Chapter 269
The black blind man heard Xu Er's request for more money, and said with a smile: "You are brave, kid, dare to bargain with me..."

He got up silently, and walked towards Xu Er step by step.He was holding a short knife full of blood in one hand, and the other hand was also full of blood. Xu Er couldn't help but tremble in his heart. There is also the possibility of being gnawed up by wild animals, which is not only dead without a place to bury, but also dead without a whole body.

When he thought of going out this morning, his mother told him to go home early for breakfast, but he didn't expect that his last meal was just cold water and biscuits, and he didn't even eat the last bite of the warm meal made by his mother. Wronged.

Seeing the blind man approaching, he instinctively backed away.The black blind man suddenly raised a hand, and he hastily and subconsciously covered his head.Unexpectedly, the black blind man suddenly asked: "This stuff is a good thing, do you want to eat it?"

Xu Er put down his hand, and saw a dark green bear gall in the open palm of the blind man.

"I really have no cash. If you are willing, this thing is very valuable. You may not be able to afford it after working in the crops for a few years."

Although the blind man was smiling, he didn't mean to be joking.Xu Er looked at the bear gall that was still drenched with blood, pressed the acid water that turned up, and shook his head slightly.

Unexpectedly, the black blind man didn't give in at all, he raised his head and threw the bear bile into his mouth, and then swallowed it with a "gulu".

"I don't know the goods...then I'll get you something else..."

Xu Er was still shocked by the black blind man's furry and blood-drinking swallowing of the bear's gall. He didn't expect the black blind man to pick up his dagger, chop off all four palms of the black bear, and quickly peel off the black bear's skin .

Like a skilled butcher, he tied up the bear paw and bear skin with a rope and threw it to Xu Er.

"You take this thing back, keep it for yourself or hand it in for work points, it's up to you..."

Xu Er saw that the black blind man was so familiar with the work of peeling and cutting off the palms, and he really didn't dare to think about whether he would make another red meat ball in this woodland if he continued to bargain, so he had to silently take these bearskin and bear paws. Put it away behind your back.

These rewards are indeed beyond his imagination, at least he knows that as long as he is obedient, the black blind man will not embarrass him, and there may be other unexpected gains.

The two walked forward stepping on the scattered pine needles and debris on the ground.The black blind man is blind but not blind. He just walked forward without even looking at the compass. Sometimes he would suddenly say to himself: "It's wrong... this way..."

If Xu Er hadn't talked to him about his father's experience, he would have felt that the black blind man knew where the big stone ditch was at all.

Stumbling forward all the way, until the pine trees became more and more sparse, it should be close to the edge of the pine forest.Heixiazi obviously quickened his pace, and walked to the last few pine trees first, and there was already an open space in front of him.

Xu Er quickly chased after him and walked to Hei Xiazi's side, and found that the pine forest where the two were located was actually a high ground, and in a small basin below, there were many graves, most of the stone tablets were dilapidated, and even the coffin They are all exposed outside, and the bones inside have been chewed clean by some wild beast.

Under the weeds on the edge of the mound that was originally the grave mound, small holes can still be seen that are covered, and occasionally some furry heads are poking around.

"It smells like death, it's really right to go this way, right?"

The blind man asked Xu Er with a half-smile, and Xu Er couldn't help shivering, feeling that the blind man's two rows of white teeth seemed to have chewed dead human flesh.

No wonder the black blind man would adjust his route just now, and he didn't need a compass at all. It turned out that he was locating by smelling the so-called dead man's smell.

Of course Xu Er doesn't smell anything dead, let alone how many years have passed by in this large deserted grave, these graves have all been dug up, the coffins are basically wide open, there is nothing inside, and there is nothing left. The smell of death has long since dissipated.

This piece of barren grave should be what Xu Er's father said about the hundreds of random graves after walking through the forest for ten miles. After passing through this piece of random graves, it is time to reach the final destination.

Thinking about it now, the tomb-robber monk known as Ba Kun, who led his followers to find the Tibetan God Bureau, must have passed by this messy grave.With his bandit style, no matter whether rich people or ordinary people are buried in this mass grave, he will dig them all up.

The coffins that Xu Er and Hei Xiazi saw were all opened up naked, of course it was their good deeds.

When he got here, Xu Er retreated again.But Heixiazi didn't intend to let him stop here, but walked down to the mass grave basin below.

When he walked, it seemed that he had a "follow me" order naturally, so Xu Er had no choice but to follow him and continue to walk down.

It was broad daylight at this time, and the coffin here had been hanging out for many years, and there was not a single shadow of a ghost worthy of the name.But at the other end of the barren tomb, there is another cliff hundreds of meters high, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to climb over it.

Heixiazi led Xu Er all the way to the edge of the mass grave, and walked slowly along the cliff.He walked a few steps, turned his head and said to Xu Er: "It seems that there is no way, you are not lying to me, are you?"

The black blind man's smile always made Xu Er feel shuddering.He remembered that when the black blind man was opening and skinning the black bear just now, he always had this kind of chilling smile on his face.

However, seeing Xu Er's terrified expression, the black blind man suddenly felt dull, shook his head slightly, and went straight to a big tree in front of him.

This big tree looked particularly eye-catching in this mass of graves, but it was just a tree after all, and Xu Er didn't think there was anything unusual about it.

The blind man pointed to the crown of the tree and said, "Look at this tree, isn't it a little crooked?"

Xu Er looked in the direction pointed by Hei Xiazi, and found that the tree was indeed crooked, and it was facing the direction of the pine forest they came from.In terms of Xu Er's inertial thinking, he immediately felt that the tree had become a spirit, and he stopped alone by the graveyard, yearning to return to the pine forest.

But he suddenly remembered that his father once told him that the direction of the canopy will reflect the direction of the wind.Since the tree has been leaning towards the side of the pine forest, it means that the other side has always been blown by the wind.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the mountain wall on the other side of the big tree.

The blind man seemed satisfied with his reaction, and beckoned him to go to the mountain wall next to the tree.The black blind man scratched slightly with the dagger, and immediately discovered the clue.

The part of the mountain wall facing the opposite direction of the crown of the tree is obviously different from the surrounding rock walls as a whole. It is more like piled up with stones and yellow mud, and after years of reinforcement, it becomes integrated with the mountain wall.

The blind man took out a boxy thing from his backpack, and seeing Xu Er was staring at him intently, he waved his hand and said, "Don't look around, kid, go and stay aside."

Xu Er had no choice but to obediently walk towards the direction pointed by Hei Xiazi, but before he could get out of the way, Hei Xiazi suddenly ran past him in a hurry and rushed towards a sunken mountain wall.

Xu Er instinctively pulled out his legs and ran wildly behind the black blind man. When both of them got into the sunken mountain wall, a loud "bang" sounded from not far away, shaking Xu Er's eyes double, Ears are buzzing too.

(End of this chapter)

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