After a "bang" gunshot, Xiao Ran heard the wailing of animals.They followed Hu Bayi to the gate of the temple, and saw the fat man changing bullets for a double-barreled shotgun. There was a hairless lynx lying in front of him.

The lynx must have been shot at close range, and its entire abdomen was smashed, with colorful viscera scattered all over the floor, and the knee of one hind leg was also affected by the firepower, leaving only the skin and flesh connecting the legs together.

It lay on the ground, mechanically making a duck-like sound from its mouth.Xiao Ran and the others were familiar with this kind of sound, it was the sound that those living corpses would make after being drilled into their brains by grandma.Because the brain is occupied, this type of living corpse, no matter whether it was a human or a beast, can no longer control its own vocal organs.

Its remaining three claws planed aimlessly on the ground, but the bulge on its head slowly split open, and a light green liquid flowed out.

"Yo... Yo! Why did you get shot and give birth? Why did it come out of the head?" the fat man exclaimed.

Hu Bayi frowned and said, "Fatty, don't be so blind. What kind of cub is this? It's a parasite. It is estimated that these lynxes are controlled by this thing. Get ready to fire!"

As soon as the words were finished, a long-tailed moth had already come out of the lynx's head, staring at the people in front of it with its two eyeballs.Hu Bayi and Fatty didn't wait for the chrysalis to come out, they opened fire together and smashed the chrysalis to pieces, and pieces of meat mixed with green plasma flew around.

"Brother Hu, is this the first time you've seen this thing?" Xiao Ran asked.

Hu Bayi nodded while changing bullets.It seems that they entered this abandoned village, did not fight the lynx much, and arrived at Xia Niang Temple.Those lynxes that were killed by the agency may have died together before the lynx showed its head.

He had to admire Hu Ba's ability to judge these things, as well as Fatty's unconstrained imagination.

"Old Hu, these grandsons haven't gone far, they've been wandering around, guarding us." Fatty said.

Hu Ba loaded the bullets and said to the others: "The guns used by Fatty and I are not easy to use. We can only effectively kill these lynxes at close range. We can't kill them. Hurry up and retreat until we reach the mountain pass... "

Before he finished speaking, three lynxes rushed over.Hu Ba shouted to the fat man: "Fatty! Aim at them and hit them on the head, we will be in place at once!"

"Look here!"

Two lynxes rushed forward, Hu Bayi and Fatty fired two shots at once, and the heads of the two lynxes, as well as the chrysalis in the bulge, were blasted into mud.

Another lynx came galloping after him. Hu Bayi and Fatty had no time to turn their guns, so they had to yell for everyone to disperse.But Xiao Ran met him head-on, slashed at the side of the lynx, and forcibly cut off the two legs of the lynx, one in front and one in the back.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er followed up, picked up the shovel and smashed the head of the lynx indiscriminately, smashing the head of the lynx and the granny who just wanted to escape into meat sauce in a few strokes.

"Hey~brother Xiao, you guys can do it!" Hu Bayi exclaimed.

Xiao Ran looked back at the two people who were still full of murderous looks, and smiled at Hu Bayi: "That's right, our team has passed the test of blood."

The few people didn't dare to chat any more, before the rest of the lynxes came, they hurriedly ran along the shortest road towards the small mountain pass when they came.

A few yells soon sounded behind, and the footsteps became more and more dense from the sparse before. It seemed that the lynxes in the ancestral hall were inviting their friends and began to hunt together in the dark.

The abandoned village was surrounded by steep walls on all sides. After the original road was destroyed, the small mountain pass became the only way for them to enter and exit. If they continued to run forward, they would only be intercepted and killed by these four-hoofed animals halfway.

While running, Hu Bayi said to several people: "Brother Xiao, you are almost exhausted, run to the exit first, Fatty and I will split into two ways to lead them away!"

"Brother Hu..."

Before Xiao Ran finished speaking, Hu Bayi and the fat man turned around and fired two shots at the chasing lynx group.Although the scattered bullets couldn't kill a lynx, it caused seven or eight lynxes in the front row to be shot, and fell to the ground somersaulting.

The lynxes following behind couldn't prevent the front row from falling, and they all tripped one after another, and immediately got entangled with each other and rolled together.

This shot really bought time for everyone to escape, Xiao Ran gritted his teeth, and called Liu Shengli and Xu Er to follow behind and escape desperately.Hu Bayi and Fatty deliberately turned on the flashlights, dazzled the eyes of the lynxes, and then roared into the alley next to them.

Xiao Ran and his party ran forward with their heads sullen, and there was no sound of the lynx's paws stomping on the ground behind them.They ran until they reached the stone tablet when they entered the village, and then stopped out of breath.

"Manager,'s okay...take a break..."

Liu Shengli was afraid that he would not be able to get up if he sat on the ground, so he had to lean his butt against the stone tablet.Seeing that this was a good idea, Xu Er came over and sat on the other side of the stele.

Xiao Ran shone the flashlight in the distance, the gunshots of Hu Bayi and Fatty, and the cry to attract the lynx came from a distance, which at least proved that the two were still safe.


Liu Shengli and Xu Er suddenly called out, and Xiao Ran quickly turned around to look at them.It turned out that the two of them didn't sit still and fell from the stone tablet.

"I just sit and sit, but you have to come up to join in the fun, are you sitting down?" Liu Shengli complained.

Xiao Ran looked at the stele, and they actually sank a little because they were sitting on it. He wondered if the ground had also caved in for a long time.

"Hurry up, both of you, hurry up and retreat, I'll go find them..."

Xiao Ran watched the two leave, and hurriedly walked across the alley, following the voice to meet Hu Bayi and Fatty.But before he could take a few steps, the ground suddenly trembled, causing him to sit down on the ground.

When he managed to get up, Hu Bayi and Fatty had already turned out from the alley in front. Seeing a dark figure ahead, they quickly raised their guns to shoot.When he saw clearly that it was Xiao, he hurried over and dragged him to continue to evacuate towards the mountain pass.

"It was dangerous just now, and I was almost caught by those beasts. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden shock, which knocked those beasts out. Let's hurry up and retreat!"

The fat man hastily explained what happened before, and the three of them ran forward with their heads buried.At this time, the ground motion eased a little, and the sound of "poof" of the fleshy claws hitting the ground behind him continued to approach.

Seeing that Lishan Pass was getting closer and closer, the three of them didn't dare to turn back to stop them, they could only run with all their strength.When they were more than ten meters away from the mountain pass, two yellow flashlights suddenly hit their faces.

"Manager, get down!" Liu Shengli's voice shouted.

The three rushed forward when they heard the sound, and then several gunshots came from the front.When Hu Bayi and Fatty heard the gunshots stopped, they quickly got up and fired another round behind them, then quickly pulled Xiao Ran up to the mountain pass.

Xiao Ran saw that in front of the mountain pass, besides Liu Shengli and Xu Er, there were two other people holding shotguns to defend.He recognized these two young men with the best marksmanship in Futou Village, and had clinked glasses with him on the night of the Wanghuo Banquet.

Taking advantage of the moment when the lynx herd was knocked down, several people hurriedly ran out along the mountain pass.At this time, the earthquake started to intensify again. Everyone stumbled and walked through the valley, and stones fell from above from time to time.

Xiao Ran glanced behind him, just in time to see a lynx just walking into the mountain pass, when the huge boulders suddenly fell down one after another, burying the lynx, the mountain pass, and all the secrets of the abandoned village and Xia Niang Temple.

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