Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 268 You have to add money

Chapter 268 You have to add money
Xu Er looked at the black bear behind the tree, with a pointed nose, red eyes, bloody mouth and fangs, and a big white V on its chest, shaking with the thick body of fat.A string of halazi poured down from its mouth, followed by a foul-smelling and deafening roar.

Xu Er was so startled by this cry that he almost pissed off, got up on hands and feet, and quickly backed away.

His first reaction was that the black blind man was really a black blind man, and if he was allowed to stay here, he would find a place to show his original form, and then come back to eat it.

This black bear man stood not far in front of him, he was half a head taller than him, and even his height was similar to that of the blind black man.

Once accepting this setting, Xu Er's head naturally became absurd.Facing this black bear who had obviously eaten human flesh, he didn't run away like a normal person, or fight to the death like a warrior, but knelt down on the ground with a "plop", kowtowing to the black bear like garlic, They all began to beg for mercy.

"Hei Gang, Grandpa Hei, I was just begging for nonsense just now, you dare not take it seriously. For the sake of serving you well these few days, don't eat me...I will return all the money to you..."

While talking, he actually took out the pile of money that the blind man gave him, put it in front of his head, and lay down on the ground, not daring to move.

The black bear was also bewildered by his operation, bent down with a "boom", and crawled towards Xu Er shaking his fat body.

When Xu Er heard the panting sound of "wheezing and wheezing" and getting closer to the stench of the black bear's body, he didn't dare to move, laying on the ground and trembling, hoping that the black blind man in his heart could recover. Raise your palm high.

But in the black bear's world, it first saw the prey in front of it let out a low growl with unknown meaning, then lowered its body to make an attack, and even kept shaking its body to accumulate energy, so it also cautiously surrounded Xu The two hit it off.

Xu Er lay on the ground already crying, this unknown sound made the black bear more careful, only dared to keep narrowing the circle, but did not dare to come straight.

After circling around a few times, the black bear seemed to realize that the prey was just bluffing and hadn't made any other moves so far, so it walked up to Xu Er's head with confidence, and growled its big fishy-smelling mouth.

Xu Er felt a damp and hot stench on his head, and suddenly a wave of resentment surged into his heart.He stood up abruptly and bounced back, shocking the black bear back a few steps.

"Shame on your mother!"

With tears still in Xu Ertong's red eyes, he picked up the slingshot and shot the black bear in one eye.

With a roar of "Oh", one of the black bear's eyes was punched into a bloody hole by Xu Er.The black bear clumsily lifted its paws and kept poking at the injured eye, rolling and thrashing on the ground in pain.

Xu Er was surprised and delighted at this moment, it turned out that it was so easy to fight back, it turned out that the black blind man was afraid of pain, it turned out that he was so stupid after showing his true form...

But before he could be complacent for too long, the black bear got up and rushed towards him, howling angrily.

Xu Er's previous joy flashed by, and seeing the murderous black bear, he fell into a burst of panic again.He backed away again and again until his back hit a tree.

The black bear was still a few steps away, so Xu Er quickly turned sideways and turned behind the tree.But before he could be thankful for his quick reaction, he heard a "click" sound from the tree trunk, and he was also knocked down to the ground.

There was a "creaking" sound behind him, he turned around, and saw that the not-so-thick tree had been broken by the black bear, and it was falling towards the position where he was lying.

He hurriedly crawled aside on hands and feet, and the tree almost fell to the ground against his face.He secretly thought that it was dangerous, but he passed death twice in a row, and his nerves were stretched to the limit. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was exhausted, and he couldn't get up at all.

The black bear broke the tree with its head, and at this moment it kept shaking its head, as if drunk, and almost crawled towards him in an S-shaped route.It seems that the black bear will never stop today if it does not tear him to pieces.

At this moment, Xu Er could only support the ground with his elbows, stepping back in despair.Now it's up to one person and one bear, who can recover first.

Obviously, Xu Er still lost.For a black bear with rough skin and thick bones, breaking a small tree is no more than breaking a wine bottle with a human head, and the dizziness is fleeting.

The black bear's footsteps became more and more steady, until he stopped taking the S-shaped route, he shook his fat and hairy head, and with another deafening roar, he rushed towards Xu Er.

Xu Er retreated to a tree again at this time, he only felt that his legs were so weak that he had no strength, and he couldn't stand up at all.Looking at the bloody fangs that were approaching quickly, it felt like there was no way to hide this time.

But halfway through the black bear's run, suddenly a black light flashed and sank into the back of the black bear's neck.The black bear's growl stopped instantly, and he stumbled forward a few steps, then his legs went limp, his chin landed on the ground, and he slid toward Xu Er with his mouth open.

Xu Er couldn't dodge in time, seeing that Xiong's mouth was already close to his feet, he instinctively spread his legs apart.Xu Er screamed, watching the black bear's big mouth slide a few centimeters away from his crotch, and finally stopped.

As soon as he took a breath, the black bear's mouth closed with a "bang", which made his heart beat wildly again, and he almost peed out.

He quickly mustered all his strength to turn over and dodge, and took a few steps back.Seeing the black bear lying motionless on the ground, he stretched out his foot and kicked the black bear carefully.The black bear was like a big bag full of fat, shaking on the ground, and there was no other movement.

The black bear was really dead, Xu Er was finally relieved.At this time, he finally had the energy to observe the black bear, and saw that the short knife he was somewhat familiar with had completely sunk into the back of the black bear's neck, leaving only the handle of the knife exposed.

A burst of "hehehe" laughter came from his head. Just as Xu Er was about to look up, he saw a black figure jumping down from the tree he was leaning against. It was the black blind man.

The blind man stepped on the black bear's body, pulled out the knife, wiped the blood on the black bear's fur, and turned the black bear over, like killing a pig or a sheep, and opened the black bear.

"You are... quite interesting, you don't hide from black bears, and you even prepare napkins for others..."

The blind man said without turning his head, his tone full of mockery.Only then did Xu Er realize that the black blind man had been hiding in a tree to watch the show.

He didn't know whether to be angry or touched. Although he was watched by the blind man just now like a monkey show, he finally saved his life in an emergency.Perhaps, if he hadn't resisted from the beginning, the blind man would have saved him.

Thinking about it this way, the black blind man just used him as a bait, and when he killed the black bear, he only wanted to see his own happiness.

Thinking of this, Xu Er was furious again, so he unceremoniously picked up all the money scattered on the ground, put it into his arms, and turned to the black blind man, "That... this... need to be added. money……"

(End of this chapter)

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