dan's room, with his butt pointed at them, screaming in shock.

But when Xia Qiusheng heard the voice behind him, he just tilted his head slightly, and then turned to the direction where Xiao Ran was before.Xu Er was the first to wake up from the panic, picked up the slingshot and shot an arrow at Xia Qiusheng's head.

Xia Qiusheng didn't turn his head back, he just tilted his head slightly, and the arrow flew past his cheek.Liu Shengli was also like a mad dog approaching a dead end, screaming in fear, while swinging a shovel and smashing towards Xia Qiusheng.

"Liu Shengli!"

Xiao Ran yelled anxiously, but he could only watch Liu Shengli go to die like a moth to the flame.But Xia Qiusheng didn't dodge or dodge, and he didn't turn around and rush towards Liu Shengli. Instead, he raised one leg and kicked back and up.

This kick happened to be on Liu Shengli's shovel, and the engineering shovel came out of Liu Shengli's hand and hit the stone door with a "dang".

Liu Shengli collapsed to the ground immediately, and he was less than one meter away from Xia Qiusheng.But Xia Qiusheng just turned around slightly, and based on the direction of Xiao Ran's exclamation just now, he accurately locked Xiao Ran's position.

"Huh?" Xiao Ran couldn't help asking a question.This Xia Qiusheng, could it be that he... looks down on Liu Shengli and Xu Er?These two people are too weak in his eyes, so he didn't bother to make a move when he brought them to his lips?

"Old Xiao, this man Dan can understand people's words and also have people's ideas. Guess what he wants to do?" asked Yi Jiukuo.

Xiao Ran instantly understood Xia Qiusheng's thoughts. The reason why Liu Shengli and Xu Er were kept was not only because they were too weak, but also because they were smashing the wall to open the door.

This Xia Qiusheng, he wants to go out!
Xiao Ran thought to himself, this evil cannot be left behind, and with this appearance, it is impossible to go out to accumulate virtue and do good deeds anyway.Since Xia Qiusheng won't take action against Liu Shengli and Xu Er for a while, he has less worries and can deal with Xia Qiusheng freely.

Thinking of this, he decided to switch from defense to offense, and took the pottery and Guan Shan Dao, he took the initiative to run towards Xia Qiusheng.

(End of this chapter)

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