Chapter 259 Gunshots
Looking at Liu Shengli and Xu Er who were still in a daze, Xiao Ran shouted to them: "Hurry up and get on with it!"

In terms of fighting against this advanced version of Xia Qiusheng, Liu Shengli and Xu Er are basically of no help.Instead of letting them add to the chaos, it is better to let them continue to dig the wall with peace of mind. In this way, they are trying to maximize their own safety.

After all, in terms of escaping, Xia Qiusheng had the same interests as theirs.

When Xia Qiusheng heard Xiao Ran running towards him, he didn't dodge or dodge. Instead, he tore off the severed arm and threw it towards Xiao Ran while screaming in pain.

The nerves of the severed arm were not completely necrotic at this time, and the hand with sharp claws was still twitching uncontrollably, but the fingers were still exerting force because of this.

Xiao Ran had already approached Xia Qiusheng, but he never expected that this monster could "sever the arm of a strong man" for him, so he could only stop and dodge urgently, and raised his knife to block the still dancing broken arm.

Although he avoided the flying stab of the claw, he did not escape the extra surprise.The blood that was gushing from the severed arm was blocked by him, splashing across his face in an instant, and of course splashing into his half-opened mouth.

A smell mixed with blood, metal, and herbs rushed straight to the throat.Like choking on water, he swallowed it without any defense.

"Yo! Congratulations to Lao Xiao, that's just one more year of longevity, and I can eat dumplings for another year..." Qiao Jiukui joked.

"Fuck you! Ugh..."

After all, it was the blood of that half-human, half-monster, and Xiao Ran felt sick from the bottom of his heart.He retreated while retching, but felt a warm current spread from the esophagus to the internal organs and limbs, and finally went straight to the sky.His body gained a bit of strength in an instant, and even the dizziness caused by overwork before was swept away at this time.

Unexpectedly, this golden elixir really had miraculous effects, Xiao Ran suppressed his nausea, and forcefully suppressed the acid water that had already gushed out half.

Xia Qiusheng tilted his head, carefully listened to the conversation between Xiao Ran and Yi Jiukuo, then raised his arm to look at his broken arm, and instantly understood that the broken arm he threw just now had added to Xiao Ran's life. Lie on the ground and growl, his whole body trembling slightly, it can be seen that he is very angry.

Xiao Ran wiped his mouth, grinned at Xia Qiusheng and said, "Your blood tastes good. I have to bring you back alive and raise you well. Selling your blood every day will definitely make a lot of money. Don't worry, I I will definitely not let you die, and I will provide you with delicious food and drink every day..."

Xia Qiusheng got a general idea, and was even more enraged by his words, roaring and rushing towards him.

"Good come!"

What Xiao Ran wanted was for him to lose his mind, seeing him jumping crookedly with only three limbs, Xiao Ran dodged to dodge, and hit Xia Qiusheng's ear with another noise attack.

Xia Qiusheng only had one hand, and he could only cover one ear, so he rolled to the side, howling.Xiao Ran swung his knife to strike, but Xia Qiusheng already knew Xiao Ran's tricks, so he escaped the fatal blow, but his side was still cut open.

Xiao Ran didn't expect Xia Qiusheng's reaction to be so quick, so he could only take a few steps back before making any plans.But Xia Qiusheng was wounded by him in two places, one light and one heavy, so it can be regarded as a small victory so far.

But Xia Qiusheng's sensory ability and athletic ability are too outstanding, what Xiao Ran intends is not to defeat him, but to kill him in the alchemy room, otherwise if he escapes, it will cause harm to one party.Xiao Ran was thinking about how to deal with him, the flashlight swept across the downed alchemy furnace, and a golden object caught Xiao Ran's attention.

It was Xia Qiusheng's sloughed-off golden head shell, which was kicked out by Liu Shengli before, and landed next to the alchemy furnace.

Xiao Ran thought of a good idea, he didn't care whether Xia Qiusheng planned to attack or defend at this time, he ran directly towards the missing golden head shell.

Xia Qiusheng heard that Xiao Ran's footsteps were in disorder for a while, so he rearranged his posture and crawled towards the direction where the sound of Xiao Ran's footsteps stopped.As soon as he arrived at the alchemy furnace, he heard the familiar sound of rubbing knives.

This time the friction sound was not as harsh as before. Although Xia Qiusheng still let out a roar, he did not cover his head and shrink back, but resisted the discomfort, and waved towards the side of the harsh sound, which was where Xiao Ran was. paw.

There was a muffled sound of "poof" in the darkness, and after the sound, Xiao Ran quickly dodged to the side, raised his knife and slashed at Xia Qiusheng's neck.But Xia Qiusheng turned around as if he was caught blind, and the saber slashed on one of his legs.

Xia Qiusheng was angry and in pain, and kept waving his sharp claws on the spot. Xiao Ran had no choice but to step back first, and then find a chance to wipe his neck.

"Manager! The wall has been dug through, we can get ready to go out..."

Liu Shengli came in to report the progress of the project, but seeing Xiao Ran in the distance and Xia Qiusheng spinning around beside the pill furnace, he didn't know whether to laugh or not.

It turned out that Xiao Ran just scratched the alchemy furnace on the ground with a knife, causing Xia Qiusheng to misjudge the direction.While Xia Qiusheng was still waving his claws, he put the golden skull on Xia Qiusheng's head again.

Xia Qiusheng didn't realize what happened for a while, but felt his hearing drop suddenly, so he turned around in a circle, and inadvertently saved himself again.

"Understood, you guys study the handle first, and then open it after I tell you!"

Liu Shengli got the order, and went to discuss with Xu Er how to handle it.Xia Qiusheng heard the conversation between the two, and seemed to realize that there was an extra layer on his head. With a low growl, he pulled the hood and tore it in two.

But he was too anxious and didn't control his strength well, so that the bulging eardrum on one side of him was cut by sharp claws.

Xia Qiusheng rolled on the ground and howled in pain, Xiao Ran felt that this was a good opportunity, so he rushed over and wanted to slash Xia Qiusheng's neck.But Xia Qiusheng heard the sound of Xiao Ran approaching with the other eardrum still intact, so he turned over and jumped up, crazily rushing and flying around the alchemy room.

Xiao Ran failed to take the head again. Facing Xia Qiusheng who was in a berserk state, he also had to dodge. Only when Xia Qiusheng landed beside him, he seized the opportunity to slash as much as possible.

But a few cuts only left a few cuts on Xia Qiusheng's body and legs, which made Xia Qiusheng even more angry, roaring and running around in the alchemy room.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "Ka Ka Ka" from the stone gate, and then the stone gate wobbled up.

"Didn't I say to listen to my signal before driving?!" Xiao Ran roared anxiously.

Liu Shengli stammered and said: "I... we just plugged this in, just tried to break it... why did it open..."

At this time Xia Qiusheng also heard the sound of the stone gate opening, he no longer entangled with Xiao Ran, but rushed towards the opened stone gate.

Xiao Ran was shocked. With Xia Qiusheng's beast-like crawling speed, once he got out of the door, it would be difficult to catch up.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" sound from outside the stone gate accompanied by fire, and Xia Qiusheng, who had already rushed to the door, flew back into the alchemy room as if he had been knocked away by some strange force.

Xiao Ran looked at Xia Qiusheng who was on the ground, and saw a big hole was opened in his chest, still smoking slightly, it was a gunshot wound.

An extremely familiar voice came from outside the stone gate: "Brother Xiao? Is it Brother Xiao?!"

(End of this chapter)

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