Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 260 It's Old Hu and Fatty!

Xiao Ran didn't see the person at the door clearly, he couldn't even believe that the familiar voice would appear here.But looking at Xia Qiusheng who was dying on the ground, and the obvious gunshot wound on his chest, it showed that all this was not an illusion.

"Boy, why are you still standing there? While he's still alive, chop off his head!"

The rough sound of Guan Shan Dao sounded, and Xiao Ran hurriedly slashed at Xia Qiusheng's neck before he took his last breath.

From Xia Qiusheng's severed neck, blood gushed out with gold in it, and it all dripped on Guan Shandao's body.There was a sound of the knife that only Xiao Ran could hear, like the howling of an eagle and the howling of a dragon, and the whole knife shone with a dark golden streamer.

Guan Shan Dao's refreshing and exciting buzzing buzzed continuously, as if Achilles had been soaked in the water of the Styx, and the slight scratches left by previous battles were completely repaired in this shining golden light.

Xiao Ran chopped off Xia Qiusheng's head and stood there in a daze. This was the first time he used the Guanshan knife to cut off the head of a living person, if Xia Qiusheng was still a human being.

In fact, he didn't know whether Xia Qiusheng had killed people like Tianling Sanren before he became like this, and whether he would really eat people and chew bones to harm one party after he escaped.

The most important thing is that no matter whether he has done evil or will not do evil in the future, it is not necessarily up to Xiao Ran to take his life away.Xiao Ran didn't know if he was killing people, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

"Remember the blade, the drug-soaked demon will die! Hahahaha..."

Guan Shandao's wild laughter sounded in Xiao Ran's mind, Xiao Ran looked at the slightly trembling blade with a complicated expression, and even felt that he was the murderer.

"Hey... with this kind of virtue, it seems that I have never killed anyone before. Boy, listen carefully, this thing is not a human, but a demon. It is a demon that abandons father's essence and mother's blood and defies the heavens. , all things, regardless of human beings, animals, vegetation, should cherish the good fortune of heaven and earth, follow the laws of nature, and end their lives well. Whether you commit suicide, self-mutilation, or self-destruction, you are going against the sky and destroying Tao, not to mention those who harm people's lives for their own selfishness. The murderer mandrill.

"I can taste it. In the past, this thing was definitely selfish and harmed other people's lives, but in the end it ended up hurting yourself for selfish gain. What you are doing today is doing justice for the heavens and paying for its sins. Otherwise, he will definitely harm people for cultivating demons when he goes out. You have done a righteous deed, what is so sad about it!"

Guan Shandao's chirping sound of sharpening the knife, like a bell ringing in the clear night, cut off the doubts in Xiao Ran's heart.Yi Jiukuo teased: "I never thought that this lunatic would have a day of reasoning with others. What's even more ridiculous is that someone was educated by a lunatic."

Guan Shandao let out a disdainful "tow", and Yin Yang Jing answered: "A good man and Guan Shan use killing to stop evil, and it is a small loss to save a great virtue. I respect it."

"Smelly Taoist priest, you just want to get along with me, don't you?"

"Shut up, old liar!"

Hearing that the two were bickering again, Xiao Ran withdrew his mind, shook off the remaining blood on the knife and put the knife away.At this time, Liu Shengli shouted in surprise from the door: "Fat...fat master! Why are you here?"

"It's not just me! Old Hu is here too! You are indeed here!"

Xiao Ran followed the sound and saw a burly man standing at the stone gate with a double-barreled shotgun, holding a flashlight to shine on him.With a round face and a big belly, who else could it be if it wasn't Fatty Wang?

"Brother Fat! This is really what you want! Mom who wants to breastfeed, someone who misses her mother's family, the uncle of the child..."

Xiao Ran was both happy and excited, he never expected that Fatty and Old Hu really came.He hurriedly greeted Fatty with the slang words he was most familiar with, and stretched out his arms to give him a western greeting.


The fat man also let out an exclamation, and walked towards Xiao Ran quickly with a flashlight.But Xiao Ran's arms flew into the air, and the fat man passed him directly, squatting on the ground to study Xia Qiusheng's golden corpse.

"Good guy! Hurry up and look! These are golden rice dumplings? The flesh is golden, and even the blood has gold in it? Oh, it's a waste, it's not worth more than the dried rice dumplings in the desert..."

Hu Bayi also held a gun, came in from the door with a nervous face, walked quickly to Xiao Ran, looked him up and down, and said: "Brother Xiao, did you take the team down to Dadouer by yourself? He was not injured. Bar?"

Xiao Ran quickly waved his hands: "What big fight, it was completely an accident, this journey exhausted me..."

Seeing that Xiao Ran was fine, Hu Bayi kicked the fat man's ass again and shouted: "Is it time to study this stuff? What's the mess outside? Let's take Brother Xiao and the others out quickly!"

"But Lao Hu, this golden rice dumpling..."

Seeing that the fat man was still looking for money, Xiao Ran quickly explained that this thing is not gold, but that some physical abnormalities have occurred and so on.The fat man looked suspiciously at the molting shell lying aside, and then let it go.

"Brother Hu, Brother Fat, how did you get here?" Xiao Ran asked.

The fat man hurriedly replied, "We were called by the pheasant..."

"What the hell is the pheasant crowing..." Hu Bayi interrupted, "It's a long story, but we did come here to take a look when we heard the pheasant crowing down here. I didn't expect you to be here. .Let's hurry out first."

Xiao Ran nodded in agreement, told Liu Shengli and Xu Er to pack themselves up, and they hurriedly left Shimen.

When entering the cave before, the pheasant with one bald wing was also pacing in front of the stone gate.Seeing Xiao Ran and the others coming out of the cave, it stopped and tilted its head to look at it as if it had met an old friend, and kept making chirping noises.

With the flashlights of Hu Bayi and Fatty, Xiao Ran saw a lot of hairless lynxes in the middle of the stone steps, as well as the corpses of grannies chopped up by the mechanism.

"It's thanks to the chicken that reminded me to stop on the handle of the switch, otherwise Lao Hu and I would have been left here just now." The fat man said.

Xiao Ran looked at the head-shaking pheasant, and said to Liu Shengli: "This guy is very lucky, and he even saved our people. He shouldn't die here, so let's take him out with him."

Hearing this, Liu Shengli carefully approached the pheasant and picked it up.The pheasant seemed to have understood what Xiao Ran said, and did not resist, allowing Liu Shengli to put it into his backpack.

Several people went up to the first step again, where there were also some lynx carcasses melted by green alum oil, and white smoke was still emitting slightly.

"Persian green vitriol oil is a kind of sulfuric acid. It is stimulated with tomb wall bricks or corridors. It is a common anti-theft method in tombs..."

Fatty rushed to introduce Hu Bayi to Xiao Ran and others.Xiao Ran smiled and said nothing, this was Hu Bayi's original words, which were copied by the fat man.

Seeing that Liu Shengli and Xu Er didn't respond with much surprise, Pang himself felt bored, so he stepped over the steps to open the mechanism first, and ran up.

Xiao Ran and the others followed Hu Ba and returned to Xia Niang Temple step by step and two steps.It was already night, and when I looked up through the hole in the roof, I could see the shining stars in the sky.The cold but fresh air rushes into the lungs, which lifts the spirits.

The three of Xiao Ran were like fish out of water, breathing in the fresh air with big gulps, wishing to fill themselves up.

"Old Hu! They're here again!"

The fat man who had arrived outside the temple yelled loudly, and then the sound of the shotgun sounded again.

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